Best League Of Legends Champion To Buy

Which champion to buy League of Legends?

Ok, i have over 3k IP and i would like to know who you think are some good champions. There are a few different types i am looking at. Preferably a ranged like vayne or annie or maybe a ganking melee, whom do you think is a good idea?

The best League of Legends champion?

There is no "best" champion in League of Legends. If there was then everyone would be trying to use him/her and that would be pretty effing boring. All you can do is try out the different champions that they let you play for free each week until you find something you like. You can also use that oppurtunity to find out if youre better suited using one of the 5 categories (melee, ranged, tank, support, mage) over the others.

If you go to the message boards you will see monster debates over which champs are overpowered and needs to be nerfed or who needs a buff. The truth is that the champions are only as good as the person controlling them.

There are, however, a number of champions that are easier to use than others (ie no complicated game mechanics or not too many skill shots). The characters generally seen as easier to use are: Ryze, Nunu, Soraka, Garen, Ashe, Poppy, Kayle, and Sion.

The hardest to use are: Tryndamere, Anivia, Cassiopeia, Janna, Cho'Gath, Karthus, Dr Mundo, Malzahar, Twisted Fate, LeBlanc, Kog'maw, and Shaco.

The #1 thing to remember in this game is that recklessly diving in to battle will get you killed. The game thrives on strategy, ambushes, teamwork, and staying alive. Never over-extend. Pay attention to the map. Help out teammates.

Most of all, this is a game and it should be fun. So, find a character that you have fun with. I've heard people talk about how powerful and fun characters like Mordekaiser or Ryze are. However, when I use them I fail. I've also heard that Kayle, Heimerdinger, Irelia, or Tryndamere are difficult yet those are some of my mains and I have fun with them.

There's almost 70 champs in this game and growing constantly. There has to be someone in there for you.

What is the best champion in league of legends?

That depends on what your want to use it for. Soraka is my favorite support, but leona, sona, and blitzcrank have higher winrates. Miss fortune and Twitch are very good ADCs (attack damage carry). Teemo is a fast, cute little all-purpose top lane farmer/support. Gareth and Xin Xiao are both brutal in pvp combat. I like cho-gath for jungle and top lane, though kayne’s probably better. Ziggs is good for general lane farming, and is really fun if nothing else. As you could probably tell, there’s a million different ways to compare heroes. They can almost all be good if used right, you just have to get good at using a certain few, and avoid some of the ones that are actually just bad. So just find some ones you like. Buy all the cheapest ones (450 be), which immediately gives you a good selection, and then see which ones you like. Maybe buy some ones that are 1350 BE too, as there are some particularly good ones that i just recommended in there. Remember, cost does not equal power level, and many people regret it after they buy one of the more expensive ones to find out it wan’t any better.

Who is the best 6300IP champion in League of Legends?

This question really isn't answerable. In the right hands almost all champions are equally viable (ongoing balance aside). The trick is to decide which role you enjoy most, look at the champs which can fill this role, and try them out during free-weeks to get a feel for which are fun for you to play. Also, if you've got just over 6300 IP to spend, don't feel like you need to spend it on a single champ instead of a bunch of cheaper ones. A champ's cost has virtually nothing to do with its quality. More a reflection on how old they are. If I were a young player with 6300 IP to spend, I'd probably buy up the whole cheapest tier first and start learning them. That gives you:ADC - Ashe, SivirMid - Annie, RyzeTop - Kayle, Garen, PoppyJungle - Yi, Warwick, NunuSupport - Soraka(Of course you can shuffle these roles around some such as ww top, sora mid, etc)Almost all of these champs are played at the top tier competitive level and I'd take most into a ranked game without pause. Broaden your options and understanding before making big investments. Happy league-ing!

League of Legends: Which champions should i buy?

i would spend rp on skins and ip on champions so buy skin for Ashe, Ezreal, maybe sejuani. she's not that good. btw, if you want more riot points for free, visit this giveaway site

On League of Legends which champions are the best supports?

The pure supports are those that will benefit their ADC lane partner in the bottom lane directly by healing, improving resistances, or the like, yet they tend to be squishy. Examples of these would be Sona, Soraka, Zilean, Lulu, Nami, and Karma. Some supports provide a great amount of crowd control (CC) or other abilities that make it easier for the ADC to secure the kill and are generally tankier than the pure supports, such as Blitzcrank, Leona, Maokai, Thresh, and Nautilus. Then there are those that are a bit of a combination tank/support and are generally built as such, including Alistar, Taric, and Galio.

I think Taric is one of the best, as he can heal, has an ability that provides an Armor bonus to all surrounding allies, has a very reliable stun, and an ultimate that increases AP/AD for all neaby allied champs. He packs a good deal of burst damage and is tanky to boot - excellent all around support/tank. If your ADC lane partner is mana hungry and needs to spam abilities for maximum effect, like Ezreal, then Soraka is a good choice because she has a no mana cost ability with the utility of either giving mana to an ally or silencing/damaging an enemy. She can also heal with a regular ability and her ultimate in addition to increasing MR with her passive. Sona is great since she can deal a great amount of poke damage and constantly has auras active as part of her abilities, with the ability to heal as well.

Each support can be nearly equally useful to their lane champ, however, if played well. Choosing your support is situational as well, since if you already have a tank that is going top or jungling, it would probably be more useful to the team to have a pure support instead.

What is the best League of Legends champions for starters?

As a new player, tanky characters are more forgiving since you can survive more bad decisions. You also probably want cheaper champions, since you don't have a lot of IP to spare.450 IP;Garen and Warwick are pretty durable and have enough damage to kill fragile characters.  Warwick can also jungle quite easily due to how much he heals per attack. Master Yi is much more fragile, but is pretty simple to understand, since he mostly just autoattacks.1350 IP:Tristana is a ranged carry with a long distance jump, good attack range, and a knockback, making it pretty easy to stay alive. She can also play pretty aggressively.Tryndamere is probably pretty easy, since you have a dash and the ability to not die for a few seconds, although his skill-set rewards fighting while at low health, which new players may not know how to use effectively.However even as a new player I recommend trying out free-week champions whenever possible, since the main thing that you need to learn is what all of the champions do, and trying them is a good way to do this. Also pay attention to what you see the people who do well are doing in order to imitate it later when you get a chance to play as the same character.

League of Legends what Champion should I buy: Zyra, Zac, or Zed?

I currently have these as my FAVORITE champions: Dr. Mundo(tank), Fizz(AP assasin), and kha'zix(jungle) please help me with which one I would have the most fun with. with these I would have you give me your honest opinion with this to help me decide

Dead line: 7 days from now

How can I get free champions in League of Legends?

Play some games, earn some Influence Points, and buy the champions on the PvP.Net store. This is the easiest, virus-free, cleanest, legitest and best overall way to obtain free champions in League of Legends.