C4 With Protien Shakes

What should i stack with c4 and protein?

I am 19 I'm about 215 I workout all the time I just never took supplements until now I got some c4 and your basic whey but I seem to just be getting more cut I want muscle gains but if anyone could help me tell me some better stuff to take or just any advice that would be cool thx

C4 with protien shakes?

I am currently a 17 year old about 5, 8. 140lb & drink c4 extreme before going to the gym and when I come back I drink Amplified wheybolic extreme 60(ripped) protein shake. Is that bad? What should I do?

Should I take c4 extreme and protein?

In my opinion, a simple yet effective preworkout like C4 and the recovery rich whey protein are great, simple products to use. The C4 is primarily going to help you push through the workouts a bit more. It has similar properties to coffee as far as caffeine, but it also have a few other ingredients that are naturally found. For example, the creatine. 1 gram of creatine can be consumed in an 8 oz steak; there is 1 gram of creatine per scoop in the C4. The warnings that are found on most products can be a bit much at first, but they are stressing that not everyone should use the products. With the C4, as well as all other supplements, it is to be used by someone 18 years of age or older, no contradicting medical conditions listed on the label or using prescription medication. Mixing meds and supplements is not a good idea unless approved by your physician.

Also, supplements are to supplement a healthy diet and lifestyle, and by no means meant to replace good/healthy whole foods. If you are wanting more protein in your diet to help recovery, use protein supplements accordingly. If you would like to energy and nutrient shuttling for any type of physical activity, use a preworkout like C4.

Furthermore in regards to the safety of the supplements, they are safely used when there are no contradiction to the warning labels and cycle appropriately. For most stimulant based products like preworkouts, it is best to cycle(use) for up to 8 weeks, then cycle off for about 2-4. This is ensuring that the product is going to continuously work, and by taking the time off, you're allowing your body to reset and refresh the tolerances so it is effective time and time again.

Moral of my story: don't abuse supplements. Use them as directed, and follow the rules.

When should I use c4 and whey protein to gain muscle?

Ok. 5 8 140. Listen closely. You must gain weight to build muscle. You must accept SOME fat gain along with it. My advice is to follow a good beginners program such as "Stronglifts 5x5" google it.

Diet is every bit as important as lifting. You will make dang near zero gains without a decent diet.
You need to be eating several meals per day of chicken, lean beef, fish, eggs for protein. At minimum 180 grams per day for you (from food NOT all shakes!). Complex carbs: brown rice, sweet potato, oatmeal. Healthy fats: natural peanut butter, a little olive oil, almonds.
For your height and weight I would start at 3000 calories per day and adjust from there. Too many calories WILL NOT grow more muscle faster. You will just get fatter faster.

If you have to use C4 (I don t like pre-workouts on a bulk because you don t want a raised metabolism while trying to gain weight) take it in moderation 30-45 min before you lift.

Whey protein is fast digesting. Best use is a couple scoops shake immediately AFTER your workout to replenish your depleted muscles followed by a big, well balanced meal. The rest of your daily protein needs to come from real foods, not shakes.

Lastly, I believe sleep is the factor most lifters miss most. It s tough with our busy schedules nowadays but shoot for 8 hours the best you can. Sleep time is when your body grows and repairs most.

I won t say good luck because luck has nothing to do with it. It is your choice to do it right or not.
Read lots and keep your training simple. Don t get sucked in by fancy routines, diets, supplements.

Eat to grow, lift heavy, get good sleep. That s all you need.

PS Creatine monohydrate, good multivitamin, and fish oil are supps that I do believe have merit. You may want to look into adding those.

How can you mix pre-workout supplements with whey protein?

As there’s unlikely to be any interactions between the supplements in a ‘pre’ and whey, this is mainly a set of practical issues.Taste - because of their contents, pre workouts tend to have a sharp fruit flavour. Plain, strawberry, banana or maybe vanilla (whey) just about works here. Other flavours tend not to workVolume of liquid: if you do consume two separate shakes then that’s quite a bit of liquid, you might want to stagger them having the protein first then 20 mins later the pre workout.What I would say is that if your pre workout contains hydrolysed whey or BCAA then actually you might just want to take a small serving of protein, about 10g, as you’ll be combining this with the BCAA or proteins in the pre, getting you past that ‘leucine threshold’.

Can we take both pre-workout protein and whey protein?

A pre-workout supplement can help jump-start your workout. Adding a little whey to your supplement may help build muscle and boost metabolism, but you may also encounter certain problems with pre-workout whey.About Whey ProteinWhey protein is contained in whey, the liquid that is separated from the curds in cheese production. It is used in sports supplements because of its fast digestion rate. Whey protein is also used in infant formulas, medical nutrition supplements and as a food ingredient.Benefits of Whey Protein Pre-WorkoutSome research says pre-workout amino acids help speed up protein synthesis. Whey has been shown to increase protein synthesis when taken before and after a bout of resistance training. However, it was not clear if the effects were the result of taking whey before the workout, after it or both. A study published in 2010 in "Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise" found that exercisers who took whey protein prior to resistance training had a higher metabolic rate up to 48 hours after training than did the group that had no pre-workout whey.Ingredient InteractionThe most common ingredients found in pre-workout supplement are caffeine, creatine and amino acids like L-arginine, beta-alanine, branched-chain amino acids, taurine and tyrosine. None of these ingredients interferes with the absorption of whey, or vice versa, to a significant degree.Possible ProblemsOne potential problem when consuming any food, beverage or supplement pre-workout is cramping. Consider using more water than is called for in the supplement mixing directions to dilute the drink, allowing for easier digestion. Avoid supplements that contain sugar alcohols or fiber pre-workout, as they can cause GI distress, cramping or diarrhea. If your pre-workout regimen interferes with your workout, you may need to weigh that with the benefits to decide if a pre-workout supplement is helping or hindering your training.

Why you should mix pre-workout supplements with whey protein?

Here goes: the classic “should”….who said you “should” in the first place?An article? FB? Friends who work out? According to the majority of new research 1)you’re more than likely consuming too much protein without supplementation (yes even if you work out) 2) Vitamin supplementation has no noted real health advantages (this one was proven years ago as well as glucosamine & chondroitin supplementation)You’re better off eating a sandwich or a bowl of muesli an hour before working out.Unless you’re pretty close to or at the Olympic competing level or have some health problems related to nutrition, there is not a warranted reason to take any man made powders or supplements before working out.

Can I mix whey protein with C4 pre-workout drink?

Idk about C4 but i use Jack3d and ON's 100% Whey PRE-Workout for a week or so and felt like i was about to throw up before i even made it to the gym. Im assuming since substances on pre-work outs are all similar, the same would happen to you, but we all react differently. Nothing major can happen, worst you can do is puke on the dumbells. Lol

Also, i too took them 10-15 min apart from each other, 30 Min Pre-workout.

Do protein supplements (ON, MuscleBlaze, etc.) cause impotency?

In most of the cases they do not. If you are buying grey or unlabelled products then who knows, what will be the consequences.For genuine products everything is fine. It is recommended to go for genuine products from good sources, both available online and offline. E.g.Offline - go for Neulife Stores, the problem is that you won't be able to find all the products you might - A recently launched portal dealing in authentic and genuine products - A know portal for nutrients in India.Hope this helps.