Bumped My Leg On Furniture Had A Huge Bump Over The Spot

I bumped my shin 4 months ago and I still have a bump and it is sore to the touch!?

This sounds like what I have on my shin from sparring in karate, and my original injury was about 1 1/2 years ago. My doctor told me at the time that it was a calcified hematoma, and I've since discovered more in my osteology class.

The bruise from the original injury occurrs under the layer of tissue (periosteum) that surrounds the bone. Because the blood clot (hematoma) from the bruise is right next to the bone, the bone cells (osteoblasts) form a new piece of bone on top of the hematoma by depositing calcium. Hence the name, calcified hematoma.

My injury is old, but there is still a small lump of bone there and it hurts if it gets hit very hard. The natural process of bone turnover in your body will eventually remove the excess bone from the area, but the time varies. I wouldn't worry about it; just try to protect it from further injury because it's sensitive.

Bumped my leg, now a hard, colorless bump formed? Help please?

I think you are correct in your assumption that the problem is in the quadriceps muscle. It is most likely that you have a deep hematoma (a localized collection of blood) in one of the quad muscles. Depending how deep the hematoma is will determine whether or not a bruise will come to the surface of your skin. We know that the problem is bleeding because it formed immediately. We can safely assume the muscle is at fault because the quads work strongly to control the speed of your sitting down. The quads are also the main muscles working in walking. A break or fracture is not a concern as you would have significant pain with activity as well as at rest. Ice is good for the first 72 hours then use heat ie warm bath. After 3rd day do gentle massage to area for 3-5 minutes 2-3 times a day for about a week to prevent scarring from forming. Also begin stretching quads gently after you have warmed the area. Do not stretch before 10:00 am. Look up on the internet for a couple of stretches.

Why does my dog have a bump on his left side but it does not hurt when it is touched?

Good that you are saving money for the vet, better get pet insurance.

Lumps and bumps can be benign or malignant, just by looking at it or feeling it no one can tell.

Some are painful, most are not. Saying that most dogs can be quite stoic and do not show pain.

A vet can do a fine needle aspiration and extract a few cells and check them under the microscope. That is probably the cheapest option.
Pros: cheap, immediate results
Cons: it can happen that there is a mixture of benign and malignant cells and the aspirate only got the benign ones. Also, in some cancers malignant cells can get into the needle canal while extracting the needle and then spread (I think this is not a concern for this lump though)

Another option would be to have the vet do a biopsy. That means that the vet takes a sample of the lump and sends it to a lab.
Pros: better chance to get a good combination of cells, lab can do more specific tests than the vet
Cons: Dog has to go under anesthesia and if the lump is malignant the dog has to have surgery again

The last option is to have the lump surgically removed.
Pros: with good margins the outlook is usually very good, if it has not spread yet
Cons: expensive, dog needs anesthesia.

If it was my dog I would probably go for a fine needle aspiration first and then decide the next step.


I am 30 weeks pregnant and just bumped my belly into the corner of a chair?

You probably just gave him a little poke. If you start cramping call the dr. Good luck!

I hit my leg against a sharp table. Now, there's a bump and a semi-healed cut. Is it going to heal normally or did I fracture it?

Chances are that you have a bruise, perhaps with a local accumulation over the bone. If the it hurts to bear your weight on the leg, is the discomfort superficial or is it deep and connected to the bone itself? You can test that by feeling the skin and subcutaneous tissue, rolling it gently away from the bone and see if the tender spot moves too.If the impact was severe and you were knocked over and cannot bear weight, then you need to get to a physician and perhaps Xray exam is indicated. That will disclose any fracture. However, likely as not, if you can walk without a limp, you are O.K.Still, this opinion is just a fireside chat and does not replace seeking medical help from a physician who will examine you and take care of you!

What is the reason why cats bump their heads against people?

I remember reading once that cats will rub you with the side of their head or their chin to mark you as their property, but they will bump you with the top of their head as a sign of affection. I can’t find the reference, though, so you’re just going to have to take my word for it. Or ask your cat.

