Buying In Us Dollars Or Using Amazon Currency Converter

What is best: Paypal or Amazon currency converter vs. your own credit card/bank exchange rate?

PayPal has it in fine print on their website that they charge you a 2.5% currency exchange fee but its usually around 3% - 5%, could be because they take a lower mid-market rate into consideration while converting to your local currency for higher margins.Amazon Currency Converter seems to be expensive, like really expensive whenever I tried to checkout in the local currency applicable for my credit card.For the reasons stated above, I complete transactions in the foreign currency and pay the extra fee charged by the credit card / bank for international transaction, its usually 3%. Therefore I’d go with credit card / bank exchange rate any day.

How do I pay for Pounds in US dollars online?

When paying for something online in a different currency, you will pay in whatever currency is listed.

For example, your bangle is £70, so you will pay £70. Visa/Mastercard will then convert the £70 into american dollars themselves, and on your Visa/Mastercard statment, the amount will be in american dollars.

You can roughly see the amount in USD that you will be paying after Visa/Mastercard has converted the currency for you. Also, remember that you will have to pay customs on top of the bangle.

When I buy things from the US online, Visa automatically converts the amount in USD to CAD for me.

And yes, you would make the payment the same as on an american website provided the website is set up the same. You may also get a phone call from your credit card company. They would call to ask if your card has been stolen because something has been purchased overseas. All you need to do is confirm that you did make the purchase.

EDIT: You should expect to pay 103.24 USD (customs and shipping/handling costs are not included in this cost). I got this number from the currency converter website listed inthe sources.

How much is £19.95 in US Dollars?

Its generally double, so around $ may be able to use your debit card through paypal, if they allow paypal.
Type in currency converter in your search engine and you'll find a site to do conersions

So its $36...heres a link

I want to buy something from but will there be any extra charges?

There will be extra changes in the form of more expensive shipping and handling, and since you will be using a credit card of some type many credit cards have fees for foreign transactions. The UK Customs will not levy any VAT on books because books are VAT free although sometimes rookie Customs officers have been known to make mistakes and charge the VAT in which case you can contact the Customs office and explain that you were mistakenly charged the VAT.

How do I transfer my $10 gift card to my account?

In simple words, you can't.Both Amazon US and Amazon IN are different from each other in terms of their operations and policies.All transactions on Amazon US will remain on Amazon US and vice versa.For example - it's like driving ethics.In India, you drive on the left hand side of the road and there's no way you can use the right. Same way in US, it's driven on the right side.Maybe I tried too hard on the explanation. But the fact remains you cannot transfer credits from your US account to IN account.Hope this helps. Cheers!