Ask Me A Question On questions please?

Hot or Not and say your name
what is your favourite food
what is your fave color
what is your fave subject
what characteristics do you find attractive in a girl or guy depending on their gender (physical features)
then the same thing personality features
what is the biggest turn on
what is the biggest turn off
what is the scariest thing that has every happened to you
what is the best thing that has ever happened to you
are you looking for a relationship
do you do drugs
do you smoke
what is your biggest pet peeve
do you have any siblings
do you have any pets
what is your favourite personality in relation to yourself
what is your worst quality
do you think your attractive
do you hate school
what is your fave subject
what is your worst subject
what do you dread the most
what are you excited for the most
are you shy or outgoing
do you have a good relationship with your family
who is the closest person to you in your family
do you have a best friend
do you care about popularity if so rate how much you care
do you believe in love at first sight
do you believe in ghosts
are you religious
do you have a crush on someone
what is your favourite song
do you like music
would you call yourself emo
have you self harmed
what would you name your kids
how many kids do you want
do you like to dance

Hope i helped

Ask me clean/dirty questions on

haha, what was that suppose to mean?

Do you need a account to ask questions on

It depends -- some people allow anybody to ask them questions, but some people have privacy setting to allow only people with accounts to ask them.

Can you find out who asked you a question on

Ok so I don't have an account but I asked my friend a question that was kinda rude when I was mad at her one day and she just tweeted just got an app that tells me who asked my questions on so haha so idk if she's telling the truth or not but I'm scared and we just became friends again so idk what to do!!

Which questions are from your friends and not bots on ask fm?

I have a few questions on my account and I don't know which questions were asked by people, or questions generated by the website. Is there any way to know? One question says question of the day, but the other ones don't. Are they also from the system?

How can I delete answered questions on

Someone asked, “How can I delete answered questions on Ask and Answer - ASKfm??”That’s a question which would best be answered on Ask and Answer - ASKfm. This is obviously not that website. However, I see that there is a way to do so. Go to How do I cancel my ASKfm account? and follow the instructions to delete your account and all of your content with it.Thanks for the hidden compliment that Quora can answer questions even on other Q&A websites!

Does Ask.FM ask questions from users anonymously?

No, ASKfm does not ask questions to users anonymously.Only if you click on the button to get a “Random question” you will get an ASKfm generated question. If you do not click on this button, you will not receive a question from ASKfm.Please report any question you find suspicious. In 24 hours ASKfm moderators will review your report and the account who is asking the question.

Is it bad to be sad over the fact that nobody is asking me questions on

Take a chill pill buddy.Nobody's asking me any questions here on quora, but that's not stopping me from answering any available question. Nobody's even up voting them, still that's not stopping me from writing, hell it's motivating me to write even more answers. So Just keep calm and carry on, success is right around the corner. Beyourself...

Why do I mainly get asked sexual questions on

Why do guys ask me sexual questions on usually get sexual questions only. Why? If its not sexual then it's about random thing that don't make sense

There are annoymous

Why can't I ask anyone an anonymous question on

I have been trying to ask people anonymous questions on and it won't let me. It always says @ask anonymously" with a red line through it. The box won't check either. I know this is not just some peoples profile settings because it is with people I KNOW don't have it set that way. Also, my friends can ask some people anon questions and I can't with the same people. Does this mean I've been reported for some reason? How can I fix this issue? Please help!!!