C Why Am I Getting A Run-time Error For These 2 For Loops

What causes run time errors in a C++ program?

The basic causes I have encountered as per my Competitive Coding Experience are :Invalid memory access during run-time.#include
using namespace std;

int arr[5];
int main()
int ans=arr[-1];
cout< return 0;
2. Accessing linked list nodes that do not exist.Consider a Linked List :

cout<next->next->next->data<// head->next->next->next is actually NULL.
3. Dividing by zero.#include
using namespace std;

int main()
int ans=5/0;
cout< return 0;
4. Some online judges consider segmentation faults also as run-time errors.#include
using namespace std;

int arr[5];
Now suppose in the above example we try to access arr[10] during run-time then a segmentation error occurs which is also treated as run-time errors by many Online Judges for example Leetcode and Interviewbit among others.5. Large allocation of memory together/Large Static Memory Allocation.#include
using namespace std;

int arr[1000000000]; //Note the size of the array.
//In general around upto 10^8 is usually accepted by all online judges. However to be on the safe side use upto 10^7 unless required.
Try executing the following on your offline compiler (Devcpp for example).#include
using namespace std;

int main() {
int arr[1000000000];
return 0;
6. Making a silly mistake such as this.#include
long long int x;
The above code gives run-time error. The reason being x is long long int and scanf should use %lld. I have got a lot of run-time errors on online judges such as Codechef.P.S. Will be adding more as and when I discover more.

What is a run-time error in C language?

1)Runtime errors occur when a program with no syntax errors asks the computer to do something that the computer is unable to reliably do. Common examples are:Trying to divide by a variable that contains a value of zeroTrying to open a file that doesn't existThere is no way for the compiler to know about these kinds of errors when the program is compiled.Beside this there are two more types of errors i. e.2)Syntax errors -syntax errors represent grammar errors in the use of the programming language. Common examples are:Misspelled variable and function namesMissing semicolonsImproperly matches parentheses, square brackets, and curly bracesIncorrect format in selection and loop statement.3)Logic errorsLogic errors occur when there is a design flaw in your program. Common examples are:Multiplying when you should be dividingAdding when you should be subtractingOpening and using data from the wrong fileDisplaying the wrong messageThank you and have a great day ahead…Don't forget to upvote if it is helpful..

Pretty major string error: C++ help (for / string help)?

I have no idea what is wrong with the following code (if you ignore vs 2010's bitching about it blowing up) it outputs exactly what I want.

The following is the output I am hoping to achieve:


The code that I am using to do this is 2-nested for loops:


using namespace std;

int main()
int i=0, j=0;
string a("12345");
for (i=0; i<=5; i++ ){
for (j=0; j<=i; j++){
cout << a[j];
cout << endl;

for (i=5; i >= 0; i-- ){
for (j=0; j<=i; j++){
cout << a[j];
cout << endl;
return 0;


The output works perfectly, however vs2010 pro pops up with the following error every time I compile it:

"Debug Assertion Failed!

program (program name here)
File: c:\program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio 10.0\vc\include\xstring

Expression: string subscript out of range

For information on how your program can cause an assertion failsure, see the VC++ documentation on asserts.

(press retry to debug the application)

Abort / retry / ignore.

If I ignore twice the output comes out fine.... what is happening here?

How do I get rid of this error message on Windows?

According to your description,there are some regsitry errors and remnant,corrupt files and temp files in your computer to cause "computer error".You need to clean you computer.
Every time you install and uninstall software on your computer and surfing online you create junk in the registry.over time, the registry can grow to enormous proportions, especially if the various programs you've installed do not do a good job of deleting and/or updating it's Registry entries.You need to scan and clean your computer with registry cleaner.Good Regisry Cleaner will fix(NOT hide) almost all computer errors ,improve your computer and Internet performance dramatically!It even can speed up your computer by 300% or more!
There are some comparison and review of TOP 5 registry cleaners.


You can download and scan your computer for free.

What are the differences between syntax, run time and logic errors.?

1) Syntax Errors are errors in the syntax of your code. This kind of error is the easiest to figure out. They are revealed when you attempt to compile your program. An example would be as mentioned above; forgetting the semi colon at the end of a statement in a language like C#

2) Run time errors are unhandled errors that are raised during runtime. For example, your code fails to get access to a remote machine. There is no way to be sure at compile time (when you compile your program) whether this error is SURELY going to happen or not. You can suspect that it happens though.

3) Logic Errors are the sneakiest. Your syntax is correct. No runtime error is being raised, however your program logic is not correct (for example an incorrect formula).

Hope the above helps

What is the difference between a runtime error and compile time error in C?

A run time error will only occur when the code is actually running. These are the most difficult - and lead to program crashes and bugs in your code which can be hard to track down.There are many different types of runtime errors.Examplelogic error.which produces the wrong output, due to miscalculation or misinterpretation of the logic.Memory leak.A memory leak may be due to an infinite loop, not deallocating unused memory, or other reasons.Compile time errors are due to inaccuracies in code, where the compiler throws an error to alert you to something which will not compile, and therefore cannot be run.ExampleSyntactic errors.

I am trying to create a loop with two variables but keep getting an " expected" error with the following code. What do I need to change?

Firstly the parameter declared in the method should be nume1,nume2public static double Pow() is a method declaration. So for passing parameters(here nume1 and nume) you need to specify the datatypes.Like in above case u can write “public static double Pow(INT nume1,INT nume2) “.Primitive Data types are-int,double,long,short,char,booleanUser Defined Data types include all data types which are created by user in the program. For example:when you create a classclass XYZ — Here XYZ is a user defined data type.