Can 3 Year Olds Be Sociopaths

Am I crazy, or is my 4 year old a sociopath?

Before you all muddle me with answers telling me how awful I am to ask this, please read. I recently discovered that my ex, and the father of my 4 and 2 1/2 year olds, is a sociopath. I probably already knew in many ways, I mean, he was charged with a hit and run of a 22 year old woman while he was half drunk and even months after, never felt bad, not for a moment, even blamed her... well, now that I know, I recognize all the signs and I did my research... It is genetic to the best knowledge of the professionals. I decided to look up the "symptoms" for it in children, although I already knew... my son will hurt his brother and feel no remorse, he is phased by punishment, at this young age, he lies constantly, even when there is no need, it's beyond what I've seen other children his age do... he is very smart, and he can be manipulative, at the ripe age of 4, he already knows how I will react to thing emotionally and plans accordingly. It's disturbing. The one key thing that I know is that, exactly like his father, when I look into his eyes, he seems empty. He is affectionate, even though I try... he will hurt the animals just for his own pleasure, he is obsessed with death, and not afraid, the only real emotions he shows seem coy. Once he gets what he wants by showing them, he stops immediately. He says he loves me, or his brother, ect., but it's more like something he is programmed to say. Needless to say, I don't intend to "throw him away" or give up on him, but I do intend to take him to a therapist and hopefully learn some techniques in making him reach his full potential. I just don't want him to travel down the same path as his father, jail and using and abusing.

The second part is, I'm terrified to allow him around his father. It can only complicate things further and I realize this. I just don't know what to do.

So the questions:
Do you think he has this disorder?
Does he have a chance in life, if you have experience with someone in this position?
What affect will his father have on him, he only sees him about once a month or less and the phone calls are basically non existent in between, as his father is manipulating his next victim as we speak, and they are trying for another child, despite the fact he doesn't take care of the two he has AT ALL..?

How can I help my 1-year-old son? My wife is a sociopath, and we are going through divorce.

Divorce and everything that led up to make for very heated environments. You once loved this woman and now that woman has your child. Now you call her a “sociopath” , the mother of your child. Having first hand gone through a very long and and nasty divorce..let me give you some advice. The courts hear this type of stuff all day, everyday and they could care less about your emotions. They will only stick to the law and the facts, the facts of the matters are this, your child deserves both of his parents. Your child will need support which the court will order you to pay if she is the custodial parent. You need to make it clear to the courts that you are an active, child support paying father who wants to be in his childs life.I am not a lawyer and this is not legal advice, only sharing what I learned from my own 10 years of dealing with my ex until my son got old enough to make his own decisions.Child support, visitation and custody is always modifiable under normal circumstances…(unless something really crazy happens involving the safety of the child) meaning the two of you can rack up legal fees that could have been put to better use. I pray that neither of you are the type to withhold access to the child to hurt the other, i.e, use the child as a weapon. I pray that the two of you can put your differences aside and co parent with only the best interest of the child in mind.Now, if you are correct, and have chosen the wrong woman to lay with and procreate..make sure you do everything as ordered by the courts, make sure you document everything she does wrong (withholding visitation, screaming matches in front of the child, harassing you when the child is with you, her family confronting you etc.)If you do not do everything you can, to develop civility between the 2 of you …you will damage your child, you will scar him, he will never forget the selfishness of the 2 of you. He will have problems at school , he will need therapy all because to people who don’t want each other anymore can’t or wont get it together, he will hate one of you.

Am i a sociopath......?

I know this question seems attention seeking, but id like a serious answer, no i am not being dramatic just would like a serious opinion. im a 16 year old girl. i havent had a boyfriend in 3 years..Not because i cant but because i choose too. I lie so much i believe what i say so i dont even realize im lieing, i manipulate my family mainly and have a secret huge jealousy of people who come off as "more popular" than me. I change around different people to fit their personality. I talk to so many different groups of people that have no similarities. Im very impulsive.. i love adrenaline rushs, ive been in 5 fights varying from 5thgrade to 8th. The only reason i stopped is to have a "classy" outlook on people who dont know me, because as i got older i realized it wasnt attractive for girls to fight. I obcess over how i look, im called selfish everyday. I also steal from my family and they've caught me several times and when they get angry at me for doing so i get really angry and i never regret it.. I know this cant be normal?

