Burned 2 Finger Tips Very Badly At Work One Looks Just Like Flesh No Skin Over It

If you burn or cut your fingertips, does the skin grow back with the same fingerprint?

Finger, palm, toe and foot prints are for life.Some criminals, I believe, have successfully removed them by actually cutting off the skin completely and having them sewn back together. They have a scar down the middle or on the side. It looks pretty bad. If fact it looks deformed. Using a corrosive substance has been done.  Does not seem to yield acceptable results, as much like cutting them off, they will regrow. Burning them off. This has received some questionable support, but many seem to think they will grow back. Rubbing them off. This method is only temporary and they come back even better.Law enforcement would really be highly against this as they use them to identify. This would not happen. Of that, I am sure.Scientifically, your DNA is still there. With mitochondrial DNA, one can pretty much get your DNA from anywhere. It is of course easier if they can get a swab or blood or seminal fluids. One test and done pretty much these days.Unless you literally cut off the tip of the finger like I spoke about above, the fingerprint always grows back exactly the same as before.Some claim there is a medication that will make your fingers and toes swell but when the swelling dissipates the same fingerprint is there.There are folks that inject solutions into the tip of their fingers to obliterate their prints. That can be really painful and as soon as the swelling goes down the print is back.We are born with them and we die with them.

How long does the skin take to grow back?

It depends on a few things. How did the injury occur, how deep is the injury and what complicating factors are there?If the injury a cut, graze, deep abrasion, degloving or a burn. Each has different impacts on the tissue and is some cases the skin cannot grow back.Skin has several layers to it and the more layers impacted the longer the healing time. Its also important to consider that if an injury is deep enough the blood supply may also be effected and so the skin cannot grow back in that area and a graft would be needed.Complicating factor include health issues that delay healing , other injuries to the site and infection. All of these factors can delay the normal health process.There are 4 stages to wound healing. Haemostasis (instant) , inflamation (10–15 min post injury), proliferation (3–15 days after injury) and Maturation. It takes approximately 3–6 weeks. Its a really interesting process and the body is truly amazing in what it can do to protect and heal itself.

Does apple cider vinegar really work on genital warts?

I have two genital warts on the shaft of my penis. I've tried Aldara but it didn't work. But I've been reading about how apple cider vinegar has worked out really well for some people. I'm aware that it's a virus and you can't cure it. But it's been almost two years and I want them gone already. Has anyone used ACV? Did it work? How bad was the burning? How long did it take?

What to you do for a motorcycle muffler burn on you leg?

It depends on how badly you were burned - my sister got a 3rd degree burn when the bike fell on her, which chars flesh deeply leaving blackened tissue, and not hurting that much since it burned through the nerve endings. In a third degree burn, you must get immediate medical attention - cover with clean or sterile gauze and get to the ER. Do not try to pull any clothing or any other residue from the burn. A second degree burn will blister badly and hurt like hell. Wash gently with mild soap and tepid water (not ice water). The straight - up medical community recommends to keep clean and dry, cover with sterile gauze if you have to if the burn will rub on clothing or blankets. Personally, fresh aloe right out of the branch of an aloe vera plant provides a "second skin" for your damaged skin, and has healing and moisturizing elements in it. So, personally, I keep aloe plants in my house for burns. It's best to leave a first or second degree burn "open to air" as much as possible. Do not break the blisters, they will eventually weep on their own, but the skin needs to be there as a defense to infection as long as possible. A first degree burn will be bright red, rinse with tepid water and gentle soap to clean. Aloe, again, is the best in my own experience. Topical burn preparations containing aloe and lidocaine or benzocaine (which will help numb the area, are good choices. It's best to leave "open to air" whenever possible. You need to watch burns for signs of infection: swelling, darker red-rimmed, pus, red lines radiating from the burn, and systemic symptoms such as fever, body aches and pains, fatigue, nausea. Make sure you keep yourself well-hydrated with water and at least one or two 8oz. glasses of an electrolyte drink such as gatorade, powerade, etc...
My sister's 3rd degree burn took months to heal, and she(and anyone else iwth a 3rd degree burn) required continued medical monitoring, as the wound must heal from the inside out - called "secondary intention" in the medical profession. This requires special wet to dry sterile dressings for optimum healing. Some patients may need a skin graft. This is one injury (amongst many) that are unfortunately very common to motorcycle fans. When in doubt, have a physician check it out.... Best of healing to you.

What does it feel like to get burned?

I was 14 years old and at home with my best friend and my crush, with no adults around. I was wearing an oversized sweater that brushed my knees and spandex leggings.Even back then, I loved to cook.This particular day I was boiling cocktail wieners to go with the sauce I had improvised (basically it was a mix of mayo, ketchup, mustard, and pickle relish, but hey - I was proud of it!).As I was taking the pan of boiling water off the stove to drain the weenies, my left hand went numb and I dropped the pan of water. Reflexively, I shot my left leg out to ‘catch’ the pan.Result - boiling water went down the inside of my left thigh. From about an inch below my groin to an inch above my knee.And the stretchy, comfy leggings just soaked up the boiling water and held it there.I howled. I dropped to the floor crying.My best friend tried to strip the leggings off me but I wouldn’t allow it - my crush was right there!Together they carried me to my bedroom, where she carefully removed the leggings.The fibers had fused with my skin for a swath that was about four inches high and two inches wide. She wound up getting a pitcher of cold water and pouring it onto my leg as she peeled off the fabric.It was hell.I had a huge blister that oozed and throbbed and hurt like a mad sonofabitch for about two months.Being burned is just about the worst pain I can imagine.I’d rather have my two front teeth knocked out by an ill-advised piggyback ride.

Ever had a sunburn so bad you can't even walk?

Most likely you have a second degree burn from the sun. THis involves the internal layers of the skin (the dermis) not the epidermins. Second-degree burns are the most painful. You can take some motrin to bring down the swelling and any fever you may have.

Make sure to drink plenty of water - you will lose moisture through your burn. Cold compresses can help.

Try to keep your skin very clean to avoid infection. (Don't use anything but clean water though- you don't want to dry out the skin and damage it.)

It takes a few days for a serious burn to heal. It's just something that you will have to deal with for the time being.