Biologists Would Generally Use The Concept

Biology question: apply concepts What if you discovered a new protist? What characteristics would help you dec?

Protists (vs prokaryotes like bacteria) are usually classified by thier energy source, (chemotroph, phototroph, heterotroph, autotroph). In other words, in terms of whether they are plant-like, animal-like, or fungi-like. Characteristics that help you decide would be for example the presence of chloroplasts would indicate that the organism is an autotroph (more plant-like) while the presence of a cell wall made of chitin would place the organism in a classification more closely related to fungi.

Bacteria (prokaryotes) are classified according to a phylogenetic classification system based on what they look like, how thick their cell walls are, whether they live with or without oxygen or can do both, and how they use energy. These systematic classification system is based on "Bergey's Manual." Again the four main points here are: Shape (cocci, bacilli, spirillum, filamentus), Cell wall structure and the Gram Stain (thick-Gram positive, thin-gram negative), Cellular respiration (aerobic, anaerobic, facultative anaerobic), Growth factors: Energy Source and Nutrient Source (chemotroph, phototroph, heterotroph, autotroph).

Examples of Biology Concepts?

The human species survived for more than 175,000 years without understanding the concepts of biology. Apparently such knowledge isn't critically important.

1. Knowledge of evolution is important for limiting the use of antibiotics. Overuse of antibiotics will lead to resistant strains of bacteria becoming more prevalent.
2. Knowledge of genetics can be useful in breeding new "green revolution" crop plants. Without highly productive crop plants, the world population would have stabilized at about two billion (and a lot of those would be starving).
3. Knowledge of the role of DNA within cells has led to genetic engineering products, including golden rice, which is a grain that has been "edited" to produce more vitamin A precursor.

In biology, what is the difference between species and race?

Species as a biological term indicates groups of animals that can reproduce with each other (and have children that are capable of reproduction themselves, not like a horse and a donkey, which can reproduce but create a sterile mule)."Race" is not really a biology term, it is more of a social term used for humans only.  The different dog types are not called "races", they are called "breeds". Usually the word "breed" or "sub-species" is used in a scientific setting talking about different animals of the same species that differ in appearance, size, etc., yet are capable of fertile reproduction, like all the different types of dogs or cats.

Evaluation concept of sea lions and whales?

Homologus means that the subject (flippers in this case) serves the same purpose in both animals. Analogus means the two structures are similar, but are used for different purposes.