I am a 22 year old Sociopath. Any coping pointers?

First world society is extremely warped. It's full of pressures, guidelines, and expectations. People have to work when we don't want to in order to pay bills. We have to spend most of our time around people we dislike, and if someone decides not cooperate with the system, they ultimately fail, and their life goes through the tube.

I've often related to Lions. Lions are preditorial Animals. If you lock a Lion in a cage, poke him with a stick, and make him do things he doesn't wan't to do, he's going to wan't to break out and destroy everything and everyone around them.

Living in this society as a Sociopath is extremely stressful. Not all Sociopaths are extremely bad, but I do have a strong predator instinct. I know right from wrong, and I'd love to find a way to be free of these pressures before the feeling of breaking out of this cage becomes to intense to bear. I already have a hard enough time as it is not tearing certain people to shreds physically and psychologically.

I'd like to find a career I can excel at but I have no passion. Id like to go back to college but I'm financially incapable. I have no desire to have a family, and I'm feeling a little lost, and like I said before, caged up.

I might lack certain emotions, I might be full of rage, and I might lack empathy, but I am very smart and I have great judgment. It's a good thing. It gives me hope that i might be able to grow and cope without putting myself in a bad situation.

Any coping pointers?


Why can't sociopathy form in someone over 5 years old?

It's only as far as current understanding that the cut off is around 5/6 and this is down to how the brain grows and becomes less maluable with age.I actually disagree with this because a lot can affect a child at any age. Of course once they reach around the ages of 12 and early teens it most likely won't happen but I have heard of sociopaths becoming at ages 8 and sometimes older. I myself have had a hard time since birth really with numerous different traumas kicking in.There is no conclusive proof that these theories are definite but the general understanding is always changing and improving. The brain is an incredible machine and we still do not fully understand how it works.

Do you think I am a sociopath?

I'm 19 years old.

I lost my virginity by having sex with my 28 yr old therapist when I was 15, totally seduced him haha I alomst feel guilty, buuuuutt not really at all

Then when I was 16, after that ended and I found the new "love of my life" I left my boyfriend of 3 years last year in feb'10 for another guy I hadn't even met yet who lived 1,500 miles away; I moved across the country to be with him, now him and I are happy & in love :) I love him so much.. But a few months ago I got pregnant.
I had an abortion, even though he wanted to keep it :/
..and I don't feel bad about it. Not at all :) In fact, I'm happy I did it, ya know? I don't want a kid!

I've always felt different from everyone else; I've never fit in.. I've always "felt" things on a superficial level, but nothing has ever TRULY stuck with me, although I feel overwhelmed and "heartbroken" almost every day.

My boyfriend and I are SO IN LOVE <3 He's my everything. We've lived together for about 16 months now and have always felt so perfect for one another. It's like my "dream come true."

I cheated on him 2 days ago, with a friend of ours who came from outta town; I've been planning on it for a couple months now. I've only had sex with 4 other people in my life, and this outta-townie was number 5. I'm most def not a slut, I just think I may not have a conscious.

I made horrid, self-destructive choices growing up.

I was always lying for no reason to my parents, friends, and random people.

I lied to my former boyfriend, got addicted to hard drugs while we were together when I was 17.

Then left him for some one else.

Had a willing surgical abortion that I'm almost proud of.

Fantasises frequently about other options.

Cheated on him 2 days ago.. planned it out and all, right under his nose.

And I don't feel the least bit bad about it.

Am I a sociopath? Please give me your honest opinion.

Can sociopaths be ticklish?

Sociopaths: they exist because of many reasons. One of them has to do with the way they are raised. If they are raised in an environment where there's a lack of social interaction, security, or if there was maltreatment, they'll likely become sociopaths. Another reason might be because they are born that way (brain regions include amygdala, prefrontal cortex etc - a potential for these areas of the brain to be smaller)

Can they be ticklish? Being ticklish has to do with your skin sensitivity, and it has nothing to do with how you are raised. If you look at brain regions again, parts of the brain that represent how sensitive you are to touch (the somatosensory cortex) does not overlap with parts of the brain that has to do with interactions (prefrontal cortex, amygdala, hippocampus, etc)

Long story short, sociopaths can be ticklish because there's no causation between the two.

How do I deal with my 3 year old sociopathic son (tortures his peers intentionally)?

