Calling Parents By First Names

Do you call your parents by their first name?

No, I don't, but my son calls us by our names and we're all fine with it. I figure that until my husband and I go around all day calling each other "spouse" or "husband" or "wife" and referring to our son as "son" all day long, it's totally fine to let him call us by our names.

Is it rude to call your parents by their first name?

As a parent I find it a bit odd (there are a few middle school kids we know that do this as well) It does seem to be a bit disrespectful, but of course his parents aren't saying anything to him about it so they must think it is ok. I couldn't imagine calling my parents by their first name (I feel kind of weird calling my step mother by her first name and they have been married over 25 years- I just feel like I am disrespecting her by calling her by her first name)

It does seem to be a trend, not sure why.

Glad to see you have been raise with such wonderful manners!! (Please thank your parents for me!)

I have seen in the past 3 years volunteering with the middle school kids that there are 3 different kinds of kids- those who don't care how they refer to anyone (first names), those who always us Ms., Mr.,etc., and those who have so much respect that even if you tell them it is ok to use your first name (these of course are not my children) they still refer to you with Mr./Ms.

I think it changes the relationship- it turns the parent in to more of a friend (or maid as I tell mine) and there seems to be a lack of respect there.

Hope some of that makes sense!

Do you call your parents by their first names? If so, why?

No. And to be honest, it never even occurred to me to do so. I've seen small children call their parents by their first names and it just strikes me as a very disrespectful thing to do... and makes me wonder about, well, all sorts of things involving this child's future. Namely as it refers to respect, discipline, and professional courtesy.I married young, at age 21 and though I've been married to that same wonderful woman for over 18 years now, it has taken me every bit of that time to get used to calling her parents by their first names. I was raised in a family where all parents were called "Mom & Dad" whether they were your own blood parents or your in-laws. They weren't George and Helen or Isabelle and Harold. They were Mom and Dad. After the wedding, I thanked my new "mom and dad" for the wonderful party and was promptly corrected. "We'd prefer you call us by our first names," I was told.My wife was raised to reserve Mom and Dad for her actual parents. Her parents each called their in-laws by their first names so, when we first got married, she went from calling my father Mr. Walsh to calling him "Joe" (save the jokes, we've heard them). He was very offended by this, yet she felt calling anyone but her father "Dad" was an insult to him. And, of course, I was caught in the middle. My mother, on the other hand, didn't care what my wife called her, as long as she did, in fact, call.These days my wife calls my parents "Mom and Dad" because she know it makes them happy and because her parents were never in the vicinity to take offense, though I don't think they would anyway. They understand how these things work.Oddly enough, as the years went by, my father-in-law would occasionally call me "Son" and I'd offer a sentimental "Dad" in return. I think, in hindsight, the fact that we only used these terms in very special moments, made those moments even better.

Is this ok? Kids calling parents by first name?

I like being called mom and my husband being called dad. If you don't, then do whatever make ya happy. Btw- my husband's father does call him son half the time. Lol.

Parents: If your kids call you by your first name, does that weird you out?

It only weirded me out the first time I heard my eldest son, who was probably 4 at the time, introduce me to some of his friends by my first name ("That's my dad. He's called Paul.") because I had no idea he was cognizant of this information.Then several years later I had the reverse thing happen with my adopted son and that was just as jarring. At one of our first pre-adoption meetings he told me, flat out, that he probably wasn't going to call me dad "for the first year or two", and I was fine with that. But then he started calling me dad on the second day after he moved in. That was fine, too, but it took some getting used to hearing that from a fully formed child whom I had comparatively only just met.

Calling parents by first names???? your opinions please????

I call my mom "mom." That being said, my mom told me that I went through a phase where I called her by her first name. Not even just her first name, but a shortened version of her first name. My grandfather was horrified, but my mom didn't mind, so long as I didn't call her "mother" which felt to cold and distant.

Now I call her "mom" again, but it isn't so much out of respect as it is because I feel that "mom" is more special. After all, just about anyone can call her by her first name, but only a select few can call her "mom."

I call my maternal grandmother Memère (I know this isn't the traditional spelling), and my maternal grandfather Grampa. My grandparents on my dad's side are Grampy and Nana.

As far as my aunts uncles are concerned, I call all of my great aunts and uncles Aunt so and so, and Uncle so and so. I use "Aunt" and "Uncle" for all of my aunts and uncles on my dad's side as well, but only for two of my aunts on my mom's side. Most of my cousin's on my mom's side call her "Auntie" (which I love) but it's not because it's more respectful. Quite the opposite, it's like a special name for her, indicating closeness I like to think.

When it comes to my friends' parents, it depends on what they prefer. For the most part I call them by their first names, but that is only after they make it clear that they are okay with that.

Most of my sister's and my friends call my mom by her first name (one was afraid that it would be too disrespectful, but she was too close a friend to call her "Mrs. so and so" so my mom suggested that she call her by a different name entirely, but I think that was a joke).

Is there any culture where kids call their parents by their first name?

I am not aware of cultures where this is the norm, but there are some where it is tolerated. Most (all?) of Europe falls in this category.My kids have always called me and my wife by first name. When I think of it, it's logical since they had no-one calls us by anything else.I wonder how kids even learn to call their parents by something other than their names since no-one else does? Do parents insist? Do they see other kids calling their parents that way and copy their example?We found it mildly amusing and did not insist on any other naming convention. Same goes for the people I know, it's like 'if that's OK for them...'.To make it more fun, my kids are growing tri-lingually so sometimes they call me 'Pappa' these days. That's german - a foreign language that I started learning in my mid twenties. It takes time for my brain to realise that i'm the person addressed as Pappa.

Why do some kids call their parents by their first name?

My 18 year old sister started doing that a year ago. I think it's lack of respect. It started when her and her boyfriend were laughing at that police song "roxanne" and sang it to my mom, who has that name of course. Then she started calling our dad by his name behind his back, but still saying "daddy, I need money!". Ick. She makes me sick.

Why is it bad to call your parents by their names?

One day my daughter addressed me as “Bryan!” Usually it would be “Dad!” But seeing as we were at the airport, she figured fewer bystanders would wonder if it was them who were being addressed. No big deal; I understood.If, say, we worked together in business, I would expect her to call me “Bryan” in that setting. What does she call me these days? “Dad” (without her children) or “Granda” (with them, although they do know our ‘real’ names).I view it as a ‘special relationship’ that my children use the RELATIONSHIP as my moniker rather than my given name, which everyone else uses.I guess it comes down to context and intent; I have a sister’s son who calls his natural father “Peter*” as a passive-aggressive(?) protest to his father spending next to no time with his grandchildren.BTW1 my son-in-law’s parents are divorced and re-married. They are called “Nana and Andrew*” and “Grandad and Irene*” - the step-parents are given no ‘special relationship ’.BTW2 my son-in-law calls me “Bryan” one-on-one, never “Dad”; but “Granda” when his children are around; I’m comfortable with that.BTW3 I called my mother-in-law “Mum”.* Actual names changed to protect their privacy, but you get the idea.