Are You Surprised Of What We Have Seen Of Obamacare So Far And Do You Think It Will Get Better Or

Rough estimate on how much Obamacare will cost me per month?

I'm turning 26 in a few months and haven't looked at the website yet...I'm dreading it. I'm a substitute teacher and made $20,000 last year (hopefully I get hired as a real teacher with benefits soon!). I'm in good health, I don't take any medication, no kids, I live in California.

I just want something that will cover a worst case scenario type deal.... say I had to go to the hospital and have a major surgery. I'd be comfortable paying the first $7,000 or so as long as the insurance kicked in and paid for the REST of the bill. Any idea what this will cost me per month? I'm really realllyyy hoping it's under $200

Why do young liberals depend on Obama for their health care?

Regarding Obamacare, I am quite surprised that some people depend on Obama for their health. Good health is an individual responsibility. I have Aetna health insurance but never ever have the need to see doctor. I do exercise 6 hours in the gym every week, don't smoke, don't drink or eat junk food. For millions of people an active lifestyle is the remedy for various physical ailments. I know some people are not young and have problems that do need doctor's care, but for a person in the age group of 18 to 40 doctor maybe avoided. They just have to take good care of themselves physically. I am in late 30's and feel like a 19 year old health wise. If everyone just worked out an average of 1 hour a day of cardio, a lot of health problems will be solved and health care costs would go down. Obesity or being overweight is self inflicted in almost all the cases. It is rarely due to genetics. Whenever I hear a 25 year old or so, Obama supporter saying "i need Obamacare for my health", I am quite speechless

What is your opinion of Obama Care?

I’m a blue state liberal, Obama-voting, and so on, so you might be surprised by my opinion: I don’t like the Affordable Care Act, and I didn’t like it when it was debated the first time in 2009.The reason I don’t like it is not that I don’t think all Americans need universal health coverage. We do, of course.What I don’t like about it is that it’s a legislative solution designed by lawyers. You know the saying, if the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail?Washington saw the problem as “not enough people have health insurance” so their solution was “make it illegal not to have health insurance.”Imagine if we said that it’s a problem that not enough Americans have a college education, or high-speed internet, or access to voting—and the Washington solution was to pass a law saying that everyone was required to get those things.I know the ACA had subsidies, and Medicaid expansion, and prohibited insurance companies from denying or dropping people. But those are sugar-coatings for the misguided solution.The better solution is to make health care cost less. Not health insurance—health care. We spend too much at the provider level, and the health insurance companies naturally pass that along to consumers. That’s what makes our health coverage crisis so difficult.Until we come to terms with the fact that we spend too much per capita on health care costs, the US will not find an affordable solution.

Is Obamacare unconstitutional?

>"to king tut, the bill itself is unconstitutional."

It's no more unconstitutional than being searched at the airport and other so called things being put in place for our safety!

Do you realize in today's environment you can be tried and convicted for treason without the ability to present witnesses, evidence, documents, etc... behind closed doors?

If you actually knew just 10% what "We the People" relinquished as far as Constitutional Rights you'd probably hang yourself.

>"i here of more states and lawsuits against this horrendous bill"

I love it when someone says "I hear, or I heard". Usually this indicates that someone parrots "wing-nut" radio. Check your facts, they're suing based on specific aspects of the bill. If you studied your Civics more closely in school, you just go before the courts at any level and file a suit with your only argument, "this is unconstitutional".

>"you CANNOT force an individual to buy insurance or any product what dont you understand"

This is done all the time. You have a couple of choices, you can whine or you can take the time to understand what it's all about. This bill is NOT going to be repealed! It needs some work to clarify multiple aspects. Repealing will not fix the problem. You'll be surprised who was (secretly) behind many aspects of it. I'll give you a hint, and I am not talking about the Democrats. Some of the same people pretending to advocate it's repeal were behind some of its content.

Ignorance is the true enemy of our Constitutionality!