Your three-year-old son is not a sociopath. He is a preschooler, a baby really! Please get some support for yourself regarding the challenges you are having, challenges so severe that you are using fad and pop psychology myths to label your own child. (I am not going to get into a discussion on appropriate diagnostic categories for infants on this forum—suffice it to say—personality disorders whether of the Internet Myth or DSM variety are not on the table!)I am sorry and concerned that you are feeling this way—but please sit down soon with a therapist and get a handle on your feelings about parenting, parenting this child and chart out a parenting strategy to use with your son,  who I have no doubt is a difficult child.Children with social and other adjustment difficulties at this age usually respond quickly to Play Therapy with a qualified Play Therapist. I am more concerned about the adults getting a handle on the situation first, though —because when parents get as worried and upset as you must be to use words like torture and sociopath regarding a small child, poor parenting is likely to follow and exacerbate the problem.Also, please analyze and investigate all environments your child is involved in, e.g. childcare, babysitters and so on to make sure the child is not currently exposed to violence or abuse of any kind. If he is in childcare and the childcare environment is not staffed with well-trained childcare providers, e.g. the center’s supervisors have completed at least a Bachelor’s level in Child Development or Early Childhood Education and the direct care workers are engaged in ongoing training (minimal standards for quality)— — please seek out a quality child care center. Qualified care providers are trained to handle the quite normal aggression seen between peers in this age group. If they are using time-out, scolding or other  punitive techniques, they are not trained properly in child guidance.Although aggression is normal and typical in this age group and in itself it is not at all shocking when a child this age hits, pulls hair, bites, scratches, kicks and so on to get a toy or when frustrated—it is also important to assist the child with gaining self-control. So a combination of therapy and parenting support for the parents, quality caregivers and a visit with a pediatrician and a Play Therapist are steps to take ASAP. And stop thinking of the dear boy as a “sociopath”!How to find a Play Therapist: Association for Play Therapy

What do you get a sociopath for Christmas?

If you are certain the young lady is a sociopath, there is nothing better for you to give her than a very WIDE berth. Statistics wise, there seem to be more male than female psychopaths around, but they do exist. Some of them kill others, including their own children. They are proficient at emotional and physical seduction, and they lie a lot. For the true "psycho" nothing is ever good enough for them. Sorry if you are in that situation.I would not want to be. I am not aware of those with PTSD being good "con" artists. However, they are good victims. We ALL must accept responsibility for our own deeds, troubled though we may be.

How do I tell my sister I believe her 5-year-old son may be a sociopath and needs to see a psychiatrist after the latest incident in which he killed his cat without causing a major rift in our relationship?

Yikes!You have to tell her.You may pay fear doing si fir many viable reasons.It’s importabt to gather information about the supigns and symptoms of a disordered child as well as solid methods of addressing these issues early so he can avoid the horrible fate of most untreated personality disorders.I suspect he’s a psychopath, by the way because he’s so young and psychopaths are a product of nature. Society creates sociopaths but there’s definitely conflicting opinions about these disorders that made some psychologist defer to a more general term of antisocial PD, which allows comorbidity, spectrum concerns and other anomalies to be less confusing. The term itself is however problematic as anti social implies one isn’t inclined to be around people. Oddly enough, disordered oersinalities in b cluster are typically glib and charming, as they rely heavily on others for their supply of fuel and for the kind iPod intercourse that affords them new targets, opportunity and a plethora of hapless victims.I believe a child can be somewhat reconditioned and trained to control his impulses. The re are many disordered people contributing to discourse about this and their condition. You may want to be discreet for the kids sake and to support your sister fully. Tell her that. Keep your word and be the auntie who makes a difference. This boy doesn’t have any choice about what he is but as he grows, you can empower him by helping him out his life in control. Mindfulness techniques are apparently proving successful in treatment for these kinds of conditions. They are also useful for stressed out mommies and aunties who have to face scary futures.Youre a good sister and auntie. Don’t be pushy. Let her read the research without comment and ask for a call when she is ready to discuss it. She will understand who you’re talking about and why. There’s no way she hasn’t worried about the boy herself. Her younger children, neighbors with children, school yard peers, and pets are too important to others for her to shrug off the truth. She and the boy’s father are ultimately responsible for the kids fate as well as his victims which will mount the longer he’s allowed to escalate.