Body Conditioning For 16 Year Old Female

What's the average percent body fat for a 15 year old female?

You should be about 19-23% to be considered 'average' according to the National Strength and Conditioning Association norms for females under 20 years of age. 16 - 20% to be considered 'good'. A normal BMI is 19 to 25.

I'm a 16 year old girl & i'm going bald?!?

You don't have cancer...yasmin answered my question very half-@ssed as well...

Your body is just trying to set it's priorities, so it's not giving as much nutrients to your hair. Make sure you're getting enough protein, and take a good multi vitamin. Also, you might want to consider getting a deep conditioning treatment at the salon. Good luck!

I'm female, 16 years old, and 5'3". I want to get a flat stomach, as mine sticks out a fair amount. I also want to get really toned on my stomach. How can I lose weight and tone up in fewer than 7 months?

There's a lot you can do but the most important of all is that you have to be able to commit to the changes you need to make. It will take a disciplined mindset to get you there. I've never particularly had a weight problem but I did have a stomach and wanted to cut down my belly fat so I'll give you some tips that worked for me.Don't buy into any crazy low-calorie diets! Change the quality of calories you consume.A tip from the "Slow-Carb Diet"; consume 30 grams of protein within 30 mins to an hour of waking up every morning. Two egg whites or a can of tuna will approximately get you there. You could also supplement/substitute with whey protein if you desire. Also drink a glass of water first thing on mornings.Increase your overall protein consumption while moderately reducing your carb intake.This can be VERY hard but cut down on "white" foods if you can't completely eliminate them. E.g. White bread, white sugar, white rice, etc.Cut down on processed meats and other processed foods.This all sounds very daunting and you must be wondering what you'll ever eat but please trust that it's possible.For exercise, I could recommend lots of things but without knowing your base conditioning at the moment I'm stabbing in the dark.You can start with a combination of yoga and jogging/running. Play a sport like soccer if you're able to. You should also take up some type of strength training.When you exercise your body will demand more food. Don't take exercise as a license to fill your body with junk food! You'll still need to eat healthy to get results.This is very general but it's a place to start.I will reiterate: you have to stay strong and commit to the change you want. Being committed doesn't mean you have to put yourself through hell. You just have to know when and what to say no to.You could also join an online support community to stay encouraged.Hope this helped some.

What is a good routine for a new female lifter?

First of all, you won't have to worry about getting bulky. It takes many years of hard work and proper nutrition to gain quality muscle, and, since you also said you have a small frame, you needn't worry about getting bulky. I would recommend full body workouts three times per week with an emphasis on lower body/butt. Not only will this higher frequency result in greater hypertrophy, full body workouts are great for overall conditioning and that “toned” look you are after. That is, if they are set up right. Since you don't have access to a squat rack, I'll give you the best exercises that do not require that.I would advise a workout that includes strength and conditioning, with circuits being used for the conditioning part. Trust me, the strength portion will help with butt size, and the circuit portion will beat the hell out of any regular cardio you'd be doing. With that being said, here is a sample workout:Strength:DB Lunges 3x10Hip thrusts(arguably the best booty builder) 4x8Pull-ups(or pull downs) 3x6–10DB Chest Press 3x8Glute Kickbacks w/cable 3x10 each legCircuit 1: perform 3 rounds of each exercise for 30 seconds and rest 30–45 seconds between each exerciseBurpeesBW LungesJumping JacksPush-upsBW Squats

Should a 15-year-old hit the gym?

Yes, the answer is absolutely yes. You can always ask your gym to allow you in as a minor and I’d bet almost all are helpful and will allow you to train even without permanent adult supervision.But I will go against many of the suggestions of Max Denis at this stage.While I do agree with all of the points for adult professionals, we have to take into account that we’re talking about a 15 year old here. For 15 year olds going to the gym may not serve the same function as for adults. Being a young teen means experimenting and having fun. Training in a gym can be fun, but you need friends with you. You also need someone to show you how to go through the proper motions. At this stage you shouldn’t be going all in, but testing the waters first. Training in the gym and performing complex exercises like the bench press, squat, deadlift etc. requires a lot of fine-tuning. This only comes with time and if you want to spend time an activity it better be fun. You can also be fit and have fun with friends when doing other sports like playing basketball, football, soccer, hockey, etc.Overall I recommend not digging too deep. In fitness things can get confusing very fast. That is why I recommend doing over reading. Yes, reading is important, but first you should actually start doing something, because then you are already committed and know what additional info to look for. Don’t get lost in the details early on.So assuming you have been going to the gym for half a year and have the grit to go on, I strongly recommend going through Max’ list again. Focus on one item at a time and gradually improve yourself. I don’t get anything out of promo, but I like this website that helped me avoid many fitness noob mistakes: A Workout Routine - Build Muscle. Lose Fat. Improve Your Body. You will then master fitness much earlier than we did and for all we know look amazing.Happy exercising!

Do you think that Olympic female gymnastics is kinda creepy?

Here's the last thing I'm going to say about this... I had posted a question about this before that was taken down after only 2 answers one was "They're hot." And secondly, Why do you think "womens" gymnastics is so much obviously more popular than the men's variety, if it's about the sport and athleticism. There is a sex value there and when there are young girls involved that is WRONG. Try to defend it all you can, any person with a conscience knows it shouldn't be allowed just for that only. I would suggest they raise the minimum age for competitors to be 18 instead of 16, but then the real stars wouldnt be able to compete, well if youre a star at 16 at a sport but not at 18 then you've got yourself a crappy sport that serves no real purpose.

Is weighing 122 pounds fat for a 5'6'' 13 year old girl?

That's not fat.

That's normal, average.

The most important thing is NOT how much you weigh, but how your body is proportioned. Do you store the fat around your waist, or in your hips, thighs and that area?

Those two women are both the same height and weight. It's clear which one is more attractive.

Stop worrying about your weight, that's not what's important.