Borderline Personality/adhd Vs. Spoiled Brat Vs. Mental Illness = Lazy/excuse

Borderline personality/ADHD vs. spoiled brat vs. mental illness = lazy/excuse?

Wow thank you all for your responses, it's great to have several points of view. This question is based upon myself and the discoveries I am making. It's extremely hard to accept and logically recognize the symptoms I exhibit. I have a few friends ive mown 20+ years and they back me up on treatment. Family on the other hand I believe are afraid for this to be real, I guess..
All I know is since I started taking lithium/seraquel I have much more impulse control , and a better grip on anger.
I feel afraid of myself at times being I know what I'm (the illness) capable of which is dead!! I've read of dialectical therapy in combination with proper medications can be a success. My health insurance does not cover any sort of counseling (totally sucks)...
I would appreciate any suggestions or advice to where and how to find the best resources...
Thank you all again for taking your time to give me answers, as this is sometimes feels like a clusterf*%+ of awful thoughts and emo

Aspergers vs. Spoiled Brat?

You disgust me. Research a topic before asking something as moronically uneducated as "could someone tell me the difference between someone with Aspergers and someone who is spoiled."

Answers is a decent resource for getting quick answers to questions that are common knowledge to many people who are familiar with various fields, but this question is asinine. If you really want to know about Aspergers, check these articles out:;_ylt=A0oG7p_t0f9RhEUACOsPxQt.;_ylc=X1MDMjExNDcwMDU1OQRfcgMyBGFvA2FvBGNzcmNwdmlkA0dEN3JRMG9HN3Z6SHlxZVFVWldRYmdnZ1IwRWtwMUhfMGVBQUNEZ1UEZnIyA3NidG4Ebl9ncHMDMTAEb3JpZ2luA3NycARwcXN0cgNhc3BlcmdlcnMgYXV0aXNtBHF1ZXJ5A2FzcGVyZ2VycyBhdXRpc20Ec2FvAzMEdG9TdHJpbmcDW29iamVjdCBPYmplY3Rd?p=aspergers%20autism&fr2=sb-top&hspart=ironsource&hsimp=yhs-fullyhosted_001&type=irmsd64_y&type_param=irmsd64_y&pqstr=aspergers%20autism

There's enough information to keep you busy for years.

But I don't think you want to know about Aspergers, because it's a complicated syndrome. I think you just want to vent about this one person because you feel like his behavior is tolerated because of a diagnosis. That's an idiotic overgeneralization based on one person you know. It's like if you knew one person who was deaf and you thought they were a jerk, and then you classified all deaf people as jerks.

Spoiled vs Loved?

you should never spoiled a kid you should give her love.. you need to let her cry unless she wanted to eat.. but if she wanted to be pick up and get attention just leave her.. Give her love then spoiled... if it your like princess
There part where you wanted to spoiled and there part where you wanted to love her.. spoiled is not good thing for girl.. because then when she grow up she would wanted a lot of toys and a lot of things and start to act up when she out...
Just see how kids now.. not all kids sit in restaurant and eat.. mostly they ran around the places... and some parents let them do that... i would not if i were out with my kids.. my parents were strict with me when i was growing up

Do narcissists end any relationships themselves?

Nope, once the narcissist realize that the narcissistic supply isn’t providing what the narcissist wants, or enough of what he wants, he’ll begin to devalue his supply and start mistreating his narcissistic supply, this is when silent treatment might set in where the narcissist acts like he ain’t interested in his supply anymore and that nothing can evoke his interests again. This is when the narcissist end his relationship cruelly and abruptly. He might start contacting the other supply who he believes can offer more to him (such as attention etc.) or that he has already been starting his idealisation (or lovebombing) on the other narcissistic supply while he was giving you the silent treatment and telling you that he can’t talk with you because he needs some time for reflection (or insert any other statements). However, narcissists will always need a narcissistic supply so he might not completely block you (although if he does, he leaves no remorse from doing that) from his life. When he gets tired of his new supply and could find no one else to be his narcissistic supply, he might come back to you. Otherwise, during the last phase of the devaluation process which is towards the end of a narcissistic relationship, the narcissist will show you his truest side, which is the meanest, heinous and inhumane self, this might cause the victim to have post traumatic stress disorder or PTSD, or utter trauma that takes time to heal. The victim might also end up with scars from the last stage of cruel abuse and might need treatment from a therapist or psychologist. The narcissist will leave the victim cruelly and in the most inhumane way anyone could think of. This leaves the victim even stressful and isolated than ever. How can such a lovable, warmhearted and generous friend/ex/family leave me like I was just a possession? The fact is that, as a victim, he is deemed as the possession of the narcissist. The last step of abuse is cruel, but it’s possibly the most impactful for the victim. By leaving the victim, it is showing that the victim is helpless, hopeless and weak. The victim might start blaming himself for trusting such a person in the first place, getting into depression/anxiety or developing trust issues.