Benghazi Was A Long Time Ago. We Shouldn

How long will Republicans keep whining about Benghazi...?

Six years, well into Hillary's second term..

Be glad, otherwise they'd be pulling out the squirrelly rants about Hillary sneaking out of the white house and secretly killing Vince Foster.

What really happened with Hillary and Benghazi?

Well she was the Secretary of State. So she WAS the State Department. Was she guilty for deaths of American citizens that day/night. Indirectly she was. There were intelligence reports noting areas of concern on the anniversary of 9/11. Benghazi was one of those areas. Ambassador Stevens reportedly sent numerous emails raising concerns and requested added security.Hillary’s response was that they never came across her desk. It was a very large department, etc…etc…etc…This is the very same tactic she has utilized over and over and over throughout her life. “I don’t recall, I didn’t see it.”Well the office of Secretary of State is one of the absolutely most important we have in this country. I have heard people say ‘she had people’ to handle security affairs and the like. That might be true but I can tell you any good SOS would have done the following:Hold the safety and security of your personnel to the utmost priority. She should have been very actively participating in several security briefings that I am sure are held weekly.Every Ambassador and other key personnel should have had direct access to the SOS and the Deputy SOS 24/7.Understand and fully comply with policies and procedures regarding the handling and dissemination of classified information.Hillary was never qualified to handle the office of SOS. She was guilty for the actions that night because she was absolutely inept at her position. The position should have never been offered to her but everyone knew what that was about. Obama was extending an olive branch to her in an attempt to keep her relevant within the administration and the party. I am sure there are several high profile professionals within the State Department that have spent their careers learning and knowing there positions. Any of these people would have been better to hold the office.On top of that there should have never even been the appearance of pay for play between her position and the Clinton Foundation. I remember when she said in a press conference, “There may be a lot of smoke but there is no fire.” That really isn’t how that saying works. I think the average person out there knows better.

How large of a factor should the Benghazi scandal be in my opinion of Hillary Clinton?

I suggest you not miss the forest through the trees.It is pretty clear that Clinton lied when she promoted the narrative that the attack was the result of the anti-muslim video.The premise of the Benghazi scandal is tenuous at best.A stand down order that sacrificed the 4 Americans so that Obama could win re-election. There is no possible way to prove that. It is likely true that the Administration wanted to downplay it and Clinton as SOS had a role to play in it. Was there criminal action or intent?As stated, that is very hard to prove.The forest however, is that the scandal uncovered Clinton's email server. Which opens another can of worms. It is possible to prove that crimes were commited. It remains to be seen whether they will be proven or even charged. There is a clear path to do so and evidence to investigate. This is what the FBI is doing now.Furthermore, the other part of the forest that has been glossed over somewhat is the fact that we intervened in Libya in the first place. There is evidence that Clinton led the charge to intervene, she disregarded all peace overtures, and ultimately stated, "We came, we saw, he died." Well look at the mess Libya is now. I suppose it is a matter of opinion if this type of foriegn policy is acceptable to you. It is not for me.This is the same narrative we were told in regards to Iraq and the outcome is pretty much the same in Libya.For me the vote stops here. For Clinton's role in Libya, her evasion of Freedom of Information with the server, and many other issues, I cannot and will not vote for her regardless of whether Trump is her opponent or not.