Can A 14 Year Old Lift Weights At Ymca In Chicago

Should a 14 year old lift weights?

I'm 13 (turning 14 on May 6) and I would like to start lifting weights. I'm about 5 foot 8 and 126 lbs. Can weight lifting really stunt my growth? I have been lifting weights for 2 weeks now and I do just fine. I'm just worried about my growth being stunt.

Is it a good idea for a 14 year old to lift 5 pound weights?

I'd do bodyweight. I didn't start lifting weights until I could do 200 pushups and 10 to 15 chinups. Not saying that's how everyone should do it... Fourteen is a little young, though, as you're not yet producing large amounts of the hormones and endorphines needed for really successful muscle gain. If you want to lift weights, go ahead, by all means. But be careful. Then again, maybe five pounds is a little... TOO careful. Go with ten, or fifteen. Go mad and do twenty. You'll have  jump on things when all your buddies realize you're a hunk and decide they want to lift weights too. Good on you, all in all, for deciding to do something for your health. Stick with it, and don't worry about the looks or the numbers. Stay safe, stay healthy, and be strong.

How much weight should a 14 year old be able to lift, bench, etc.?

hey man im also 14 and ive got you by about 50 lbs. your doing really good for our age its not embarassingly low. im the strongest guy at my school and i only bench about 30 more lbs than you (not maxing out). now if you want to get stronger than work your legs. i have the strongest legs around i know they are stronger than adults' too so, just work your whole body.

check my weight lifting question and youll see how much i lift;...

I'm a 14 year old male, should I get into weight lifting?

Not quite yet. Current recs are to wait until you are at least eighteen. Your bones and tendons are still growing and the risk of injury is higher than it will be later on.However, bodyweight exercises would be excellent for you, not just as a stop gap until you are older but in general. They can be very challenging and will help you lay down foundations for the rest of your life. Plus, you become your own gym and will always be able to excercise wherever you are.Here is a free website that has some great programmes available. DAREBEE - Fitness Made Easy Pick a programme and see how it goes. Enjoy the apps too - I like the one that you click on and it gives you a random mini challenge.Good luck!

How much should a 14 year old lift?

It is not dangerous provided you are using proper lifting techniques. If you're able to do 10 reps then the weight is not too heavy. Most people get hurt from using the wrong lifting technique. Even light weights can injure you if you're using bad technique. You should also have someone spotting for you if you're using dead weights. Even though many young people like to "max out" I'm not in favor of trying to lift so much weight you're unable to do six reps comfortably. If your arms are shaking and you can only do one or two reps you're lifting too much weight. As you lift you'll gradually be able to increase the weight I suggest 5 lbs at a time.

How many pounds should a 14-year-old lift?

Note: Don’t start out trying to lift these amounts. If you are just starting to lift then work your way up to these weights first.For deadlifting a good goal when starting out is to lift a bit less than your body weight, like 10–15 kg less. If you can’t do that, practice your deadlift for a few weeks until you can, and if you can lift more then that’s great.For bench, try to work your way up to 40 or 45 kg. Like the deadlift, this will be hard at first so don’t feel bad if you can’t do it immediately.For squats you should try to squat your weight. Again, this is only when you’ve trained for a while so start off much less than this to get a feel for how strong you already are. You might want to do some shoulder exercises to build up some muscles in your shoulders before you start squatting so that you don’t put too much pressure on your shoulder blades and spine.If you aren’t starting to go to the gym and you just want to know how much a normal 14 year old should lift, then there’s no answer for that. It’s very subjective, because some people are naturally more muscular and others have trouble building any muscle at all. So don’t compare what you can lift to what someone else can lift, because you two have you different bodies.

What is a good bench/deadlift/squat for a 14-year-old?

The key to the big lifts when you are younger isn't about weight, it's about form and time under tension.If you can comfortably squat 95–135, deadlift 135, and bench 95, at the age of 14 that's great, as long as your form is also great and you can do those weights for 8–12 reps without form breakdown.This sets you up for growth which at the age of 14 the only real reason to be lifting in the first place. If you're asking for sports then it's dependant on what the coaches say, but usually they don't care too much as long as you're good at the sport in question.

What are good lifting numbers at 14 years old?

At 14 and you already squatting 245, deadlifting 290 and bench pressing 155? My friend you don't need to worry about numbers, you are already ahead of the pack. The average man can't do what you are doing, never mind the average 14 year kid. First of all I want to say that at 14 you are doing amazing, I don't know about anyone else, but for me I am impressed.Your numbers for a 14 year old are great, granted you are a freak of nature. 6 feet 170 pounds at 14? I can't wait to see you when you are 20 years old! Holy crap! Little dude, or should I say big dude, Lol. Don't worry about your numbers right now, for your age they are phenomenal. The important thing to do is take it slow. Push yourself to your limits, but take it slow. If you trying pushing more than what your body can handle, you will just get hurt.Give it time and put in effort, be tenacious but do it smart. Your numbers have no other choice but to go up. Also don't give up form for strength. If at any time you notice that you can't perform the set with good form then, drop down and keep working on getting it right. My final suggestion is making sure you are feeding yourself right. If that's you on the video then you look like you can put down a few extra burgers and fries. Nutrition is very important, specially if you want to get stronger. Again I just want to say that you are doing an amazing job there and keep up the hard work my friend. At 14 you are well on your way.