As One We Can Change The World

What would you like to change about the world?

to open borders and destroy all stocks of weapons
and live in peace


How can I help change the world?

Volunteering to help the charities you feel are most worthy. This will cost you nothing but some time and help them to either raise funds or maybe even go to places that have problems and assist them directly by digging wells, educating people or whatever.
If you do go traveling you can take your camera to take images of the issues you see these images can the be published on the web to show the 1st world what is really going on.

However be advised that it's really not to nice out there! Having spend 10 months in Africa I have seen children maimed on purpose to give them a 'job' begging and other such things. This is sadly one of the side effects of some charities, some people come to rely on them.

I want to change the world?

Will i be able to? my whole life ive felt that's something i'm supposed to do.I didnt know why,now i do.For the past few couple of months i feel like ive gotten the answers,with many more to learn,but at age 17 my mind is way too up there,Im very insecure so i usually don't completely believe that i could change it,but then i put my knowledge to a test and i always pass it.Impressing myself and those around.I was born a pure hearted kid and still am,even though i have committed a couple sins,but dont we all ?(helped me get where i am),But never taking advantage,or hurting someone that should'nt be hurt.It feels like a life goal,not one i necessarily made up,but one that came my way,like if on my description of life someone wrote " change the world" ,so its a never-ending attraction in my life.If you ask me about money or materialistic things,im highly against them,Money is the root of all evil.I feel like all the answers are in me,and when i look,i find them.
Im not looking for fame,i just feel like,if i cant do something big like that,then everything els would be pointless because thats been something in my mind since i started having one.
Im willing to go through anything,to make it a better world.take care of everyones pain,and suffering,that they cant take care of themself's (animals too),because of the unfairness or unfortunate situation their in.

p.s im sorry for the missing grammer or missing punctuation.i was just trying to get my question across.
Any advice,opinions,please.

Is it possible to change the world?

I'm sick of how everyone acts, taking everything for granted. I want to get people to think about whats really important in the life, i don't care what it takes is just need the world to change or i won't be able to stand it much longer. I assume that most of you will have no real ideas how to change the world or you would have tried them already. Also, im not looking for little everyday things, i want an idea that is plausible and might create some major change in the world. Sorry if the question is jumbled or incoherent, im not a very gifted writer.

Is it possible for one person to change the world?

Several have already done. In a positive way and in a negative way also.

Is it stupid to think that I can change the world?

Yes and No!It's not about what we do but how we do.I have seen people trying to change the system, the government, the country, the world, everything except themselves.Charity begins at home. It is pragmatic to take baby steps. The journey of thousand miles begins with a single step.First, change yourself. Improve your health, your thoughts, your actions and then slowly inspire people who are in and around you to get infected with your goodness.Make your goodness infectious. Always dream big but take baby steps.Helping hands are always better than praying lips. So, bring a delta improvement in yourself everyday. Before changing the world, work on improving your yourself & your home then your neighbourhood then your locality then your city, then district, then state, then country, then continent and then the world.I am only telling that way because, changing the world is too big a Project to manage. So, being a practitioner of Project Management, I have only break down your complex goal into simpler goals ( which are still very complex ;))This is how we build an Airport. We list down what all things are required to make it and then focus on  manageable activities like getting the airport aircondioned, getting all the doors, blockwork, installing CCTVs, Fire Alarms, etc  are manageable ( still very vast)How they build Taj Mahal? Brick by Brick! There is no other secret to change the world.Have you heard this joke, " How can we eat an elephant?" The answer is one piece at a time. The elephant is a metaphor for the world and read eat as " change".So, all the best! I also want to change the world, I am at level one, i.e. improving myself since years, :) ( I keep failing everyday, smile, get hurt, sometimes hurt others, apologize, try to improve, learn, get mocked and appreciated for being a bit weird, a bit eccentric and a bit different. It's fun.)It's time consuming, exhausting but worthwhile experience.Don't try to became the saviour for the world but keep inspiring and doing good for random people for no reason. All the best!