Blood Clots .what Should I Do

What does it mean when you have blood clots but no period?

You should see a doctor immediately. The blood is coming from somewhere, and the answer needs to be found yesterday. Could range from some type of infection, hormone imbalance, to some type of growth

Blue lips withe blood clot because of kiss !?

hey guys ..
my boyfriend when he first kissed me he was actually sucking my lips very hardly and for that reason my lips became blue with blood colt .what can i do to make my lips back to normal?

What might happen if a blood clot is formed inside a blood vessel?

A thrombus is formed, which if formed in an artery by blocking off the passage of oxygen and nutrient bringing blood might cause the part that depend on that blood vessel for their blood supply die off: myocardial infarction I(heart attack)and ischemic strokeIn a vein it is venous thrombosis, obstructing the flow of venous blood from the limb, so causing swelling (edema), and also signs of an inflammation pain and redness. Pieces of the clot can break off and form an emboluswhich can travel along the veins into the arterial lung circulation, causing a lung emboli, obstructing branches of the pulmonary artery, which it not treated by anticoagulation can be fatal in 20% of the cases because of their obstructive nature, causing Obstructive shock - Wikipedia.

Why do I have thick clots but no period?

I don’t get what you mean by this. Thick black/purple clots are a normal part of the period, so actually you are having a period. They are black because they contain very concentrated blood. You will see this if you get one of those on toilet paper and then dab it with another piece of paper, should give off red or brown. Or are the clots white? That might be a sign of yeast infection, but that does not have anything to do with having your period or not.

What happens if my blood clot dislodges after only 8 hours of a tooth extraction?

Because of nature of the mouth, Blood clots in tooth sockets are very dynamic. You can expect things to slightly ooze off and on for the first 48 hours. The clot eventually develops into tissue. So if it falls of the formation of gums and bone I the socket will be delayed. If this is painful we call it a dry socket. Eventually tissue will form in the socket after a dry socket. Until then a dry socket is quite painful.

What might happen if a blood clot forms inside the circulatory system and lodges in a major blood vessel?

If the clot is on the arterial side it would block circulation to the area that artery supplied with blood and eventually, usually within minutes, that tissue dies whether it be a coronary artery (heart attack), the carotid artery (stroke). A blood clot in an artery is called a thrombus.
If the clot developed on the venous side it could travel all the way to the lungs and block pulmonary circulation. It is called a venous embolus.
The size of the clot in an artery or vein, determines how lethal it is. But sometimes pieces of the clot will break off and start clogging up smaller vessels.
You always need immediate help at an ER in either case. Let them decide what and where it is.

How long should a blood clot stay in your mouth before falling out?

They usually stay in for about 24 to 48 hours. If it falls out, don't worry, just keep the area clean with warm salt water rinses. If you start to develop pain, see your dentist. Dry socket is most common in lowers, so if it is an upper, you probably have nothing to worry about.

Why is my period blood like this?

I don't know if you've ever actually thought about what a period is and why you have it, but that will help you understand. Your uterus has several layers which I won't get into, but the innermost layer grows each month hoping that an egg is fertilized. It gets big and bloody and juicy so it can feed the embryo all of the nutrients it needs to grow if one happens to burrow into it. When nothing burrows, it sheds so it can make the layer again for the next month and the next possible embryo. So basically what comes out is bloody tissue and mucous. It is a layer of your uterus. It's not like there's a bunch of pure liquid blood floating around that suddenly drains.

What reasons could there be for blood coming from the mouth and nose? My friend is suffering from this, he is 25-years-old.

In otherwise healthy people having a nose bleed could cause that, but very sick people having diseases that negatively influences one's blood coagulation could in theory cause that also.People having blood coagulation problems could bleed from the nose (and often from the nose to the mouth) also, nothing to do with "heat".Better see a real doc.There is a place in the nose septum where blood vessels form a network, the locus Kiesselbachi, many otherwise healthy people will bleed easily from that, if so an ENT doc can coagulate this place. A nose bleeding if the blood is coming from behind can cause people to spit out blood too.

How common is throwing up blood along with vomit after drinking in beginners?

Hello,Consumption of alcohol with a poor diet leads to inflamation in the stomach n ulcers it is called as gastritis. If u have excess amount of alcohol u may experience bleeding in ur vomits too.There are many symptoms associated with throwing blood in your vomit after consuming alcohol, which depend on the cause and degree of the bleeding. If you have a burning sensation in your stomach as well as in your chest and throat and are also feeling nauseous, this could be due to the bleeding.You may also face severe stomach pain, weakness, chest pain, abdominal cramps, dizziness, fainting, circulatory shock as well as the presence of large amounts of blood in your vomit. The latter symptoms are more severe and mean that you need to get a medical checkup done immediately.Hope this helps u with ur problem…Stay fit, stay healthy n happy… Take careAll d best….