Can A Child Have An Ab - Blood Group While Father Is O And Mother B

If a father has an O blood type and a mother has an AB blood type, what will be the child’s blood type?

It would be either A or B blood group.As the father has O blood group( recessive and is expressed only if present in homozygous condition) so possible alleles are O and O.The mother has AB blood group, which means the possible alleles would be A and B.Thus, the child may either have AO gene pair (2 alleles make one gene pair) or BO gene pair. This implies that either the child would have A or B blood group as I mentioned earlier too that O is recessive and is expressed only in homozygous condition. And here the resultant being heterozygous i.e., AO and BO, O would not be expressed.Thank you

Can a father with blood group O+ and mother with blood group AB have offsprings with blood group O+?

Normally it is not possible, because type AB would have to have one A allele and one B allele. So the child would be either type A (genotype AO) or type B (genotype BO). However, there is a rare mutation known as cis-AB. Someone with the genotype cis-AB has one cis-AB allele and one O allele. This allows them to have a type O offspring.This mutation is quite rare. In Japanese and Korean populations, where it is most prevelant, less than one percent of type AB individuals are cis-AB.Sources:Genetic mechanism of Cis-AB inheritance. II. Cases associated with structural mutation of blood group glycosyltransferase.The cis-AB blood group phenotype: fundamental lessons in glycobiology.

What is the blood type of the father if the child and mother both have blood type B-?

All the children will always have the Rh negative blood type because neither parent has that trait to pass on. Children will either have B (-) blood or O (-) blood. If both parents have only one B blood trait there is a chance that neither will pass it on to a child. There is a three-in-four chance that the children will be B - and a one-in-four chance that they will be O (-). If at least one parent has two B traits then all the children will be B (-) but those children will have the possibility of passing on O or B blood to their children.If a parent with AO (+) blood has children with a BO (-) person, their children could either have type A (-) or (+), Type B (-) or (+), Type O (-) or (+) or Type AB (+) or (-).Isn’t genetics fun!?!Update: I did misread the question! (Thanks Barry Gehm!) We have insufficient data to determine the father’s blood type. All we can determine is that he is not AA (++) meaning he has at least one non-A trait (B or O) and one non-Rh positive trait but he could totally be A (+ or -), B (+ or -), AB (+ or -) or O (+ or -). This is why DNA paternity tests have become so popular.My son and I are both AB (-) but that would never expressly tell you that my husband was A (+) only that it is possible that he is. He passed on his A trait, I passed on the B trait and neither of us passed on the Rh trait even though that is dominant. Both of my parents are Rh + but neither of them passed on the Rh trait to me.My son’s father could not have Type O (+ or -). That would exclude one blood group but not others.

Could a man with Type AB blood be the father of a child with Type O blood? Explain.?

No. Each biological parent donates one of their two ABO alleles to their child. A father who is blood type AB could pass either an A or a B allele to his son or daughter. Say the child's mother has blood type O. She passes an O allele to the child. This couple could have children of either blood type A (A from father and O from mother) or blood type B (B from father and O from mother) only. Not blood type O, since both A allele and B allele are dominant over O allele. You need both O allele to have blood type O.

Can a mother with blood type O- and a father with blood type A+ have a child with B+?

Short answer: NoTake this question in 2 parts: First the ABO blood group:The ABO blood group is determined by the ABO gene, which is found on chromosome 9. The four ABO blood groups, A, B, AB and O, arise from inheriting one or more of the alternative forms of this gene (or alleles) namely A, B or O.So if parents are O & O child has to be OIf O & A……………………… O or AIf O & B………………………O or Bif O & AB…………………….A or BIf A & A……………………….A or Oif A & B………………………..O or A or B or ABIf B & B……………………….O or Bif B & AB…………………….A or B or ABif AB & AB…………………..A or B or ABRh is simpler+ & + can be…… + or -+ & - can be + or -- & - can only be -Hope thats clear!

Can a mother with blood type O and a father with blood type B have a son with blood type AB?

HiLets answer this question step by step.Mother's blood group is O.O is recessive blood group meaning that it can not contribute to change in blood group in foetus by itself.However, if any other blood group gene resides beside O, say A or B, there is only ~20-25% chances that the foetus has O blood group.Now father's blood group is B. Since for the foetus to have blood group AB, it should have both A as well as B blood group gene.Mother is not providing any gene except recessive O.Father is providing B. ( Pure B genes or B and O genes) So no source of blood group A gene. Hence, there is no possibility of AB blood group in foetus.The only possibilities are blood group B (75-80%) & O (20-25%)If you like my answer, please follow me on quora. ~Arsh~

If the father's blood is AB positive and mother's blood is B positive, what's the blood group of the child?

Any ofAB+B+A+AB-B-A-Reason:AB+ is either:AB++AB+-So AB person has 50:50 of Rh +/- and 50:50 of A or BB positive person is either:BO++BO+-BB++BB+-So genetically the child could be Rh+/- as each patent could have +/-They MUST be A or B or ABWhich gets to the question you are not asking…The ONLY child that could not eventuate from AB+ and B+ parents is O+/- (O positive or negative).Every other blood group is possible from AB+ and B+ blood groups. If it matters do a DNA test from father/mother -> child.Typically the mother is known 100% so presuming you are the father. If the child is O they are not yours. If they are A, AB, or B they may be and only DNA will tell you.

Could a man with an O blood type be the father of an AB child?

No. Only A, B or O

Could a man with AB blood type be the father of an O child?


the father can only give the a or the b trait. even if the mother is o the child would be a or b but never o. his grandchild may be o but not his immediate offspring.

in the event that this question is paternity related - got get a dna screen - much better than blood test!!