Black Lines And Dots On My Eye

In my vision i see black dots?

Those are usually called "floaters", and they're basically bits of undissolved organic material literally "floating" in the gel part of your eye. They aren't a big deal unless they start impeding with vision, which can be a sign of a tear somewhere in your eye. If you've seen an optomitrist and they can't find any tear then it's just floaters (which unfortunately do get worse with age).

Black lines and dots on my eye's iris?

The iris is like a map of the body - changes in certain organs are reflected in specific parts of the iris. The right iris shows the condition of the right side of the body, while the left iris reflects the left side. The exact relationship between iris and body parts can be seen from the iris chart below. Iris diagnosis is also known as iridology. In health, the iris is composed of densely structured fine, straight lines, radiating from the pupil to the outer rim. A close grain, similar to that of hardwood, indicates a strong inherited vitality and good recuperative powers in the case of temporary illness. If the fibres are loosely spread, as in softwood, the basic health is weak.

Got punched in the eye black spots in vision?

Black, non-moving spots in the vision can result from a number of things. These include (but are not limited to) cataract, floaters in the vitreous, a retinal problem, a vascular event, or a migraine headache. Eye doctors check for many of these things during an eye examination.

Retinal problems such as scars or broken blood vessels can usually be seen by the eye doctor, but can be very deep in the tissues and therefore may require more advanced diagnostic procedures to detect (for example, fluorescein angiogram or optical coherence tomography).

You may want to visit the eye docter if you still see those black spots after the swelling goes away.

What causes black and white flashing dots in the vision? How do you treat it?

Several things. Migraine. Brain problems like stroke, aneurysm, tumor, infection.I guess I’d be most concerned, if this came on suddenly without warning, or pain or other symptoms, of a torn or detached retina. This does not have to be preceded by trauma, it can just happen. Go see an optometrist or ophthalmologist for an eye exam.There is no substitute for a good history and physical examination.

What are the little black dots floating around in my eye?

These black specks which seem to move around in the eye as you try to look at them, are called 'floaters' and are quite harmless as they are 'debris' in the fluid of eye ball and will be disposed of by the body in due course. There is nothing as far as I know of that you can do to get rid of them, just be patient they will soon disapear (and maybe another will appear!).

I see floaters and black dots in my vision?

Whenever im outside or staring at a light, i see honeycomb like or wavy lines. im not concerned about it too much but i also see a black dot that appears out of the corner of my eye. i just want to know so i can get my eyes checked. i'll occasionally see floaters (lines, dots, exc) when im outside as well. i will sometimes get extremely painful headaches but maybe that's the cause haha, im not sure. I was staring at a light and when i moved my head from side to side, i was seeing i whole load of honeycomb shaped lines connected together, or wavy lines. im stressed out as well, with college and bullsh*t at home, so maybe that's another cause as well. should i see an eye doctor and get checked up?

What do black squiggly lines in the vision indicate?

Most probably they are floaters,which are small pieces of your eye gel.They are most common in near sighted people ,after exercise or eye strain or if you’ve had a recent eye surgery.In few cases,they could be sign of Diabetic Retinopathy,a complication of Diabetes,so get yourself checked from a doctor