Before I Go To Bed At Night I Hear Quiet Tapping Sounds Surrounding Me. Is That Normal

Hearing popping noise under a manufactured home vents after the heat or air goes off?

This is pure physics. Your manufactured home has an aluminum duct running between the floor joists. When the heat comes on, the aluminum expands due to the heat. When the furnace goes off, it contracts as it cools causing the popping noise.

When it is cooling, it contracts due to the cold air conditioner. Then, when the air conditioner stops, the metal expands to the ambient temperature outside. This is inherent in all manufactured homes and will be almost impossible to correct. You could have new duct work, made of flexible insulated tubing installed from your heat/cool unit to each register and eliminate the factory ducting. This would solve your problem, but will cost you over $1000 to do.

Your call if it's worth it.

I heard a strange bell sound but can't find the source....need some input?

Hi Amanda. I would say that you probably had dozed off for a little time ( without even realizing it ) and you effectively had a dream. In that state it is quite normal to hear some sharp kind of sound like a bell or more commonly knocking. It generally wakes you up and will often occur just after dozing off. It may relate to something that you have been doing the last few days.
With me I often hear a sound like someone knocking at the door. As I live by myself it has been real enough for me to actually get up and check the door ! You feel a real idiot afterwards !
Yes , you just had a dream. Take care.

I get startled & I wake up at the slightest sound made around me when I'm sleeping. What should I do in order to get immune to this like other people?

A2A!Hello! This might be a common issue in many. So I did a little research. I’m putting up together something that you would want to know:If you struggle falling asleep or wake up in the middle of the night and can’t get back to sleep, and this persists for a few days, a few weeks or longer, you suffer from sleeplessness, a disorder that robs your body of the rest it requires to re-energize you physically, mentally and emotionally. A typical form of sleeplessness, also referred to as insomnia, occurs when you wake up during the night, realize you are wide-awake when you should be sleeping and then become anxious.A few could be reasons are:Stress: All types of negative emotions, including worry, fear, anxiety, etc., can keep you up at night. Stress tops the list when it comes to pinning down the cause of insomnia and other sleep disturbances.Overactive adrenals: Increased levels of stress hormones in your body can lead to a hyper aroused state that makes it difficult to sleep.Eye problems: People with damage to their optic nerve can have problems sleeping, including difficulty falling asleep, waking up at strange times, sleepiness during the day and insomnia at night.Cell phones: Using a cell phone before going to bed could cause insomnia, headaches and confusion, and may also cut your amount of deep sleep, interfering with your body‘s ability to refresh itself.So what should you do? Adopt new habits to help you sleepRelieve the stress that you might be undergoing.Practice Yoga.Stick to a regular sleep schedule. Support your biological clock by going to bed and getting up at the same time every day, including weekends.Drink warm milk before sleeping, if possible.Avoid naps. ...Limit caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine. ...Avoid late meals. ...Get regular exercise. Maintain healthy life style.Hope this helps.Thanks!

What is this pulsing sound in my left ear I hear when it's quiet?

It is not there when you go to sleep, it is there all the time, you just do not notice it.The noise heard by people may be a buzzing, ringing, roaring, whistling, or hissing sound and is often associated with tinnitus (hearing loss).The noise can be intermittent or continuous, and can vary in loudness. It is often worse when background noise is low, so you may be most aware of it at night when you're trying to fall asleep in a quiet room. In rare cases, the sound beats in sync with your heart (pulsatile tinnitus).What is Tinnitus? - The Emerge Center

What sound do you hear at the moment of your death?

I had a death experience. I was trying to go to a friends house at nearly 3am. I took the wrong road, and was going too fast. The road curved and I didnt. Never hit the brakes. I was thrown through the passenger side window and landed on my back in a bed of poison ivy. This was not a heavily travelled road in deep Mississippi woods at 3am. So theres no way to know how long I laid there before the ambulance came. The emts report stated, “no pulse, no respiration.” He began his resucitation attempt (which he later told me he felt would be a lost cause) by tapping my chest. At that point, I opened my eyes and said, “I dont want to die.”I remember all of this in detail. The incredible impact, the sensation of flying through the air (I was thrown 25 feet roughly) and then for a moment (a second or infinity, I could not say) nothing.Then I was above my body looking at myself in 3 dimensions, just like I see others. And afterward I accurately decribed exactly how I looked. My right boot was by my right ear. My pants were ripped and were tattered around my ankles. My shirt was nearly ripped entirely from me. My head was bleeding badly and my left arm was rolled up at the shoulder in an unnatural way. My eyes were closed. My chest was exposed and still.Then I felt myself pulled downward, back into the body. Here is death:The most incredible silence you could ever imagine and then some. A feeling of utter peace. And a complete darkness…more dark than any place I have ever been before or since. And yet it was inviting and completely comforting. I had thoughts, but all human concerns had left me.I have absolutely no fear of dying now. I remember the emts face and taking one sucking breath and saying, “I dont want to die.” And that is it.Silence… That is all there is.

