Bonding Broke Off Tooth. What To Do

I have a chipped tooth and the bonding keeps coming off...?

depends on how particular you are about esthetics. Small fillings usually don't bond well. "filing" the tooth may cause it to look worse.
Consider doing a wider bevel to increase the surface area for bonding. I'm assuming you're using a tooth-coloured material.

Dentist broke bonded tooth during cleaning...?

In the USA, there is no formal classification called a "cosmetic" dentist. It's a title that the dentist gives themselves. As such you don't know if they have had very formal training like going through the 2-3 year cosmetic dentistry program at some dental schools, they attended a few seminars, or have done nothing.

Additionally, bonded teeth have no guarantee. They can break the same day, they can break next week, or they can last 15 years.

However, it was not right of her to break the tooth, not say anything and send you on your way. Did you ask her to fix it that day? 3 months later you probably have no recourse except to pay someone else to fix it. This isn't a situation that the insurance company would be involved in, they aren't responsible for licensing. You could complain to your state's dental board but you don't have much case on the bonding breaking, it's possible that it did just break = complain about how she handled the problem - didn't attempt to fix it, didn't say anything, etc.

Tooth bonding came off?

Okay so when i was 8 i chipped my front tooth. The dentist who put the bonding on did a very good job, it lasted 8 years, and i never had a problem with it. I also remember there being no pain, during or after the precedure. I have since changed dentists, and in October the bonding fell off, the chipped part was sensitive to cold and hot foods, and when i brushed it. I went to get it put back on, and the opertaion was bad. When the dentist drilled my tooth it felt extremly sensitive, to the point that i was in pain. It also felt sensitive and raw anytime i bit down on something hard after it was rebonded. It was on for only a few months, when fell off on Thurs (Mar. 1). I don't know if maybe the dentist did not do a good job, because the operation was more painful, opposed to the first time i had it done when i don't remember there being any pain at all. Or do i need something else done like getting a crown. The first time i had it done i had no problems during or after the procedure, and it lasted 8 years. The 2nd time i had it done, i experienced pain during the procedure, and occasionally after the procedure. It also fell off in 5 months, and it is still sensitive without the bonding on. So what do you think, was it the dentist, or do i need to get something else done to it. And what can i do to maybe ease the pain if i have to get it rebonded, and why am i feeling this raw sensitive feeling where the tooth is chipped, even though i chipped it 8 years ago.

How much do yall think tooth bonding cost?

A lot will depend on the size, location, and where you live. Maybe anywhere between $75 to $300. Just call a cpl dentist and ask them for a price.
I edited my repsonse and it didnt show.....

I saw that you are a Soldiers Sweetie... If you are married you should have Tricare.. and if it was in a car accident, then I believe Tricare would cover it. If not do you have United Concordia through Tricare?? (Im a marine wife)

Or you can try applying for Care Credit. Its an interest free program depending on how much is spent. A lot of providers accept it .

I just broke my front tooth in half. The half that fell off is still in good condition and I'm keeping it attached with tissue paper. What can I do?

Sorry to hear that but please don't be saddened. Dentistry has advanced tremendously now and restorative options for teeth to make them look life-like are abundant.The tooth piece that you have saved cannot be rebonded. However, please take it with you to the dentist. I, personally send tooth pieces to my lab so they can simulate the shade and surface texture accurately. Your dentist will take an X-ray and give you options. The best option, usually, for such cases is a porcelain veneer (a thin shell of porcelain bonded to the front of the tooth). However, bonding with a tooth colored composite restoration, if filled and polished well is also a viable option. Choose a cosmetic dentist carefully.

Dental bonding...?

I will be getting two of my front teeth lengthened with dental bonding. I am really sensitive to pain so I am wondering if anyone has ever had this procedure done and how much it hurts. Also, should I expect to be numbed with a shot?

I broke a part of my lower retainer, can i bond it back together instead of getting a new one?

Ok, so in December 08 the bonded retainer on my bottom teeth popped off when I was flossing, so I went to get another one, instead of getting the bonded again I got the one you can take off while you eat and what not. Today 3 or 4 cm broke off the right side. The wire still has its shape but that pink part is totally messed up. I washed it and put it in my mouth and I can already feel a shift, so I know that without that part my teeth are effed. And to top it off I won't be near my ortho until may and my mom is going to flip because she just paid 400 dollars for this! Is there anyway I can mend it myself with krazy glue or something non toxic, or if I go to the ortho or dentist, can they bond it together without having me pay for a whole new one????

and no bs answers please thanks

If I get braces will my bonding break?

I chipped my tooth years ago and I got a bonding, and I have a choice to get braces. But won't the pressure and the glue ruin my bonding? I told my mom if I have to get my bonding removed and than get braces than I'm not getting em cause I'll look ridiculous. But I really wanna fix my over bite cause I got a gummy smile. Can't I wear a retainer to fix my spaces?
The orthodonist didnt mention that the bonding will break but idk I don't wanna risk it, has any of you had any expirrences like this?
Please help!