Blowing Your Nose After Insufflating Vicodin

What are some signs of heroin use? (snorting)?

My boyfriend snorts heroin, and claims he has stopped, and has checked into rehab. What are some signs I can look out for? Symptoms of use, behavior, and personality changes? He snorts so I will not see track marks. Please help.

Is there a health difference between blowing your nose and continuously sniffing it back in?

Mucous gets excreted for a reason. Its purpose is to help expel bacteria, viruses, dust and mold out of the nasal cavity and prevent it from entering the lungs. So, it’s much better out than in, as most secretions are.

What do you use when your nose is stuffed up using cocaine?

Let’s not get all preachy here.This is an intelligent health related question. I may be wrong but this type of question usually comes from a newer recreational user than from a hard core coke addict but we are not making comparisons here.If you are going to do lines you should follow a nasal hygiene regime to protect yourself as best you can. Check out the drugs-forum site for a ton of nasal care guides. Its a harm reduction moderated forum that doesn’t judge.Most of us only have one nose.When your nose is blocked and every night you snort, try a simple mild saline rinse at bedtime. I think Neilmed was a brand I recall but every pharmacy sells them. You could probably make your own saline solution but whose got time for that.The solution cannot have jagged shards of salt or it will act as an irritant instead..Never blow your nose too hard !Then you are going to get a better dealer as most of the gunk stuffing your nose up is cut.Lots of people use cocaine socially or recreationally and quite a few others develop substance abuse issues.The (dubiously?) good thing about cocaine is that if you are one of the unfortunate ones who will like it A LOT, then you’ll know you REALLY like it really quickly.Insufflate safely please.

How should you feel after snorting a line in each nose?

You should feel like a person who needs ‘help’ and is heading into physical and mental pain in the form of ‘recreational fun’. It is always packaged in statements of ‘I know what I’m doing ‘ or ‘I can quit anytime ‘ by people who selfishly don’t worry about the trauma their behaviour causes those who love them, like family. You should feel like you have more worth than you currently do and seek support to help you stop such a destructive pastime. There is so much more wonderful life experiences out there than rotting your nasal passages and brain cells. It leads to a very unattractive condition or two, such as your nose collapsing.Damage to the nose from cocaine can cause:Epistaxis (nosebleeds)Chronic InfectionsPerforated Septum (hole in the nasal septum)Nasal CollapseFoul SmellsAnosmia (Loss of Smell)Nasal DeformityAllergy ExacerbationNasal ObstructionNose WhistlingSnoringSocial IsolationPoor work performance from chronic nasal infection (missed days)Low self-esteemAnxietyCredit for information and images to:What Effect Does Cocaine Have on the Nose?

What will happen if i snort zoloft?

I've snorted coke, vicodin, percocet, and others. I've even snorted zoloft. It was the most painful things that has ever happened to my nose. It burned for over an hour. I personally could care less if you want to do drugs or not, we all make our own mistakes. But I'll tell you from experience that you shouldn't snort zoloft. It hurts like hell.

Does snorting 50MG vyvanse do more to you than taking it orally?

Lisdexamfetamine (Vyvanse) itself is inactive and acts as a prodrug to dextroamphetamine upon cleavage of the lysine portion of the molecule. It was developed for the intention of creating a longer-lasting and more difficult to abuse version of dextroamphetamine.

As a prodrug, it is chemically inactive until it metabolizes through oral ingestion... (Pro- prefix means before; in biochemistry it is used for precursors to substances... proenzyme = inactive precursor of an enzyme) So assuming that wikipedia is correct, it would be a waste of money to blow vyvanse period.

Regarding your statement about adderall, it is generally regarded that you can only snort the regular, blue ones (not XR/extended release) because the XR's are in little balls. You could technically crush up the little balls within the capsule but it would be very hard to do so.
(And it looks like you would have the same problem with vyvanse)

Snorting the blue/regular adderalls supposedly brings it right to your bloodstream, or at least in a more direct path to your body. The slow process of metabolism breaks it down less rapidly, and results in absorption over several hours. Snorting it, its more intense but lasts a significantly shorter amount of time (~1-2 hrs) vs 4-8 hrs.

If you want to snort, go with adderall (regulars)
If you need to study for a long time, pop the Adderall XR or Vyvanse

What effect does snorting pills have as oposed to taking them orally?

It does hit you faster because inhaling them makes them quickly accessible vasculary. This means that they "work" faster. The downside is that they also can wear off quicker because the body can metabolize them faster.

For instance, I am an EMT, and when we have a patient who is in Cardiac Arrest and we have not or can't establish venous access, but we have an ET Tube placed down the throat, we can shoot an amp of epinephrine down it. This basically makes the epi into an aerosol and allows the vessels in the alveoli to absorb it, which distributes the medicine much faster than other routes.

The other downfall is the risk it imposes to your health. By snorting pills you are ingesting something in a means that it is not meant to. The drug companies invest millions of dollars studying the best ways and all the side effects to take a medicine. One of the biggest complications with snorting medicines that are not meant to snort is harming your airway and the cilia located in your airway. The cilia are very important and any disruption to them can lead to life of loaded lungs, fluid and mucus that cannot be coughed up easily. Just remember, and advise your friends, if something is made a certain way and instructed to be taken a certain way, it is because it is the safest way to take it, otherwise I might be visiting them one day and shooting epi down a tube in their mouth to try and restart their heart...sorry if that is crude, but usually being crude can be effective...

I think I just used Heroin, can anyone help?

So my friends(girl) boyfriend is a major drug addict, in Art she found A pill on the ground and thought it was mine. Me being the drug addict I am took it thinking it was peyote. It was a brown substance inside it(very packed, and small particles) and it burned very bad when I snorted it and my head is spinning.

My girlfriend is still taking Percocet? What do I do?

We've been together for 6 months. We live together now for the last two. She has been taking Methadone 30mgs a day since we've been together. Her goal is to get clean. She wants to get to a doctor to get on the suboxone program. I feel this will be better as she will be accounted for and the suboxone blocks the receptor completely. Lately she has been sneaky and staying later than usual at her girlfriends house. She is real defensive with me. I find straws for snorting when I did the laundry of our most recent clothes. Sometimes she seems blasted. Its hard to tell, but I feel like I know when she is on the Roxys and not the Methadone. I don't know what to do because I know she wants to get clean, and hates how much money goes out for everything. She works her *** of for this habit. I really care for this girl. I hate to walk away because I'm a recovering addict. I do not use anymore. I know she has to make the choice, but I don't know if I should confront her, give her an ultimatum or something. I understand in her case being she doesn't want to go to detox or rehab because of work relapse is inevitable unless she gets on the suboxone program. What do I do? It hurts because she hides it from me and thinks its ok. I rather her be honest with me. Trust is what our relationship is based on, but she is blowing it with the drugs. And suggestions or advice or experience will be helpful. Thank you