Can A Cop Get In Trouble For This Read Just Wondering

Can a cop pull you over for speeding if he's just following behind you?

I always find it a bit funny when a cop is driving behind somebody, and the person in front always starts going really slow and driving really cautiously. though i laugh when its not me, i also find myself doing the same thing when a cop gets behind me.

but i was wondering, can a cop actually pull you over for speeding if he's simply following you? Me and a group of buddies said "no" because the cop needs to have a record of the speed you were going to give you a ticket.

so the question is, lets say your going approximately, give or take, 15mph over the speed limit with a cop following you. Can he pull you over?

Will I get in trouble cause my license is expired?

If your licence is expired and you get caught driving you'll get into a lot of trouble. I'm really surprised that you don't know that.

For starters you'll get fined big time, the car might be towed away at your own cost, and you might be banned from driving for some time.

It's a lot cheaper to renew the license as soon as possible.

What are some things that cops know, but most people don't?

I work closely with cops in a civilian capacity, and these are things I didn't know.1) It takes a ton of effort to charge someone with a crime. They don't do it unless they are convinced of guilt or the person made them very angry. Prosecutors typically screen out the latter.2) Almost all know colleagues who were picked off by a wandering car during a stray traffic stop, or were shot during a "routine" response to a 9-1-1 call or traffic stop. They are keenly aware that they are putting their lives on the line at every stop or call, unsure if the driver or the person who answers the door will be a paranoid schizophrenic with three murder warrants.  They would like it if you pulled *way* over to the side of the road or onto a side street, and if they can see both your hands on the wheel as they approach the car.3) They deal with the most sordid elements of human behavior every day. Substance abuse, domestic violence, child abuse, people refusing to take responsibility for their actions. This creates a lot of cynicism, but also earns a lot of slack if they don't believe your excuse or seem a little brusque.4) They see themselves as a unique breed, whom civilians do not understand or appreciate. They are correct.5) This attitude sometimes encourages destructive solidarity, abuse of power, and lack of accountability. 6) They are experts at making a request sound like a command, which convinces a subject to voluntarily surrender their own rights or provide information that the officer can use to justify probable cause for further action. Even if you committed no crime, this may waste your time, or get you in trouble due to the actions of someone else in your vehicle.

Can you beat a breathalyzer by sucking instead of blowing into it?

The problem is, Police Officers can tell when you try a stupid stunt like that. There's a simple little device that detects someone doing that. It's called a "thumb" and it goes over the end of the PBT tube.

but just in case, most PBT tubes whistle if the person is blowing through the tube correctly.

As for the breathalyzer, the mouthpiece only works if you blow through it and not suck on it. And the machine can detect the negative pressure of someone sucking air.

Sorry! try again.

If a cop didn't use a radar gun (he was driving behind me) tickets me for speeding, should I fight it or pay?

Officers that drive the SUV's do pull people over for speeding the same as an officer that drives the car. I do. If the officer that wrote you the ticket didn't use a radar gun that's ok with the state you live in. On my dashboard I have 2 different gages that tell me my speed so when I match the speed of someone in front of me I can tell how fast they were going and make sure I'm not looking at a bad gage. One is the regular speedometer that every car has and the other is digital, much easier to read when matching a speed. If you really have your heart set on it you can take it to court and fight it but it will most likely be wasting your time, energy, and it's not likely that you'll come out on top. If I pull someone over or make an arrest and that person appears in court, I'm required to make an appearance so most likely the officer that pulled you over (if the law is the same where you live) will have to make an appearance if you do decide to fight the citation. It's very easy for you to say "I wasn't speeding" but it is hard for you to prove. You can't call yourself a dignified person and go in and lie about speeding, just makes you seem greedy if you're willing to lie for protecting your insurance rate. If the officer pulled you over then he had his reason. I'm quite sure he didn't just say to himself "How can I make this guy's day hell?" He must have had a reason and it just isn't worth your time to deny it. Best of luck to you whatever you decide to do.

I was robbed by a crackhead, is there anything I can do about it?

Long story short, some crackhead stole $60 from me. I was trying to buy pills (painkillers) & he sold me fakes. I was wondering if I went to the cops if I would get in trouble HEAR ME OUT. Beforeee you say I deserved it for buying "drugs", just read. I have texts from him naming the type of pill, the mg, and the price. He's addicted to crack and can get coke. He usually has weed on him. I know the cops won't get me my $60 back, my only interest is to fukc this guy over. If I showed them the texts on my phone & told them they should follow him to meet some high up crack & coke dealers, would I get in trouble at all for trying to buy drugs? I'm just curious.....