Can A Empire Athens The Us Rule Subjects In Democratic Fashion Or Do All Empires Rule With

Why is democracy better than military rule?

Military rule is not better than democratic rule. It’s just different. Military rule works better than democracy during emergencies and life or death situations. A soldier can’t afford to sit around taking a vote when the enemy is shooting. Likewise democracy works best during peace because a civil society is more fair when not ruled by tyrants. Military rule is a tool of civil society not the other way around. You can see this in many countries around the world. Just think about which countries are more stable and the citizens are more free. Is it the ones ruled by a democratic government that have a subordinate miliary? Or is it the autocratic military governments that supress their citizens to the will of the government?

What is the difference between autocracy, dictatorship, oligarchy, absolutism and tyranny?

Autocracy- One person with absolute power over the entire country without any limits. May be benevolent or evil, it depends. Historically, absolute monarchies such as  the Russian Empire before 1905 and Nazi Germany were autocracies.Tyranny- One person with absolute power over the entire country without any limits but gained their power through illegal means. Usually cruel and oppressive. May sometimes be considered an autocracy. Tyrants include the Kim family in North Korea and Pol Pot. Dictatorship- Dictatorship can mean rule by one person or by one political body such as a military junta with absolute or near absolute power. They may have come into power legally or illegally. Tyranny and autocracy are forms of dictatorship. There are many other forms of dictatorship. Usually, dictatorships use every means to retain power. Examples are numerous such as Adolf Hitler, Josef Stalin, the Kim family, Pol Pot, and many more.Oligarchy- Oligarchy is rule by a group of people. That group of people is a small group of people who share a distinguishing feature, whether that be wealth, nobility, status in society, military rank, etc. Oligarchies usually are authoritarian and dictatorial but not always, there are democratic oligarchies. Some examples include Oligarchic Athens, Uruguayan dictatorship, and Venice. Some consider long- standing democracies such as the USA oligarchies because of the large amount of people from the same family running for positions of power and winning.Absolutism- Unlike all the other words listed above, absolutism is not a form of government. Instead, absolutism is an ideology that espouses absolute monarchy. Absolute monarchy is when a single monarch has complete power over the county, therefore absolute. They have unrestricted political power among the people in theory. Usually, there will be counterbalances though such as an angry nobility or popular unrest. There may be a symbolic legislature that can be dissolved at will. Some examples of absolute monarchy include Saudi Arabia, Brunei, Sweden from 1680- 1719, and the Russian Empire from 1721- 1905.

How did the myths contribute to Greek society, culture, and history?

In a bad way... really..

But not in the beginning...

Ulysses and other have contributed to rise the will to discover and conquest other lands...

Later on...

Greeks thought they were invincible!... so strong they was...

And finally...

Where is the so big Empire of Greece?

Lays down under the time run out....

This is the way humanity uses to be...

Guess I gave a help with a point to follow in your essay.....