At Some Point Oxygenated Blood Would Enter The Heart Of Each Of The Following Except For

How does blood get oxygenated in the heart?

It doesn't get oxygenated in the heart. The heart pumps it to the lungs. That's where the blood get oxygenated.

deoxygenated blood =>heart, through veins
deoxygenated blood=>lungs, through arteries
simple diffusion in lungs, blood now has high oxygen concentration
oxygenated blood=>heart, through veins
oxygenated blood=>rest of body, through arteries

-- H

Which veins carry oxygenated blood?

Vessels that carry oxygenated blood are called arteries. These vessels have a muscular layer within the walls that helps accommodate the higher pressures and also regulates flow depending on feedback. Veins carry deoxygenated blood and are typically thinner wall due to less muscular composition within the walls. Bringing deoxygenated blood back to the heart is a more passive process.The only exception to this is the pulmonary artery which actually brings deoxygenated blood from the heart to the lungs to be oxygenated (CO2 blown out and O2 absorbed). As such, the pulmonary vein brings back oxygenated blood to the heart to be circulated.Go and study any medical physiology book for a proper comprehension or use Wikipedia. Nice diagrams.

How does the renal artery carry deoxygenated blood if dirty blood comes from all organs except lungs?

Renal artery does not carry deoxygenated blood. It carries the oxygenated blood, After oxygenation of blood in the lungs, the blood flows to the left atrium to ventricle and through the aorta to different parts of the body in different arteries, the abdominal part of aorta gives branches as renal artery to kidneys( Renal artery). The deoxygenated blood from the kidney flows back through renal veins into inferior vena cava and to the right side of heart.Hope it clears your doubt.

What vessel carries the least oxygenated blood?

Arteries are vessels carrying blood away from the heart and veins are vessels returning blood to the heart. Blood returning to the heart has passed through capillaries and passed its oxygen onto the cells. So, generally, veins carry deoxygenated blood.

There is an exception, however, since the nomenclature of veins and arteries isn't dependent on whether or not the blood they carry is oxygenated.When blood returns to the heart from other parts of the body (except the lungs) it enters the right atrium. From there it goes to the right ventricle which pumps it to the lungs through the pulmonary artery. Because this blood has not reached the lungs yet, it is deoxygenated. After it enters the lungs and takes up oxygen, it returns to the left atrium of the heart through the pulmonary vein from where it enters the left ventricle and then gets pumped to the rest of the body.

So the vessels which carry deoxygenated blood are:
1) Veins, except for the pulmonary vein
2) The pulmonary artery

How does blood flow through the heart?

Deoxygenated blood enters the heart from the body via the superior and inferior vena cavae and into the right atrium. Then, the blood flows through the right aterioventricular (AV) valve, also known as the tricuspid valve, and into the right ventricle. From there, the blood will travel through the pulmonary valve and into the pumonary artery, and the blood will travel through the lungs in order to drop off carbon dioxide and pick up oxygen. The blood will return to the heart via the pulmonary veins and enter the left atrium. It will then pass through the left AV valve, also known as the Mitral valve, and enter the left ventricle. From there, it will pass through the aortic valve and into the aorta, where it will be sent throughout the body.

How does the blood flow through your heart?

You are a medical researcher studying the heart. You have been asked to visit a high school class to explain how blood flows through the heart. In your own words, explain in one or two well-developed paragraphs the general blood flow paths in the heart. Be sure your explanation addresses the following topics:

There are four major blood supplies entering or exiting the heart. For each of these four supplies, explain where the blood supply goes to or comes from, the name of the blood vessel carrying the supply, and where it enters or exits the heart.
The heart itself is also divided into two major sections with two chambers in each section. Explain which section carries oxygenated and deoxygenated blood, the chamber the blood enters first, and the second chamber the blood exits from.