Arms Trade Post Arab Spring

Why is the war happening in Syria? Who is involved and why?

Mr. John smith’s answer is pretty answer, which I’be already mentioned elsewhwre, is:This is not a civil war, what's happening in Syria is way more complicated than that, it's a well planned and well organized plot prepared many years ago and it has many dimensions:1_Syria’s support to the Palestinian cause and its support to israel’s biggest nightmare (hizbollah)2_Syria’s Geo strategic importance and its ties with Iran and Russia3_the rejection of the Qatari/Saudi gas pipelines project, which was going to stop the European dependency on Russia for gas (this is why Russia would stay with Assad and the majority of the Syrian people till the end)4_simple math and profits: Americans sell more weapons, and each day they create a new group of drugged/unconscious terrorists under numerous names (free Syrian army, jabhet el nusra, ahrar el sham…. you name the rest) they all are the same.5.6.7.even though our government wasn't perfect things were going just fine, we were opening up to the world, our economy was doing very well, and we were fixing our issues internally and peacefully.I still have hope for Syria, I'm beginning to notice that people are finally waking up and discoving the hypocrisy of their governments, such as the American democrats who were the biggest sponsors of the war in Syria, the French government, the Turks, and the Brits…our president said a beautiful phrase a few years ago “terrorism is not a card you play and return to your pocket, like scorpion it stings you m back at any time” people are finally realizing the value of these words, let's hope it's not too late.P.S: seeing the bombings across Europe pains me just as much as the war in Syria.. we are life loving, peaceful, and hard working people, we want to go back to our country and spend the rest of our lives rebuilding it.