Attain A Slim Body With Ease

P90 workout-anyone tried it and had good results?

p90x is tough yet,
but just do what tony says,
hit the pause button, he'll be waiting when you press play again.
"do your best, forget the rest"

theres nothing bad about the original power 90 program,
just doesnt offer much variety, although it does slightly touch on some p90x moves

you basically only have 6 different videos.
strength 1/2
cardio 1/2
strength 3/4
cardio 3/4
ab ripper 100 & 200

so, your basically alternating strength and cardio 1/2 for the first 45 days (along with ab ripper 100 on strength days i believe)
then alternating strength and cardio 3/4 for the remaining 45 days (along with ab ripper 200 on strength days)

the biggest concern is boredom,
i hear that the difference between 1/2 and 3/4 is just basically its faster and a couple new moves are added in. so you still have the mostly the same work from the first phase.

thats not to say its a bad program.

you could also look into a program called Chalean Extreme.
even know you already bought power 90, but who knows..
basically youre lifting weights like in p90x, but the workouts are a lot shorter
insteady of 60-90 min a day, you only need around 35-60 min.

its still considered one of their advanced programs,
but i think it makes it tough for beginners and advanced users alike.

can also go onto the beachbody website
and view their message board,
they have before and after pictures of programs people used,
im sure they have p90 results up there