Calculate The Control Limits For A C-chart.

Why do we make the Lower Control Limit (LCL) zero in case it becomes negative in case of p or c control charts?

[1] The p-chart is a type of control chart used to monitor the proportion of nonconforming units in a sample, where the sample proportion nonconforming is defined as the ratio of the number of nonconforming units to the sample size, n.[2] The c-chart is a type of control chart used to monitor "count"-type data, typically total number of nonconformity per unit.[3] The U-chart shows how the process, measured by the number of nonconformity per item or group of items, changes over time.We can see from the above definitions that in p-chart, c-chart, or U-chart - the focus is given on ‘nonconforming units in a sample’, ‘nonconformity per unit’, or ‘nonconformity per item’. We know that defects can not be less than zero (that is negative). Therefore, even though mathematically (in case) we get negative value (lower control limits) - logically we have to take zero.Source of picture: Google Images.

How to calculate control limits for a p control chart?

the answer of how to calculate can be found in the PDF at the web page (below)

The Common Ion Effect Calculation?

Mg(OH)2 is a sparingly soluble salt with a Ksp of 5.61 x 10^-11. It is used to control the pH and provide nutrients in the biological (microbial) treatment of municipal wastewater streams. What is the ratio of solubility of Mg(OH)2 dissolved in pure H2O to Mg(OH)2 dissolved in a 0.110 M NaOH solution?

Express your answer numerically, as the ratio of solubility in H2O to the solubility in NaOH.

How do I create or draw a flowchart to find the average of three input integer numbers?

To draw any flowchart it is necessary to make algorithm for the sameAlgorithm : To calculate average of three numbers.Step1 : Read three values a, b, c. //(int or float or double any but dont write datatype in flowchart)Step2 : initialize avg to 0Step3 : avg <- (a+b+c)/3Step4 : print avgThen to draw flowchart for same. First we need to understand what are the symbols for each statement.Now to draw flowchart of finding the average of three numbers, we use above symols and make a flowchart like thisIn this way we can draw flowchart of finding the average of three numbers. One thing which is important is here that name of variables should be in caps ie here AVG, A, B, C. Thats it.