Are You Still Relying On Scientific Research For The Cure The Cure For Aids And Other So-called

Didn't Scientists in Iran find an herbal cure for AIDS? Whatever happened to it?

In more general terms you would be surprised how scientifically developed Iran is. You would be surprised to know how many billions of dollars in scientific patents and inventions and medical breakthroughs (within the US alone) lie in the hands of Iranian scientists.

Regarding the cure for AIDs, from what I have read the remedy is not so much a cure but boosts the immune system. It has only gone through either Phase I or Phase II testing which means small numbers of healthy volunteers and small numbers of patients. It is being further developed through Phase III where larger populations of patients trial the drug.

The drug will then have to be submitted for licencing and will be then tested further. It costs millions to test drugs to submission point and thus they wouldn't throw money at nothing unless there was some value in it.

Regarding Iranian science, this is a culture with a huge history of scientific break throughs in fields of engineering, mathematics, medicine and chemistry. Do not underestimate them.

How close is the scientific world is to cure for HIV/AIDS?

The treatment is there. There is a difference between HIV infected people and people with AIDS. HIV infected people can live his whole life without developing full blown AIDS. Now severlal combination of medicines are available in the market to control the progression of HIV in the body.
Treatment of HIV/AIDS normally includes the use of multiple antiretroviral drugs in an attempt to control HIV infection.Standard antiretroviral therapy (ART) consists of the combination of at least three antiretroviral (ARV) drugs to maximally suppress the HIV virus and stop the progression of HIV disease.
Full cure medicine has been successfully tried and may arrive in the market within 5 years.
ATRIPLA (efavirenz; emtricitabine; tenofovir disoproxil fumarate - tablet;oral generic versions of other HIV drugs have been granted tentative approval by the FDA, this is the first version of Atripla—a preferred treatment combination recommended by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services—to be given the green light. The new generic will likely expand treatment choices for people in developing countries, where options are often limited.
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I don't believe that the pace towards finding a cure has slackened. Most clinicians and researchers recognize that even though HIV has, at least in developed countries, become a chronic disease, there are still significant long term sequelae to both chronic HIV and chronic anti-retroviral use. Moreover, underdeveloped countries are still dramatically lacking in even basic HIV care, so there remains an urgent need for a cure and a vaccine. In 2012, the US budget is for $28.3 billion total on HIV-AIDS, of which 10% is directly for research.This amount is an increase over previous years, and the trend is gradually increasing.Source: Henry J. Kaiser Family FoundationAn important question relating to this is whether the amount of money spent on HIV research is appropriate. There are many other (infectious) diseases that have seen money taken away in order to fund HIV research, and many of those diseases are as prevalent (if not more so), than HIV. Ideally, my admittedly biased perspective is that we should devote more money to all areas of research, but the NIH budget has been flat/decreasing for nearly a decade.

Is relying on homoepathic medicine (ie water) to cure cancer as much use as praying to gods for a cure?

Yes, homeopathy is exactly equivalent to praying to non-existent deities and hoping for a "miracle"
So please show me the evidence in peer reviewed journals that "homeopathy is proven to work". Homeopathy is one of the most ludicrous and implausible of all the so called alternative medicines (scams) It's not that "it doesn't always work". It NEVER works. EVER. There is no reason to expect it would from what we know about chemistry, physiology and disease, and no evidence it does work.

I'm not a fan of picking out cases where AltMed went horribly wrong, that doesn't really prove anything..other than refutes the claims that it is "harmless". Yes....many people die from cancer every year. Many people are saved from cancer every year by conventional medicine. Many people get years more quality of life thanks to advances in cancer treatment from science and evidence based conventional medicine. The data are NOT on the side of Alt Med.

And yes...many many Alt Med practitioners DO claim to cure cancer. There are people on this board who claim to cure cancer with various supplements, diets, colloidal silver, oleander extract etc. Alt Med internet sites and books are riddled with claims of cancer cures.

Many forms of Alt Med are less intrusive and painful...not all mind you. They are also all less useful. Cancer treatment can be tough...chemotherapy, radiation, surgery...whatever. But the risk of treatment is outweighed by the benefit for most people. In 100 years, we will look back on this era of cancer treatment and think it was barbaric...but it does work.

Alt Med is not gaining credibility...though it is gaining popularity. You are the one who needs to do some research as your naive comments are completely wrong, misleading and misguided.

Why can't science cure aids, cancer, etc..?

Some say there is much profit in treating cancer

Aids mutates quickly and is a hardy virus. Some scientist
say it is a bovine sheep virus that can't jump species unless
it's genetically altered to do so. It's been said that the outbreak
happened in Africa around the same time as they were being inoculated for whatever it was also in gay communities while I think being inoculated for hepatitis?? I have no idea true or not.
but we know government people have uses humans gor guinea pigs before, syphilis and black men, soldiers exposed to atomic radiation. This Doctor Lorraine Day warned them aids was a blood borne disease and laughed at her they put blood from gay community's in the general blood supply and many people were infected.

Is fact stranger the fiction?????????

Why is there very little research being done to find a cure for herpes?

