Burn On My Face From Hot Metal

How do i get rid of hot comb burn scars?

ok so in septemeber of 2010 i got this burn on the back of my neck because my hairdresser burned me with her hot comb while she was straighting my hair with a hot comb and i want to make the scar go away because i want it to go away. its healed but theres just a little scar still there. also how do i make scars on my knees go away?

Does touching Hot Metal, Scar you?

okay well.. i work at KFC and i touched the top of the area of where the hot chips are kept. which is basically really hot metal. i only touched it for a second and i put it under cold water but not for very long. its turned a darker shade where it touched and i was wondering if the dark outline will scar forever? D= or if it will eventually fade with time

and how can i make it better?

How do you treat a burn?

"Assuming this is just a minor burn from cooking; the main steps are to: 1. Cool the burn - hold the burned area under cool (not ice cold) running water for 10 to 15 minutes, or until the pain subsides and skin returns to normal temperature. This reduces the swelling by drawing heat away from the skin.At the same time, remove any jewellery, clothes etc from the burned area, unless stuck.2. Cover the burn with sterile gauze bandage loosely (to avoid putting pressure on the burned area).3. If pain continues, take an over-the-counter pain reliever such as ibuprofen, naproxen or paracetamol (also known as acetaminophen). Do not give aspirin to children or teenagers as it increases their risk of Reyes syndrome.Call for an ambulance immediately for all major burns, burns larger than two inches, deep burns (even if the person does  not feel any pain), the burn involves the airway, face, hands or genitals, or you are unsure of the severity of the burn."Reference: Healthysparx:

Smiley face, lighter burn? How long will it take to clear up.?

I would put aloe vera on it (100% only, which you can find at any store, look in the trial/travel sized area for a little $1-2 bottle) and maybe even neosporin if it is bad. Maybe use the neosporin now if you have it, and follow up with aloe for the next few days so it lessens the likelihood of a scar. Depending on your skin it may go away quickly, but it also might scar. Unfortunately, sometimes even very little burns will scar.

I feel I should mention that if you get a bad burn in the future (like REALLY bad), you would not want to cover it up with either of these gels until the burn has had many hours or even days to "cool" or else they could actually hold the burning in and force it deeper into the tissue. That is not something to worry about with this situation, though.

Can your burn off zits?

I was wondering if its possible to burn a zit off your face, like with hot metal or something? Cuz I was thinking about just taking a lighter, light it and wait about a minute, and then pressing the hot metal top to my face.

What to do about welding burns?

Getting burns on face, neck and chest. Don't mind getting burned, it's gona happen. Just seems like these burns are taking a very long time to heal. Why is that and what can I do to speed healing?