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Do you homeschooling parents look down on us who send our kids to a public school?

I ask this because I have a very close friend who homeschools her children and she has a bad habit of making rude, snide, underhanded remarks to me about how "her kids will NEVER go to a public school", or how she "don't know how I do it, being away from my kids" or "not knowing who they're hanging out with at school" or what they're "picking up from other kids" etc etc.
I understand that there are drawbacks to public school at times, but I also feel there are some drawbacks to homeschooling. I'm not against homeschooling in any way, shape or form. As a matter of fact, I have homeschooled for a year. My oldest son's kindergarten year I homeschooled him. It just wasn't for us at that time. Then, when I put him in public school for his 1st grade year, he was behind.
With all this being said, that child is now 7 years old, in the 2nd grade and making straight A's. The lowest grade on is report card was a 98, and that was in hand writing!
We were at this same friends house the other day playing some board games, and their 14 year old homeschooled girl was playing and our 7 y.o. was having to read the big words on the card for her because she couldn't sound them out.
That was a red flag to me that my friend isn't taking her homeschooling serious enough, and the fact that she has the balls to bash me right to my face really upsets me!
So, with yourselves in my friend's shoes, I'm asking you to be honest and tell me if you think us folks on the other side of the fence are lazy, or "putting our kids off" on someone else? That's the only thing I can think of that would give her any justification to care THAT much about how I choose to educate my children....the fact that maybe she thinks I'm lazy or something and just don't want to come out and say it.


Need help finding the name & artist of a song ?? lyrics & additional details inside please help?

I think its an 80's rock song & the lead singer is a white male. like EDDIE MONEY only not him but someone similar

lyrics I remember or heard

"how much longer must we share this masquerade. it's just the silly little games we play"

I love classic rock & hip hop/rap & whoever the artist or song is. it is played in the first 13 seconds of the rap song in the link provided below so listen & se if you can help me out please

Why blame the federal government for Hurricane Katrina?

It was politically expedient and easy to spin that helping the people of New Orleans was a federal government failure. They ignored that fact buses were left behind that could have moved people, and that the governor called for a voluntary evacuation not a mandatory one, and that the mayor was so inept that when the people re elected him I lost faith in them and stopped giving to any relief organization destined to help them. Shortly after it happened my business drove two vehicles from California to the Louisiana with bottled water supplies that were donated and it was said we got there before the Federal Government - so what. We are a society way too dependent on the Federal Government that's what.

Can depo ( birth control shot) make a woman not be able to orgasm?

I've taken the depo shot for 1yr, stopped it 2 months ago. I was depressed and nauseaous( thought I was pregnant all the time). Lost my sex drive, my man is blessed and I feel terrible because he is thinking he is doing something wrong, he is not!!!!!!! I still enjoy sex but I don't orgasm at all unless I use my vibrator solo.When I do orgasm with a vibe, it's so little like 1/4 of a teaspoon. It's embarrassing writing this, It's frustrating/sad/pathetic and I blame myself for choosing the depo as a form of birth control besides condoms.
If depo is to blame, how can I reverse it so I can go back to normal?
P.S: I've been off depo for 2 months, I am not depressed anymore,, getting back to my old self, laughing and smiling more. I wouldn't recommend Depo to anyone!!!!!!!!!!! Although someone else may not have the same experience I had with it.

Thank you!