At What Moment Does Death Occur

Does the Human body weigh less moments after death?

this is not true at all. contrary to what others have said, death does not result in the automatic release of the contents of our colon and bladder. sometimes this does happen but it's most often due to the build up of gas withing the abdomen resulting in increased pressure on the sigmoid colon, anal canal and bladder - this can cause a discharge)

Why does death take place?

You ask when death happens. Do you ever cut your hair? Can it be said that your hair has died? You were once a tiny baby. Can it be said that the baby is dead and gone?We change. Everything changes all the time. There is no past. There is no future. Everything exists in the infinitesimally small moment that is right now. When that moment passes, we die and are reborn in a new form.Think about this. It is a profound truth. There is no time. But our worldly mind cannot perceive or understand the changes from moment to moment, so it creates the illusion of a static presence.This is the death you think about. You think dying is when the unchangeable you changes to not being you any more. If this were true, then you would still be a tiny baby and not thinking about any of this at all.And you are not the person who started to read my strange answer.

Exactly what happens from the moment of your death?

Disclaimer: I am not a doctor and have never seen a dead body before.Your heart stops pumping so that means that your blood will pool up whether or is, making you go all blotchy and red in some places.In a few hours rigor mortis will set in and your body will go very stiff for a few days, before going floppy again.If your death was for an unknown reason they will do an autopsy to try and find out the cause of death.You will have a funeral and people will cry about the terrible loss.Then your body will be disposed of in the way that you choose when you were alive. If you didn't choose thru will either cremate you or all your family to choose.Then if you were buried your body will be eaten by worms. If you were cremated your ashes will probably be spread over a lemon tree, the ocean, or if you really want to waste your living family's money, sent up in the next space shuttle.

When does biological death actually occur in humans? What is death?

I wanted to know at what point is someone biologically dead.
I have read the stories of people drowning in icy rivers for 30 min and being revived with CPR where those people actually dead? or just in some sort of deep comma? because in my opinion if you can be brought back you never really died in the first place.

I am not really looking for religious answers they dont help a bit

What happens to a person during the moments before death?

I'm an ICU nurse and hospice volunteer. I have seen a lot of people right before they died. Physiologically depends on why they are traumatic, chronic disease, cancer? Somewhat different experiences, however most of them don't want to eat or drink, and hearing is the last to go.
However in my experiences with Hospice psychologically is very similar amoung my patients. They appear as if they are not in the there are no walls. Some have reported seeing & talking to deceased loved ones. Also, they don't like being covered with sheets, kind of like they want to get up and leave but then they are dying and their body is shutting down so they are too weak to move.
Some of my patients were very quiet and confused but then shortly before they died they seemed to be more alert and talkative. A lot of my patients became very happy right before they died and reported a strong sense of peace & joy.
I had one 84 y.o. patient who came in the ER after falling and hitting her head at home. She was bleeding in her brain and was dying. She was experiencing a lot of hallucinations and kept insisting other people were in the room with us. She even scared me at one point by telling me a man was behind me as I was assessing her. She thought she was at a train station and she said her husband (who died 10 yrs before) was sitting next to her and that they were getting ready to get on the train.
She died later that night due to her injuries...she didn't realize she was dying at the time, nobody told her. She ended up going into shock.
The MDs blamed the hallucinations on the injury to the hemorrhage in the brain, but I have had patients that had no head injury and reported the same experiences.

I can't prove this but I know this from my experiences that death of the body releases the soul and the journey begins

Does death begin at conception?

My simple answer is: yes. Death, as well as life, is a permanent complex transition of a living body. From a biologist point of view, a living thing is something that grows, reproduces itself, has some form of metabolism, executes homeostasis and carry on genetic information. So when those processes start to cease, death has begun and it finishes when they are irreversible.However, from a objective standpoint there is no difference between living matter and dead matter, so death and life occur simultaneously. Therefore, one can conclude that everything is dead or that everything is alive.Furthermore, everything is in constant change. Transitioning from configurations of low entropy to ones of high entropy. At the same time everything reconfigures itself: sometimes from one state to another, sometimes from one entity to another (like when your body dies, your flesh will become something else in nature).So it depends on how you view death.

The moment we are born, we begin dying...?

Let me tell you something,

If I thought I was going to live forever then I would not enjoy my life as much. Things would become ordinary and boring to the point that I would wish I was dying. I am glad I am dying while I am living because it makes me go after things that I want in this short life of mine and enjoy every moment as it was my last. Also knowing that death is on its way no matter what, brings urgency to peoples lives to achieve their goals faster. Some of those goals have affected us all, such as those of Shakespeare or Einstein.