Beauty Pageant Questions And Tips

Beauty pageant questions,?

1. I believe that students' involvement in sports is very beneficial to students' well being. Sports teach commitment, leadership, and many of them also teach how to be part of a team. A school sport can also lead to creating friendships, and it can create memories that will last a lifetime.

2. If I am crowned, I hope to be able to encourage students to join sports for the new opportunities they could gain. I would also like to create a (name of sport school doesn't have, but don't say this if it's not true), and create sports tournaments to raise money for our school (or charity, etc.)

3. My understanding of that is that you can't force yourself to be something you're not, like a leader. If you look at leaders in history, like our founding fathers or Martin Luther King JR, they all had specific qualities, and you can't force yourself to have them.

4. This sounds mostly like a personal questions, so I can't really answer it. Sorry,

All of these answers guidelines and examples, so don't answer exactly like this. Also, don't lie and say something that "sounds good" to the judges. Hope this helps!

What are the questions asked in beauty pageant?

While most of the beauty pageants are focused on judging one’s physical attributes and looks of the contestants but over a period of time , they have started focusing more on talent round and Question answers round.We are holding a similar show in our organisation and I have collected several questions asked in different pageants over the globe.· Do you have any favourite quote ?· If you could change one of your physical characteristics, which one would it be and why?· What is that something you've done, that you will never do again?· What is the one lesson you learned as a child that still affects your life today?· If you had to say three adjectives to describe yourself then which ones would they be?· Do you have any hobbies whatsoever besides playing cricket or listening to music. If yes, mention your favourite one and also mention why you like it?· If you were given a sum of Rs.2 billion to spend as a gift from the president, what would be the first 5 things you would purchase with it?· If you were to set three question for this pageant what would they be?· What do you think would be the best answer for the same?· If you are given authority to change something in this organisation , what would that be ?· Who is the most influential person in your life and why ?· If you had to live your life over again, what part of life would you change ?· If you find a Genie, and he can grant you three wishes what would those three wishes be ?· What skills do you have which can help society ?· What do you like most about yourself?· What is success for you ?· What would you like to read as the headline in tomorrow's newspaper?· What is the essence of being a woman?· If there were no rules in your life for one day and you could be outrageous, what would you do?· Who have it easier in life: men or women?I will add a few more, once I finish selecting the questions :)

What are some common beauty pageant questions?

Q: Are those real?

A: I wish World Peace was real.

What are the top 10 beauty pageant questions?

What famous person does your personality most parallel?
What quality do you like most about yourself and why?
What is the biggest challenge to young people today?
What is the one feature you'd change about yourself and why?
Which celebrity would you invite to a dinner party and why?
Do you think professional athletes are overpaid?"
What is your definition of success?
If you could change one thing about the world what would it be?
What bothers you most about what is happening in your country today?
If you could be on the cover of any magazine, which would you chose and why?

Pageant Questions?

I compete in pageants and i need some Frequwnt Asked Questions that judges may ask me about my platform! My platform is Juvenile Diabetes! I want to be absolute about my answer i give! i have won several already and was runner up in the other 10!!! I really need your help so i can have more victories!!!!!!!

How should I answer a pageant question?

It takes skills and practice.Right now, You might be focused on winning that next beauty pageant. But the skills that you’ll learn and self-awareness that you’ll develop will enrich your life long after you stop competing.Let's start with some Pageant Interview tips basics.1. When a question is directed to you, take 3-4 seconds time-off to collect your views and construct a proper reply.2. If it is a 'yes-no' type question, you wanted to justify the choice by elaborating your answer.3. Follow a simple pattern while answering any question - Introduction-Explanation-Summary.4. Avoid using fillers while replying.5. Respect the time limit given to you for answering a question.… (more)Thank You

What does this actually mean? "I guess beauty pageant questions beg beauty pageant answers."

Beauty pageants are all about charm and poise, not stark truths and controversial opinions.Contestants are thus obligated to give polite and politically correct answers to questions put forth to them. The answers are usually complete works of fiction, the same kinds of stuff that politicians spout.On the other hand, answers from the more brain function challenged contestants can be comedy gold.

Please tell me some beauty pageant questions & their answers?

answer these too !
1.what do you have to say about the increase in the number of rapes?
2.What do you think about exorcism ?
3.What famous person does your personality most parallel?
4.What quality do you like most about yourself and why?
5.What is the biggest challenge to young people today?
6.What is the one feature you'd change about yourself and why?
7.What is your definition of success?
8.If you could change one thing about the world what would it be?
9.What bothers you most about what is happening in your country today?

Why are beauty pageant interview questions so short?

Missing American BeautyYou almost answered your own question...It seems all they want is for her to say something generic and bland that appeals to the lowest common denominator.The whole point of running a pageant is to make money.  The idea that it may also be confirming the patriarchy's ideals and commodifying female sexuality is a social issue. How Much Does it Cost to Win the Miss America Pageant Crown | GOBankingRatesThe business of pageants requires contestants that are willing to pay to compete, an audience willing to view and sponsorship.  The pageant is tailored to entertain the audience and to meet sponsorship goals.  Former Miss USA Has To Pay $5 Million For Defaming Donald Trump's PageantIt is not a true I.Q. test or even a scientifically accurate test of beauty or talent.  It is subjective yes, but more than that it is commodity entertainment.  The lowest common denominator is the general audience attention span which is not going to tolerate a lengthy, detailed or highly intellectualized discussion one would expect from a political debate.  This is not to say that the contestants are not capable of giving such a response, but it is not what the judges, audience and sponsors traditionally desire from the women. Time For A Makeover: Why The Miss Universe Pageant Has To Change Thirty seconds does not seem long enough to give a thoughtful response.  Perhaps there should be an essay?  That would be absurd right?  It is after all a token response and not a serious inquiry into the female mind that the judges are after.This Little Town In Argentina Is Light Years Ahead By Banning Beauty PageantsHowever, audience expectations may be changing as society continues to debate the value of pageants and whether they are empowering women or just sexist remnants of the past that continue to objectify women.  There is a shift in some modern pageants to do away with some of the more sexist aspects of pageantry, like swimwear, but this could be missing the point.  The women are still judged on physical attractiveness.   The world's smartest beauty queen: Model student is first Brit to win Miss University titleThe generic tone of a pageant answer is one that will clearly appeal to the audience and not risk offending anyone.  Some view pageants as an opportunity or platform to speak out on various issues, but there is strong opinion that pageants continue to do more harm than good for women in general.Are beauty contests harmful to women?