Banged My Toe On A Wooden Table

If we drop a metal ball and a wooden ball from same height at the same time, then which ball will reach the ground first?

The answer to this question will vary based on the situation. Let me elaborate it situation wiseExperiment conducted in total vacuum : In this case both the metal ball and the wooden ball will hit the ground at the same time!!!, irrespective of their shape, weights and sizes. The time required to hit the ground, depends on the acceleration of the object, which in this case if ‘g’ (gravity) acting same on both the objects.Experiment conducted in atmosphere: Here we have air which fills in the atmosphere. Air being a fluid, would enable two things - Buoyancy and air-resistance. In this case, the outcome of the experiment would depend on the following parametersShape of the balls - The ball with a more aerodynamic shape would touch the ground first. As it would have lesser air-resistance, thus the resultant acceleration acting on it would be more.Volume of the ball - The ball having lesser volume will hit the ground first. Since air is a fluid, buoyancy would act on it. Buoyancy is directly proportional to the volume ( ρ x V x g).Weight of the ball - The ball having higher weight will hit the ground first. This is because of the resistive force would have lesser impact on the net acceleration (g-a).In theory, as per Galileo, the answer is indeed straight forward! But life is not that straight forward.I hope this helps!

Hit head on edge of table, should I worry?

a few minutes ago I was laying down, not really paying attention and I slammed the upper-right back of my head into the corner of my end table. I didn't pass out or anything but it hurts badly and I'm wondering if I should worry. also, is it safe to sleep?

My 6 year old dropped a piece of wood on his big toe won't stop bleeding....?

Okay to stop the bleeding you need to apply pressure and elevate his foot. Easy way to do this would be to have him lay down infront of the TV with some cartoons on or something. While you sit next to him lifting his foot up some and applying pressure to the toe. Next thing you need to address is if there is possibly any broken bones in there. Does the bruse under the nail look like a little line going across the nail. That can sometimes be suggestive of a fracture. Does moving the toe cause him pain? Can he bear weight on the foot? Eather way go ahead and place a ice pack on it to stop any swelling that may be developing. Now, usually if a toe is fractured there is nothing that a doctor will do except give the person a special flat boot. But in the case of a fractured great toe or "Big toe" it is treated a bit differently. Because the "big toe" plays an important part in the mechanics of walking, it needs to be set right, as to make sure it heals correctly. So in your sons case I would recommend taking him to the Dr. or since it is Sunday the local ER or urgent care center. Hope the little guys "piggies" get to feeling better soon ;-)

Does using a mouse on a wooden table damage the table?

The answer is… it depends. If the table has several layers of lacquer then it can hold up to a lot of abuse, including a computer mouse. However, if the surface is just stained then the constant use of a mouse would eventually create a worn area. As an example, my son has a desk with a painted surface. He uses a computer mouse right on the painted desk’s top surface. He has now worn the paint off and the bare wood is showing through. So, for occasional use, you shouldn’t see any noticeable wear. But for daily, heavy use you will eventually start seeing wear spots.

Hit my foot and now its swollen and hurts?

I'm sorry to say there's a good chance that there is a fracture. Foot bones are easily broken in this situation.

The two things most important to do while waiting to see a doctor are to get a coldpack on it (frozen veggies or ice in a baggie if you have nothing better), up to 15 minutes at a time once an hour (more is not better--can damage the skin), and get off your feet and elevate the injured one above your heart. These things drain inflammation which cause pain.

In the states a lot of people take this to an ER. That's not necessary and runs up the bill. This is not generally a medical emergency. It can easily and more cheaply be treated by an orthopedist in an outpatient office where you will just be sent after being patched up in an ER anyway. Not sure where the best place to go in UK or other places where they say A&E. If you are having severe pain and need painkillers ASAP, that is one thing an ER can do.

If there is no bone displacement--which you may actually have since you see a bump--a broken foot bone can just be wrapped in an Ace wrap and treated with a Reece or postoperative (hard-soled) shoe that looks like this:
That's what the doctor does after taking an x-ray to make sure everything is aligned correctly. They'll also prescribe painkillers which you may need.

If things are not aligned correctly, you may need a closed reduction procedure (where the doctor pushes bones back into place) or even outpatient surgery to pin bones together. Most people don't though. It is worth getting it x-rayed to be sure it's not a displaced or otherwise more complicated fracture that shouldn't just be treated at home.

If you don't go to see a doctor today and decide to give it a few days, if it isn't at least starting to feel better then, that increases the chances that you have a fracture, and you should make an appointment to see a doctor and get it x-rayed.

Have you ever hit your shin on a coffee table?

Yes, its now firewood

Stubbed toe really hard!!!!?

I stubbed the toe beside my pinky toe on my left foot yesterday. I hit it pretty hard, and got a small cut on it. Put some polysporin on it and a bandaid. Next day it's really red and purple and swelled up (not broken though, can still bend it I think). Do I just leave it like it is?

Broken Toenail Injury?

You will be just fine. Your toe is going to hurt for a few days, just a reminder from your body that there is an injury being healed, and to get you to be a little more careful of the injured toe. You wouldn't feel anything in the nail- they don't have any feeling. It sounds like you managed to stub that poor piggie pretty badly. You might have broken or cracked the bone in your toe, hard to say without an x-ray, but in the end it wouldn't make much difference in the treatment. There aren't any casts for toes. Since you are able to walk on the foot without much trouble, I think it's not very likely that anything is broken though- except the toenail. At this point, all you need to do is keep it clean and bandaged until the skin beneath the old nail has healed and toughened up some. The rest of the toenail will continue to grow out to replace what is missing. It will take some time for that to happen, though. Toenails grow really, really slow, and it can take many months for a toenail to fully replace itself. Don't do a repeat cleaning with the peroxide though. In fact, peroxide isn't a good thing to use on cuts and wounds. It damages good, healthy skin as well as killing bacteria, plus it just flat burns- and it's not necessary to get quite that aggressive. Plain old soap and water will do a good cleaning job. You might see some discoloration in the toe still show up, if you also damaged the vein or artery feeding fresh blood to the toe. It can take a few days for that bruising to show up. If it does, it's still not a problem to worry about. The actual bleeding will have stopped, and what you'd see is just old blood being forced away from the injury. It will look purple to start with, then go brown-green, then it will just look nasty yellow brown, and finally it will fade away completely. It's a regular bruise, and will act like a bruise anywhere else. Just relax for now, and go a bit slower. Make sure any shoes you wear allow room for the toes to wiggle and don't rub the injured one. If you need to, you can take Ibuprofen (Motrin) or Tylenol for any pain or discomfort, and prop up the injured toe/foot. You sound fine though, and should heal fairly fast since you're young.

Have you ever stubbed your toe so hard, it almost made you pass out?

Aww, you poor pretty princess! :(
The nearly passing out toe stubbing happened to me once, and it was broken.