Strange breathing sounds in my room?

I don't believe in ghosts. I watch a lot if horror movies, though and maybe that's why it bothered me. Last night i had amazing sleep (which is awesome because I have insomnia) but I woke up almost abruptly at 6:48. It was still pitch black outside and I didn't have to be up for anything because I'm bed ridden for the week due to to a broken hand. After a couple minutes of being awake I heard this breathing sound. It was restful, almost like a sleeping man...but it seemed to be coming from under my bed. No one else was home and I don't know if the noises continued because I got frightened and left the room. What's your take on this? Do you think it'll happen again?

Clicking/popping noise in back of nose/throat area, especially when I lay down at night?

Is it at its worst when you lie on your side(s), and does it start all over again when you switch sides? Does it improve if you lie on your back or belly? If so, what you're hearing is the contents of your upper sinuses (position-wise) draining into the lower ones, often amplified by your lower ear. The passage allowing drainage is narrowed by swelling, and a bubble of air must enter the sinus (with a teeny sound) before any mucus can leave.

Think of a full bottle of something thick (ketchup? maple syrup?) tipped enough to allow the contents to cover the opening. Nothing gets out unless some air gets in. That's what's happening to your sinuses, and lying down tips the bottle.

This is very common, and the only solution is to use a product which assists in drainage or to get nasal or sinus surgery to enable proper drainage by enlarging the openings.

As a longtime sinus sufferer, I can recommend various products, but you'd want to check with your doctor before trying something nightly. Consider Mucinex-D, Afrin nasal spray, or Sudafed. Make sure you are well-hydrated all the time (urine almost colorless), since this thins the mucus in the sinuses, allowing it to drain more easily. Use a neti pot and saline solution twice daily, too. (Many 'sinus people' swear by these, FWIW.)

Lots of people also find relief in a white-noise source like a fan, the radio in between stations, etc.

Is it abnormal to hear violent noises and screaming when I'm about to fall asleep?

Is it abnormal to hear violent noises and screaming when I'm about to fall asleep?I’m going to assume that you don’t mean actual screaming and noises, here, because if that’s the case, might be best to call the authorities.What you’re describing is almost certainly a manifestation of what’s known as the hypnogogic sleep state. It’s a very common occurrence.Wkipedia puts it like this:“Transition to and from sleep may be attended by a wide variety of sensory experiences. These can occur in any modality, individually or combined, and range from the vague and barely perceptible to vivid hallucinations.”Many people experience these kinds of hallucinations at one time or another during their lives. I personally have recurrent hypnogogia of very realistic faces appearing briefly in front of me (while my eyes are closed). They are not people I know, and they are always different.Aural hypnogogic halucinations are not as common as visual ones, but still pretty common. They often take the form of knocks, voices calling your name, or footsteps. I’ve experienced those too, on occasion.The kinds of hallucinations people have in the hypnogogic state seem often to be unique to the person experiencing them. It’s unfortunate that yours seem to be of a distressing nature. All I can say is that they’re nothing to be concerned about, and they’ll probably go away.Just as a side note, some people also experience hypnopompic hallucinations - these are hallucinations you have when you are beginning to wake up, rather than when you’re falling asleep. They can be quite peculiar too.[As always, if these kind of things affect you significantly and you’re unduly concerned, you should see a health professional]

Why do I hear an ocean sound in my ear?

"Sounds" like (lol) water in the ear - that some got caught behind the ear drum... if it persists, see a physician - he may be able to treat it in the office, or he may prefer to refer you to an ear-nose-and-throat doc to treat you.Swelling / inflammation of surrounding tissues in the smooth muscles or glands near the neck may also influence your having this sound. For me, I get that when there's water in my ears and it usually goes away within a couple days.

It's 4 AM. You're sleeping, then you hear noises and footsteps downstairs. What do you do?

I live downstairs so technically if I here anything more downstairs-er than that. I’ll crap myself probably. Anyways, if I hear something coming from in front of my house (entrance) , that’s an easy one because I’ve played that scenario a lot of times in my head ,probably because I keep hearing weird noises and I’ve formulated a plan.I’ll lock my room’s door and just yell, bro “get the gun, there’s someone there”, followed by a call to my neighbors to alert everyone.Unfortunately, I don’t have any firearm, so that yelling is just a lie that hopefully will rattle the intruders to leave the house (if any).Being in Pakistan, the police response time is super shitty so that’s why I’ll resort to neighbor as they can encircle the house and I’ve known them since childhood and almost all of them own a gun (few of them have AK-47 too, allegedly).I hope that I won’t have to do that ever but the plan is there.