Bad Grades = Life Over

Are my bad grades going to ruin my life?

'course not! Community college is always an option. If you go there to either a.) get your AA or b.) get the credits you need to transfer to whichever four year college (there are transfer guides available if your community college is the in the same state as your four year college), you'll get into a four year college and get your bachelor's. =) Granted, you'll have to take a math and science (especially if you go for your AA) but most only need one class of each, and there's plenty of help at community colleges to get you through it.

If you go to only get specific credits done, though, four year colleges usually have an amount of credits that you have to do before they only look at your college grades when you transfer. It's usually after 30 credits (or in other words a year to a year and a half), but it varies.

Community colleges really just give students a second chance to do well this way. And if you're thinking that community college will make you seem as if you're just really, really, really unscholarly, it won't. With this economy, a number of students, young and old, have opted to go to community college for their first two years. It saves a load of money (especially if you end up qualifying for grants that cover most to all of the cost).

Do bad grades mean failure in life?

No, it just means you're not good at that thing. There can now be two reasons for it.First- You love studying but you're lazy.Solution- You'll have to study no shortcuts unless you have a supply of the pills like those from the movie "Limitless".Second- You don't love studying but you study cause you're parents force you to do it.Solution- Find something that you love to do and be the best in that thing. Tell your parents that you're not interested in studying(I know they'll be terrified to hear that but you got to tell them).See below quote for inspiration-“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”― Albert Einstein

Bad End of life?

Firstly , Death is never a solution to any problem. Death is not a joke, it won't make you happier or anything. It will bring more harm to your loved ones. It's not a joke, so don't even consider death as an option.

You know what, when you wrote and posted this question, this already tells me that you are going to have hopes in your life. YOU ARE NOT SCREWED AT ALL. You're basically a person who has goals and dreams in life, but didn't take action to make it come true. And at least you have goals and ambitions in your life! You have now realised that what you are doing now is not going to work for you in the future. This is just another stage in your life that is going to lead you to the path of success, but you gotta to overcome it. You have reflected on yourself, and you are realised now.

Take this time and change yourself into who you really are. A man with goals and ambitions and willing to work hard for it. Opportunities are always there if you are willing to step forward to seek for it. I'm not an experienced person but trust me, just do what you want to do. Just try and apply for the college you want, show them your passion and enthusiasm. Show them that you have the will to do so. Tell your teachers about it. Tell them that you have reflected and are going to be a better man, and they would most likely to help you, such as helping you to write testimonial. Keep trying. You can also go and volunteer at vets or animals-related charity to help you gain more experience in the aspects. These experiences can be really helpful in showing your passion in your jobs and it will be of great help in getting a job or course in the future.

Life is like holding a glass of water. When you first hold it, it feels normal and you feel that it is easy. However the longer you hold, the more tired your hand will be and the glass of water seems to be heavier overtime. This is just like our thoughts. The longer you think, the more serious the problem is going to be, and you will be more stressed out by the problem. However, the fact is the problem is simple. Just don't think too much and do what you think you can do. Also, i'm not sure if you have a religion, but you can also pray. Praying do helps. Even you don't believe in God, just pray because it is the sincerity in wanting your dreams to come true that is the most important. If you are sincere enough, you will get another chance.

How can I get over a bad grade (like a d) in a class?

Anxiety is a much bigger problem than grades. No really. Please take a moment and consider that. A D will follow you for a little while. Anxiety eats away at your happiness every second of every day forever. A bad grade isn't a test of your ability to fix it, it's a test of your ability to deal with unpleasant situations without letting it ruin your happiness. Stress is a physiological response meant to make us run like hell if a lion is chasing us. It hasn't been evolved out. But our bodies and brains can't function well if we are having that same reaction to high school grades. It's just not sustainable. So #1 take a deep breath. Anxiety and stress has never helped anyone think more clearly or make the right choices. You definitely have enough time to bring up a grade. You basically have 3/4 of the semester left. The most important thing you need is time. Time to concentrate on the homework, time to study the relevant material, time to ask your teacher questions. If you don't have that time, cut out Facebook, don't check email, cut out TV, etc. Make these changes bit by bit. If you try to do too much at once you will guaranteed fail (so many studies prove that changing habits little by little leads to success). When you have that time, you need to focus super hard. Learning with laser-focus is 1000x more effective than multitasking or worrying about other things while you are trying to learn. Also eating better and exercising is proven to improve brain function. Again take this little by little. I remember my first step at exercising was a single set of pushups in a day. But physical health leads to mental endurance and just "feeling good", which is huge for focusing. In other words, make the class a higher priority. Make small lifestyle changes to boost your brain function. Oh, and actually the most important thing to improving ANY aspect of life is get more sleep. Young people have such trouble with this but nothing has radically changed my life more than a good night's rest. Sleep helps you remember better, increases attention span, and helps you form deeper connections between the class material and other things you know. Good luck! And remember, one bad grade your senior year won't kill you.

Why am I a failure? I get very bad grades

Don't be silly! Ur not a failure. Low grades don't mean ur stupid. Very often, low grades mean nothing at all…. I'm a teacher…I know….We are all special in some way and all fantastic at different things. We just don't realise it since the things we are great at are so easy and natural for us that they don't feel special. The things others do are always amazing because we can do them so easily.I used to feel bad about myself around a good friend because I always felt stupid compared to her - she remembered everything- it was amazing. One day we were talking and she told me how jealous she was of my creativity and ability to make new ideas so easily- I couldn't believe what she was saying!When my students are down because of a low grade they got, I ask them 2 things: did u enjoy the lesson/activities? Did u learn something? They usually say yes to both. And I tell them, good that is all I care about.School is about learning, and getting better at things. Failure is a natural part of the process- learning is IMPOSSIBLE without failure. The student who keeps getting the answers right all the time is often the one who isn't really learning anything new.Don't be sad, angry or upset. Instead focus ur energy on finding out what u didn't do so well and how u can make it better next time. And be realistic- small improvement is easier to achieve than large jumps.Good luck! I know that one day u will look back at this and laugh. U just need a bit of time.

Can bad grades ruin my future?

Yes, bad grades can ruin your future.But only if you are a perfectionist and can’t cope with not being perfect.Some people have a hard time to learn because they can’t do better. Think IQ range 80–90 for example. They will not get perfect grades, they struggle, they don’t go to college nor university. They have a future and it’s not ruined by their grades. It’s just that they won’t apply for certain jobs because it does not fit with them.The majority are perfectly decent people who make an honest living. Some of them will later in life seek additional education and end up in high paying jobs. Others will start their own business and succeed, they know the struggle and how to overcome it.Bad grades? If you get bad grades because you were lazy, it was not the grades that ruined your future, it was your laziness. Otherwise, you did your best and it did not result in the highest marks possible. Learn, improve and accept that you won’t get straight A’s all the time.

Is my life over if I got bad grades in High school for 3 years?

You can make up for it at community college. That can be a bit of a struggle though.

Should I kill myself because I get bad grades?

I can't believe you asked this question. You know the answer is no. Plus if anyone were to come along and say 'hey, you're right, you should probably end your life if those are your circumstances", they would reap a million thumbs down and their answer would soon be moderated out of existence.

Now, fulfilling expectations is all well and good, but if those expectations are unreasonable, just defy them. It's your life, the only one you get, you want to throw it away? Show a bit of grit. You know, Isaac Newton didn't graduate. In some parts of the world, kids still don't even have school, and they're forced to do stuff like running across minefields. They'd be amazed to hear that you wanted to throw it all in. Forget other people's expectations, you just have to beat your own personal best, just aim for that, counting yourself lucky.