I got diagnosed with the herpes simplex virus (type 2) about 5 years back, when I was still attending college and had a mindless one-night stand. I know a lot of girls will declare this, but I swear I had never done that sort of thing before. I just made a huge mistake that one time and suddenly I felt like I was going to have to live with the consequences for the rest of my life. The hardest part was feeling I could never date men again. In the end, who wants to go out with a girl who has sores round her private parts? But since a friend shared this movie everything got better.

Not only was I able to eradicate all traces of the herpes simplex virus from my body in less than three weeks, but I was also able to start dating once more. I even met the man of my dreams and I'm so blessed to write that just a week ago, in front of everyone in a crowded restaurant, he got down on one knee and proposed to me!! This program gave me back the chance to be happy and experience real love. Now I want to help you too by sharing this with the whole World.

As far as degrees go, they aren't necessary. The wealth of scientific knowledge is all online for you to search. If you don't have journal access, I recommend you search with PubMedCentral database that is free. Home - PMC - NCBI  All people are constantly entering new fields from scratch, so we all start from 0 when learning something. I did for my PhD, so I would encourage you go out and learn as much as possible toward developing your own drugs. I'll just comment that a lot of open science initiatives are being started that might appeal to you. There is also a Biohacking movement for DIY experiments for biology (DIYbio - for more information) in basements that you could do yourself. This seems to be what you're interested in (more information here - The DIY biohacking revolution is here). The cost of reagents is always going down, and there are some ways to access a common database of plasmids such as Addgene - Homepage. If you need bench space in a formal lab, anyone can purchase it at many different life science incubators for around a few hundred dollars a month. That would get you access to many expensive machines. It's taking time, but biology research is becoming cheaper and more egalitarian. A role model for you might be Ethan Perlstein, Perlstein Lab, PBC, who left academia and started an independent lab by himself. Lastly, I would just encourage you to not let other people tell you, that you can't do something. Don't let other people put you inside walls. Anyone can be a scientist, and the science doesn't care about the race/religion/nationality of the person doing it. The science either works or it doesn't work, no matter who is doing it and in what fancy laboratory. Good luck in your endeavors to develop new medicines.

Why is that Scientists Can Cure Swine Flue H1N1 so Fast, But Not HIV, Cancer, so on?


I highly recommend you do research on general science (as a sum), general biology, and general medicine.

Nobody "cured" Swine Flu.

A vaccination works by injecting you with such a low amount of the virus (I believe, just a one...of each strand going around), that you can't get sick from it, however, you will likely/possibly develop the proper antibodies to better ward off the specific strand of influenza virus if you come in contact with it.

We figured out how to come up with vaccines some time ago.

There are medications to prevent someone who is HIV + from developing AIDS and there are also medications to assist those who have already developed AIDS. A lot of time and money is spent on HIV/AIDS research. There is a reasonable consensus that we will have a cure or many cures for HIV/AIDS in the very near future.

Mind you, that people worked real hard at this, immediately after the early 80's AIDS epidemic. That is why we know to use condoms when we have sex, why we know to screen blood before transfusions, and so on. In a way, we already have the "vaccine". It's called prevention. You can't catch HIV by touching a persons hand.

Cancer is not a virus.

Cancer is when genes which control cell growth go spazz, and cell
growth in an area exceeds that which is considered normal. The
overgrowth then begins to destroy surrounding tissue.

Cancer can be caused by a reaction to certain viruses; exposure to carcinogens (as found in tobacco, or perhaps a nasty factory), immune system dysfunction, hormonal imbalances, certain kinds of radiation, bad genes, and straight up bad luck.

There are vaccines on the market, and further vaccines to prevent
infections from viral strands that cause cancer.

Proper diet, and avoiding smoking, and exercising, and taking vitamins are all ways to lessen the chances of cancer.

If one has cancer, we have things like surgery, radiation treatment,
chemotherapy, hormonal therapy, etc.

I'm not sure what your definition of "cure" is; however, lots of
people defeat cancer thanks to science.

I actually know someone who does a whole heck of a lot of cancer research.... FOR FREE.

How do you like 'dem apples?

Thankfully HIV/AIDS has gone from being a certain death sentence to- with treatment- a chronic disease. Without treatment, the life span of an HIV-1 infected person is 6-11 years. For an untreated patient- after the development of AIDS, the expected lifespan is 6 to 12 months.A patient with HIV-1, with HAART treatment and proper care, can live for another 20-50 years. A patient with AIDS symptoms, with HAART treatment, can live for 10-30 years.The HIV virus is a Lentivirus that infects our T-Cells (CD4+ specifically). Our T-Cells attack foreign bodies, such as viruses. Basically the HIV virus destroys our "missiles", so we have nothing to attack it with. And I call the virus a "bitch" (with no connotations to women!) for the following reason-It has an extremely high replication cycle of 10^10 (100 billion) per day. Thats a 100 billion times 100 billion coming at our T-Cells in two days. And thats not the worst part. They have 300,000 ways they can mutate for EVERY nucleotide base every time they multiply. I don't even know how to quantify this. Basically billions of ways these trillions of viruses can mutate every time they multiply.The most promising things so far have been (I am no AIDS expert!) ways to slow down the replication (they don't come at us in trillions, just billions...) and gene therapy that alters the CCR5 co-receptor permanently. This would be a vaccine which prevents the HIV virus from entering the T-Cells.