Bipolar Disorder And Anxiety

What is the difference between anxiety and bipolar 2 disorder?

I see other answerers giving very textbook answers — like what is the diagnostic difference between bipolar and anxiety. However, my answer will be somewhat difference because know firsthand exactly what kind of experience has led you to ask this question! It sounds like a weird one unless you’ve experienced it, there’s a variant of mania that feels just like Generalized Anxiety Disorder.It isn’t fun at all, so it’s easy to not classify it as mania, but it is, I promise! Medication for mania makes it go away, and it meets all the criteria for mania, too. Irritability? Check. You’re so worried that anyone who expects you to pay attention to anything else is the enemy. Fast thoughts? Check, but they feel like overwhelming worry about every life domain, so you miss how fast they are. Sleep disruption? Yes, you may have trouble falling asleep or wake up early without meaning to. Psychomotor agitation? You betcha. When you’re this worried, how can you sit still? Bam! That’s 4 symptoms, which is all it takes to meet criteria for mania. And it only exists at the same time as a manic episode, so it doesn’t meet criteria for an anxiety disorder.Sometimes, having bipolar can feel like having an anxiety disorder. You will note, though, that throughout this post I am talking about Bipolar I. I have Bipolar I and these have been my experiences. I don’t know whether this type of mania also happens in hypomanic episodes.

Bipolar Disorder?

I don't know how to lift my spirit. I have Social Anxiety Disorder and was just diagnosed a year ago for Bipolar Disorder. I'm going thru my depressive stage right now in my Bipolar, and I feel so awful. I'm going thru financial difficulty and filing bankruptcy so I can't afford anymore pills. I already take Paxil for anxiety. People don't understand that when you don't have the money, that means for even an insurance copay for medication. I've lost friends because they cannot cope with my obsessive worrying, manic stages and insecurites, and I don't want to lose anymore friends. My boyfriend says I worry about EVERYTHING and he's absolutely right, but I don't know how to shut my mind off from worrying constantly and obsessing over things. Besides medicine, does anyone have any thoughts or suggestions or anything? I hate this feeling and I just want to be like my boyfriend and friends who don't worry about every teeny little thing!!! Please help me!

Marijuana + bipolar disorder?

Whenever I've tried smoking weed I always find that my anxiety gets way out of hand and I become really paranoid, naturally having bipolar disorder I already suffer from these things so would smoking weed increase the severity of it?

Most of my friends smoke it and I've always been scared of how it could effect me. The last time I smoked it I lost complete motivation with everything and stayed it bed for a few weeks. Is that just a coincidence that I may have been headed for a depressive episode anyway, or would the weed have played a part in it?

I'm not wanting to smoke it everyday a few times a year at the most, just whenever my friends and I have a big thing.

Can lithium help with anxiety as well as bipolar disorder?

I found Lithium to be an effective mood stabilizer for bipolar. Lithium doesn't feel as extreme as depakote and has less side effects in general, though you need to take a blood test every couple of months to check levels for toxicity. Lithium feels more transparent as a mood stabilizer, however you may have to contend with feeling some anxiety occasionally, so it won't pad your emotions completely. I found this to be an okay trade off because I'd rather have a chance to work with my moods than be too insulated. That's just my preference. I'm not sure about depakote combined with lithium, you'll have to talk to your doctor about that. Though, I was not happy with depakote when I was on it. I felt like it gave me more anxiety in general and I didn't like the way it made my body feel. Depending your mood disorder, you may have to try a few different meds before you find the right meds for you. Hope this helps, good luck.

I am diagnosed with bipolar disorder, ADD, Generalized Anxiety Disorder.?

I am on medical leave for three weeks due to getting cited on the job and told my job was in jeopardy for having issues with my confusion, moodiness and attitude...emotional highs and lows--very friendly and outgoing one day and then very resentful and unsociable on other days. The doctor has diagnosed me with Bipolar disorder, ADD, and Generalized Anxiety Disorder. When I told him that I was having more and more periods of feeling very creative and energized-but not overly so-and then losing all interest and energy--feeling deflated...I also get confused--I don't take all the xanax that I am prescribed--.1mg to 1/2 mg every six hours as needed--I tend to reach for them when I am depressed and take about 2 .5 mg twice a day-and .75mg at night--when i go back to work, I know I will have to probably reduce the xanax to .25mg a day at work--the xanax calms me--and it used to make me want to sleep--but now it relaxes me and I am able to lay in like a meditative state--I also smoke marijuana on a fairly regular basis (please, I know I am exercising wrong behavior and self-medicating)- I am just trying to get an honest answer--because there are supposed real mental and physical benefits with marijuana--at any rate--I get periods when I Feel pretty creative--not overly so like i used to--I can focus on one project and once--stay focused and move on to the next--rather than being all over the place--For the first two weeks, the 2 times a of 10mg ritalin really seemed to help--then it became this mild energy bursts-and then whatever I had wanted to do--paint, write, go on the computer, listen to music, goes away--and I feel like a deflated balloon. The doctor says that he is still sticking to the bipolar diagnosis but feels that he has not seen any manic episodes, only depression and anxiety. I know I have to return to work in another week...I can't keep saying I feel this way because I can't afford to NOT work- I would like to have some feedback regarding my diagnosis(s) and medications....Previously I was on buspar 30mg and vitaril-i forgot what mg but it was like a sugar pill. The doctor has switched me from 40mg of prozac to 40 of celexa--I never seem to feel better--and it's making me frustrated...I am welcoming second, third, fourth or however many opinions on my meds and/or diagnosis(s)...Please, no rude answers. This is serious, and it really is cruel to ridicule a person's honest issues)

Could depression, anxiety attacks, and bipolar disorder affect my grades?

Yes all of these can affect your grades. From what you have written it doesn't sound like you are seeing a doctor for these problems though.

I would suggest going to your guidance counselor and speaking with them about your problems and why you think you might be bipolar. The depression and anxiety is understandable.

By talking with your guidance counselor they can in turn speak with your parents about getting you the proper medical help.

You guidance counselor could also speak to your teachers about what is going on.