Boys Is A Big Nose A Turnoff

Is a big nose a turn off to girls?

There are many ways to improve the shape of your nose without surgery. Surgery is expensive not to mention risky and its obvious that you had a nose job because of its unnatural look.

1. Lemon juice - did you know that putting pure lemon juice on your nose makes it pliable and smaller?

2. Contouring with make up - a dark shade at the sides of the nose and a light shade at the center defines the bridge and gives an illusion of a smaller nose.

3. Nose Reshapers - I highly recommend this one, check out I personally used this one and its very effect. The effect is similar to actual surgery. It'll work in around 10 days. It can fix big nose, droopy nose, beaky nose, crooked nose, wide nose, flat nose and dorsal hump.

Is a big nose a turn-off to a guy?

I never noticed I had a big nose until someone pointed it out. I started being self-conscious about it from the ages 12-18. I was teased a lot but never said anything because I didn't want anyone to know it bothered me because I thought they would tease me even more. But as I grew older I noticed my self-asteem was beginning to go down and I would cover my mouth and nose with a sweater all the time - especially in high school. Honestly though I still get teased about it to this day, but I think people who make jokes about it are jealous of me. The guys who think big noses are turn-offs are shallow, pay them no attention. You don't ever want to end up with someone who is with you just because of your looks, it shows they're uncomfortable and pressured with their own - or they think their perfect, which is disgusting if you ask me. Remember, everyone has flaws. Some are more noticable than others.

My advice (because I have a huge snozz lol) is accept it, you can't change it. If people say something about it, Speak Up. Tell them not to make jokes or wise cracks. And about the whole listening in on your guy friends, don't take advice from them. Someone will like you for your personalityty, trust me. I have a really good sense of humour that I sometimes poke my bf with it just to laugh lol He says it's not big but I know it is. But because he loves me he doesn't care.

Girls with bad noses a turn off?

i don't that so important? it so bad?i mean,if she has all this good features i don't believe that the nose plays such a great role...and,besides,if she is pretty this nose suits her face and though strange it looks ok on her.i myself don't have the most beautiful nose but i 'm leading a normal life.....

Are big noses a turn off in girls?

I feel like guys can get away with big noses because its a masculine "rustic" physical trait, but on a woman its iffy.
Like her nose is on the larger side:
But dos that automatically make a girl ugly if she looks good everywhere else??
Be honest!!! Thanks <3

Is a big head a turn off for girls?

i hope not cause theres nothin u can do about it

Is a crooked nose a turn off in a girl???? :(?

So basically I used to be really confdent in myself until I figured out I have a crooked nose and now it is ruining my self confidence so much.
It makes me feel so ugly and worthless, and I feel like nobody will like me because of this.
It turns only slightly to one side, it's nothing major really when I ask my family and friends if my nose looks silly they just say no but they have to say that don't they?
When I take pictures of myself it looks bent, but looking in the mirror it doesn't?
I just feel like no body will ever like me because of my nose.
So all I wanna know is boys, is it a turn off if a girls nose isn't normal or if it's crooked?
and what do you think when you see a girl with a nose like this?
Please be nice...

Is it a turnoff to see icky boogers in a pretty girl's nose?


I have a pretty big head, is this a turn off for girls?

im currently a sophomore, and ive had the nickname "Big Head" multiple times t hroughout my life, some people say i have a big head and others say i have a normal one. is this bad? like, if i ever get a GF, wont it look wierd when my heads huge and her is smaller than mine? do u think if i work out more and build some muscle my head will look in proportion with my body?

Kissing with a big nose?

Is it difficult to kiss with a big nose?? Would it interfere with anything?? My side profile, you can see a bump on my nose and it looks so gross=[

Is it like a turn off to kiss a girl with a big nose?

Do boys find girls with big noses attractive?

No, at least this one here doesn’t think that. My wife has been made fun of by her family because of her rather large nose. It’s not hooked or awkwardly shaped at all, just rather big. She was seriously considering a nose job, though, but I had successfully talked her out of it.In my opinion, most nose jobs do the involved person a very bad favor. Most seem to choose a finely chiseled, “girly” nose that then sits like a lost orphan in a face that is too large for such a small relict.My wife has a beautiful round face with rather prominent cheeks. It makes her looking young, even now in her fifties, even as these features slowly seem to change. Her rather prominent nose in the center aligns just about perfectly with her large mouth and her rather sumptuous lips with the easy, engaging smile. Somehow, a human face is usually perfect. Trying to improve it usually only messes things up.Same thing for any surgery a bit further down, by the way.