Getting hit in the shin and now has a lump?

You may have a shin contusion. A shin contusion is a bruise to either the bone or the muscle beside the shinbone. This happens when you get kicked in the shins. It is a painful ordeal because unlike other areas of the body the shin has very little natural padding. When this happens you may feel like your leg is on fire and in a sense it is. The natural response to this type of injury is massive bleeding under your skin. This will put pressure on nerves, which will give you the sensation of tremendous pain. If not appropriately treated a condition may arise which the nerves have so much pressure on them they may fail to function. The classic case of this is something-called drop foot. Drop foot is characterized by the inability to pull your foot upwards. Ice directly to the skin for 30 minutes wrapped with an elastic bandage and keep it elevated. After a couple of days massage the area upwards towards your upper body and continue to ice 15 minutes at a time, and move your toes up and down to move the muscle along the shin. Right now, if you are unable to put substantial weight on your lower leg, or it there is some kind of deformity you should assume that you have a fracture in the area if this is the case you should go to the emergency room or call your doctor immediately.

White stinging bumps all over my legs after walking through bushes?

I took a shortcut on my way home and I ended up walking through these bushes, and while I was walking through they stung my legs really badly, and within a few minutes there was a million little white stinging bumps. when I got home I washed my legs with warm soapy water but it didn't help. this happened about an hour ago and the bumps are still there and they still sting. what could they be and what can I do?

In WWE, are the chair, sledgehammer and ladder hits real?

Even if the moves are scripted, all the bumps these guys take are real. But is it the same with all those metal equipment like chair, ladder or do those tables really hurt?Let's have a look at all those materials :The ChairHere’s a small piece from What Wrestling post explaining about those cheeky chair shots“To put simply, the chairs in the WWE are just normal folding chairs. However, the only difference is that they’ve had the rivets broken, so that when you, say, take a chair shot to the head, the metal of the chair will collapse and allow your head to bend the metal easily.So, essentially, while the chairs are made of metal, it is very thin metal which isn’t reinforced in any way.Does a chair shot to the head in WWE hurt?Sure it does. Just like a body slam would hurt. The WWE ring isn’t as soft as you may assume. Sure, it has some give to is, but it sure as hell isn’t soft.It is the same with the non-reinforced steel chairs. While there is plenty of give. You try whacking yourself over the head with even an empty plastic bottle. It still stings a little.”Now comes the Hardy’s favourite laddersThis blog post on Paddy Power have everything you need to know about these ladders.Now comes the table. Again from the post from What Wrestling I quote“The tables in the WWE are far more flimsy than the chairs. They’re just really thin chipboard, which can barely hold the weight of a man on them. In fact, there have been instances in the past where a wrestler lying on the table, waiting to be jumped on, has just randomly collapsed through the table.These tables are specifically created for wrestling purposes, and won’t hurt particularly. Well…they won’t hurt much more than experiencing a fully grown man frog splash you from the top rope. It’s still going to hurt and wind you a little.”So this concludes that they may not get hurt as much as it seems but this still isn’t something that a normal person can pull off and risk of injuries is always there. Remember Joey Murcury?We should respect what these guys risk and go through for our entertainment.

I hit my shin and have a bump right below my knee, that is still there after a few weeks ... what's wrong?

I ran into a large wooden chest/box in my apartment, and hit my shin really hard. I hit it so hard, that I buckled over and nearly blacked out from the pain (I compare it to being it with a baseball bat in the shin ... although that has never happened to me). I got up soon after, and could walk fine (even though it still hurt). I iced it for awhile. I soon noticed that I had a bump where I hit my shin, right below my knee. The bump has been there for over a week, and the bump is as hard as a bone (so it's not just swelling). Although the pain is gone, the bump is still there, and as big as it was when it first happened. What is it? Will it go away? Am I stuck with it? Is it a "bone bruise" (what is that anyway)? Let me know, please. Thanks.