Baby Hamster Help Fast

My baby hamster went into hibernation, help!!?

I came home from school to see my 4 month old hamster lying face flat in the cage, not moving at all. We took a closer look and she was breathing, but very slowly. We searched up stuff on the internet but it did not help much. We turned up the heat in the house and we are trying to give her small pieces of apple and some water. Later it seemed like she was choking, and she was doing something weird. She started to move her body and like stretch or something and then it looked like she was hiccuping or maybe chocking.. And then she started opening and closing her mouth fast every 5 seconds. Help please we don't know what to do.

Do baby hamsters grow fast???????

Well, when they get to 10 days of age, their skin will turn darker and start growing hair(barely), at age 2/3 weeks, their skin will be completely covered in hair, and they will have opened eyes, mean while, they will be close.By age 4 weeks, remove them from the mother. DO NOT TOUCH THEM AT ALL.Until of age 2 weeks. Or the babies will get your scent, and the mom will believe that they are not her babies and she will EAT THEM. So in 4 weeks, they will be pretty much be all grown up.Good luck first timer. By the way, gather food that is high in protein and that is really fresh, and vegetables. but if she doesn't get to eat all the food, it will remove before start molding. or the mom will probably die of intoxicating it. and nurturing the babies all by yourself is pretty much impossible.By

Hamster won't take care of babies?

Don't worry I remember the last time I panicked when I thought my mother hamster wasn't taking care of her babies. Leave her alone give her her space and let her be a mother. Make sure that your room is warm though, don't want the babies to get a chill in case the mom won't take care of them for a few hours. Don't try to take care of them, I tried doing that when I was seven D: it was a nightmare. It's pretty much imposible definitely since they've just been born. Leaving them with mom will always give them a higher rate of survival. Also about the touching things, it's not advised, but when I used to keep hamsters I always loved patting them and holding them in my hands. It might've been just because MIdnight (my mommy hamster <3) was used to it since the beginning or something but hamsters don't seem to mind their babies being handled too much. Give your mom a day, in the morning if mom hasn't taken care of them they'll probably be dead :/ nothing can really be done for the young ones if that's true. Also try feeding mom some bread dipped in warm milk as well, it'll give her babies healthier milk.
Oh yeah make sure Ninja has some tissue paper for her nest and clean bedding, don't change the bedding right now if it's dirty but in oh a few days if Ninja starts feeding scoop her, the babies and the nest up, put them somewhere safe and change everything.

Do hamsters really die so fast?


Should I release my hamster to nature? My hamster is trying to "break jail" every night. I wonder if it is eager to be free. Will it be happier living in the wild?

If by "the wild" you mean inside your home, then by all means go ahead.He will love living under your fridge. Ours did, when he escaped. Make sure and leave out some food and water and he'll be happy as a clam. Oh, but he'll need a mate. The two of them will be happy under your fridge or they may decide to move into larger quarters behind the dishwasher when the kids arrive. They'll die eventually, probably from chewing on power cords or falling into the toilet. I don't know how ours did it, but he somehow found a way. (We found him before it was Too Late.) Some of their offspring should survive though, and continue to entertain you by climbing into your sock drawer and chewing up your socks to make a nest.In the outdoors, they will soon get cold and wet, and they won't know how to find food or evade predators, so that is not safe for them. They won't be happy at all.I think what your hamster really wants is some exercise. First, he needs a running wheel in his cage. This is an absolute necessity. Hamsters love to run and explore, that's why they love escaping. In measured wheels, they have been recorded traveling as far as four miles in one night! That doesn't mean they want to be fed to the neighborhood cats and owls in the great outdoors.We let ours out for a run every night, indoors of course. We taught them to come when we called. (They were all very tame to handle, so they were not scared of us.) I call a hamster by scratching and making scuttling sounds with my fingers on the floor. They are so curious about that noise that they always come to see if it might be another hamster. Then I just scoop them up. Sometimes they would fall asleep in certain favourite places, like my shoe cupboard. We got to know where to look for them. Don't ever feed them outside their cage (except as bait). If they can't find any food during their outings they are usually happy to find a treat back in their cage when they return.For the more skittish ones, another way to catch them is to put a small dark box on the floor. We used a tea cannister. Dark holes are irresistible to hamsters, they just can't help themselves, but must go in and take a look. Worked every time. We had full-sized hamsters, not the mini Russian ones. The mini ones are much harder to tame and catch, but I think the same techniques might work.

Why do some hamsters eat their newborn babies?

Hamsters will cannabalize their young if they're stressed out. It's a defense mechanism, if a hamster feels unsafe in their environment they'll know their babies are in danger as well. The hamster response to this is to eat them instead of having them suffer.It's horrific. You can easily prevent this from happening.-You need to leave the babies and the mommy alone for a while.-You need to make sure that food and water is plentiful.- The cage should be large (accepted minimum is 450 sq inches),barren except for a wheel, a house, and chews, and nesting material needs to be provided so momma hamster can make a big nest.- The dad needs to be separated from the momma, in the wild hamsters meet only to mate. A mating pair will kill eachother.If you take good care of the mommy, it's very unlikely that she'll eat her babies.

I'm afraid my hamster will eat her babies!?

Hamsters are not mean or discusting by no means she might of known that her pups had some thing wrong with them. The best thing to do is don't breed her any more. Its a sad lost when you loose an animal. Don't be upset with the hammy she is a rodent and they will eat their young but they only eat them if there is some thing wrong with them.Dont hate the mother she had a reason why she did eat the babies. Here's a recap don't breed any more,Don't hate on the hammy, if the hamster was too young that could a reason why. Don't give her meat if it concerns you.if she abandons any of the pups then find a mom that can nurse one that is more experience be a mom.when babies are weened then separate mom, boys,and girls,please breed any more because this might happen again remember this a real animal lover won't hate any animals that would be me.

How do I care for a dying hamster? She can't walk because she's too weak and we don't want to stress her out taking her to the vet.

I agree with One if the previous answers, take the whole cage to the vet or if you can afford it get a home visit from your vet. Your hamster might not be reaching its end but it might be. Hamsters often hide their illnesses and it’s often too late to do anything about it when we realise that something is wrong. It’s heartbreaking I know to take your pet to the vets especially when you think it might me terminal but you do owe it to your furry previous hamster Fred had a stroke and would often fall to one side. He still was bright and wanted to get around. My vet didn’t believe he was in any pain or distress but he was 2 years old. We decided not to put him down but to let him carry on. Around a month later he was lying down on my chest gently stretched out one of his back legs and relaxed. He died. No drama or distress just drifted off. It was a peaceful end and he wasn’t alone. ( as peaceful as it was it didn’t stop me crying like a child )Just a thought, I have no idea of how old your hamster is or it’s condition but have you checked his teeth? Hamsters teeth continue to grow rather like fingernails. If they grow too long they struggle to eat. You might have to wrestle with him to find out or try to offer him some apple by holding it above his head so he has to lift his head opening his mouth to get to it.If a hamster can’t eat properly then they get weak really quickly.Could be something as simple as meeting his teeth trimmed. Hence the need to consult a vet.

Dwarf hamster vs. robo hamster?

one to cuddle with would be either one they both love to cuddle and play too i suggest a dwarf hamster,
i have a russian dwarf he loves to sit on my lap and sleeps on my shirt or pants! he loves cuddling,a robo hamster likes to play more than cuddle with my experiences well have fun!