Best Way To Administer Baytril Pills To Cat

Best way to administer baytril pills to cat?

Giving your kitty a pill can be very stressful for you and her. Luckily this is only for a few days versus daily meds for a chronic condition. My Lily is on blood pressure meds 2x daily (1/4 pill each dosage) and I have found that I can hide it in the crook of freeze dried shrimp and she gobbles it right down!

But I doubt you could do that unless you wanted to break her pill down for multi doses. If you want to do that you could also use any moist treat that she likes. Give her one treat without the pill, then a treat with the pill. It is also a good idea to feed her after you give her the pill. I use the food as a distraction from giving the pill and also helps keep the pill from upsetting her tummy.

Another trick I've used in the past is to give the pill with meat flavored baby food. Get about a teaspoon of the baby food and let her eat that, then give her the pill in a little more baby food. Just in case, break the pill and crush one part in the food. If she refuses the food after the pill is added you haven't wasted the whole dose.

Also, you can get Pill Pockets at the vet or pet superstores. My experience with these is they work great for dogs but not cats!

Finally, the most direct way is to give her the pill by inserting it directly with your hand or a pill shooter. Instead of trying to type out directions, I have attached a wonderful video from Cornell's School of Veterinary Medicine.

Hope she is feeling better soon. Purrs to you and kitty.

Is Baytril @ 22.5 mg too much for a 16 year old cat?

My cat is ill but we don't know what she has. She had a fever of 103 and is lethargic and disoriented and drinking copious amounts of water. I took her to the ER and the vet checked her out with bloodwork, urine exam and xrays. They checked the CBC, Blood Panel (ISTAT EC8+) and Lipase & it showed a normal renal panel. She was prescribed clavamox 2wice daily and baytril once daily. I've read on a number of signs that baytril can cause blindness in older cats. Should I give her the baytril? She was given some injections at the vet: 1 gastro protectant, 1 Torbugesic and 1 antibiotic and she is somewhat better but not much. Help with th Baytril please!!

Too much Baytril for cat?

Hi, First of all I like to say that not all websites can be trusted.
Yes , baytril can cause toxicity in cats - signs like vomitting, inappetance and diarrhoea can occcr. In worst cases, it can cause blindness. However this is if the dose rate is up to 15mg/kg.
Note that you have not actually said how heavy your cat is. The usuual baytril dose is 5MG PER KG. NOT 5MG DAILY.

It is good that your cat has been checked for stones and tumour. But have they checked it for the bladder or kidney.
If necessary, get your vet to either do a radiology examination - x ays or ultrasound is good. Ultrasound is preferred as they can measure how big the kidney is and how well defined the medullary is ( that is the inside of the kidney)
The vet is right in saying that sometimes although the blood works seem fine, the kidney is stil failing This is because if part of the kidney is dead, it would not release any enzymes into the blood stream but the part of the kideny that is inflammed will be releasing lots of the enzyme into the blood stream. So it kind of balances everything out.
The best thing is to go back to your vets and seek a better undersatnding of your cat's condition.
One last note, if the kidneys are fialing, it is probably not producing as much urine. This can encourage bacterial growth and could account for the uti.
Hope it helps. Please talk to your vet about your fears. They are there to help you and your cat.

Vet Question: Can my Cat take Prednisolone and Baytril at the same time?

Generally speaking, yes they can be given at the same time. Prednisolone is a steroid primarily used for inflammatory and auto-immune conditions. Enrofloxacin is a fluoroquinolone antibiotic sold by the Bayer Corporation under the trade name Baytril. It is a bactericidal agent, meaning as you said, an anti-biotic. These two medications should not interact with one another or cause adverse effects. But I will stress to you that this is just a general rule and it does depend on what your cat is being treated for and the overall health of the animal. It sounds like you saw two different Veterinarians. Did you make each of them aware of the other ones prescriptions? And if they knew and did not mention it, its a good bet that they assumed you would continue both medications. This is the health of your pet and you would not be asking this question if you did not love him/her. I never hurts to ask the vet again, go over there or even call on the phone.

I'm afraid to give my cat metacam, or baytril?

Don't feel like an idiot. I, too, have read the information about Baytril being toxic to cats long before I read this question. I don't know what I was reading or researching, but I came across the info about Baytril.

I have used Clavamox with success and no side effects. It has a terrible taste and hard to give, but that has been the only problem.

I did do a quick search about Metacam and from what I read there is a fine line between save and toxic. Metacam causes kidney problems. You can use your judgement, but if he was my cat, I would not give it to him.

