Are You Shocked At Obama`s Recklessness

Obama's old roommate knows, why can't the rest of the US see the facts?

Disagree. False. Show the link. You just put info out there without any facts and a long azz rant. I am sure you heard all of this stuff from Rush, Beck and the likes who say our presdent hates whites people when he's biracial. You cons you want to to back to the Bush years and eight years of failure. OK, when gas and food prices go back to being sky high don't complain and unemployment still hasn't improve. Don't betch and moan. I think things will get much worst once cons take control. They only care about the super rich not the middle and lower class. ❀

Is this a great ad against Obama or what?

“The fact that we are here today to debate raising America's debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the US Government cannot pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government's reckless fiscal policies. Increasing America's debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that, "the buck stops here.' Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better.”
Senator Barack H. Obama, March 2006

Is it an failure by the Obama Administration that ISIS is about to conquer Iraq? Or the Bush Administration?

No.  It does demonstrate that when you cry wolf too many times, when the real wolf shows up at the door, nobody, including your own family, will believe you until it is too late.   Here is a shocking thought for all us rabid partisans on Quora.  Maybe neither Bush nor Obama are actually to blame for what is happening in Iraq right now.  No, I have not become charitable or soft, I still think the invasion and occupation of Iraq under Bush was a debacle and a fraud.  But he did give us General Petraeus who negotiated the Sunni awakening wherein the Sunnis were brought back and given seats at the bargaining table.  In exchange for certain specific political agreements, they agreed to lay down their arms and form a new government.    The newly formed Iraqi government then proceeded to renege on all of those agreements as soon as they consolidated power.  They also kicked out the US through their insistence that any remaining American troops be subject to trial in Iraqi courts.  That was a non-starter for the US and, as things look right now, a finisher for the Iraqi government.    So by all means , blame Obama if you want but it is beyond risible.  The real culprit is this guy right here..  Imagine that.  Someone from IRAQ may actually be primarily responsible for the  problems occurring right now in IRAQ.  Crazy, I know.

Why do People think Obama is Muslim?

The U.S. is not a muslim country, did you really say that? I thought people came here for freedom to practice whatever religion they wanted in the first place, and I know plenty of Americans that are muslim that were born right here in AMERICA... so what is your point? Its just a religion like the rest. All religions have extremists.. even Christianity... and my family is Catholic, but guess what I am pro choice and was at mass constantly as a child, the beliefs didn't rub off on me.... I think its a form of Racism that is why people dwell on it....there are White & Asian muslims too.. trust me...its not just Black's and Arabs....