I have older cats with old cat illnesses and I research everything the vet diagnoses and every medication they give. I want to know how the medicine will affect the cat. I would rather error on the side of caution than be rushing one of my cats to the vet for an emergency.

Yes, I trust my vets, they have had many years of education and training. But they are human, too. I am with my animals many hours a day and see signs that they will not in a few minutes of an office visit.

For those who say they have not seen the information, here are just a few articles on both drugs.

You say your kitty isn't a big eater, how about drinking water? I give my cats bottled or filtered water since tap water has all the treatment chemicals that insult their sensitive noses. Especially with urinary tract problems he needs to get as much water/fluid as possible. You can give him unflavored Pedialyte or a 1:1 ratio of Pedialyte and flat 7-Up. If he eats wet food, you can add a little water to it to make it soupy or mushy. Wet food will also give him more moisture in his diet than dry food. Warm it just slightly in the microwave to enhance the aroma and entice him to eat.

Purrs to you and your kitty. I hope he is feeling better soon.

Can i give rats bird baytril?

All baytril is baytril, there isn't really different kinds, the only thing that can be different is the form (solid or liquid) and the dosage. It is easier to give rats liquid baytril since it can be mixed with other foods and given, but they can have solid too, you will probably have to work a bit more to hide it in something though, they will not just take it straight, it doesn't taste good.

And you have to figure out the right dosage for them. Here is the drug dosage chart from rmca:
The name for baytril is enrofloxacin, so you should look under that.
You will need to know the weight of your rat to dose it correctly. It recommends 2.5 to 5 mg per lb (most rats do not weigh a whole pound, but some males do). You will want to give it to them twice a day.

Most of the time respiratory infections are not just myco. It starts out as myco, and their weakened immune system leads to a secondary infection as well. Baytril does not treat the secondary infection. Because of this you should combine the baytril with another antibiotic, like doxycycline, otherwise they might not get better.

Rats can be very sickly, and often need vet visits. This is one of the things you need to consider before getting a pet. In the future you need to save up at least $100 per rat in case something happens, they are not cheap pets. It is always better to treat them under a vets care, but if you must do it yourself this time, just make sure you do things correctly

Can I give my sick hamster with wet-tail, Baytril antibiotic.?

I have a 2 month old Dwarf Campbell Hamster. She has wet tail. I always inspect all of my hamsters and guinea pigs. Sunday she had symptoms of diarrhea and wet tail which was noticed on time. I am giving her OASIS brand wet tails drops in her food, but, this stuff only cures the symptoms. She is doing better, but she cries when she poops. I don't know if she cries because she is separated from her sister or if she is sick.

Anyways my question is can you give a super tiny piece off of a Baytril pill, for dogs and cats, to a hamster?

I cant afford a vet for this little critter, but I was wondering if this would be ok and if anyone has opinions and suggestions. I know you have to weight the hamster and by the weight you determine the dosage, but I figure if I can get the lowest dose of Baytril antibiotic pill, slice it very very tiny and sprinkle on food. Has anyone tried this?

Can Tylosin be used in combination with Baytril, doxycycline and theophylline for a rat?

You should never use that many antibiotics at the same time. First, think of the side-effect that poor rat will experience, it will be enough to kill it. Second, using antibiotics like that can create antibiotic-resistant bacteria strains, which means you will have to resort to more expensive and more aggressive antibiotics to treat it (Assuming you didn’t cause liver and kidney failure by giving it such a cocktail). Please! If you care about your pet rat, go to your veterinarian. They will properly diagnose and prescribe the correct medication you pet rat needs.

How long does it take for antibiotics (esp. Baytril) to resolve a urinary tract infection in male cats?

Typically between 1 and 2 weeks depending on the severity of the infection. It is very important to finish the Baytril for the length of time your Vet indicated. Like all antibiotics, in order to be effective, you need to finish the desired dosage. It is best to bring another urine sample to your vet for a follow-up UA (urine analysis) once you complete your Baytril. This way you can be sure another round of antibiotics is not needed. Sometimes bladder infections can be challenging and hard to rid the system of.

Good luck! Hope this helps!!

How do you treat an infected spay incision?

Take her back to the vet who spayed her. He or she will examine the incision, clean it if necessary, and make sure it’s intact. Your cat should also get an overall exam to be sure she’s not having a systemic problem. You should go home with an Elizabethan collar to keep her from bothering the incision. If necessary, your vet will dispense a course of oral antibiotics and possibly a topical antibiotic as well. Until you get back to the vet, the best thing to do is keep your cat from licking the incision, using a homemade Elizabethan collar or one from a pet supply store.