Can A Guardian Of A Minor Make The Minor Get Cosmetic Surgery Without The Minors Consent

Can elective cosmetic surgery be performed on a minor without parent permission?

No, I have answered this question before in two different formats.Michael Kulick MD's answer to Would you let your teenager get plastic surgery?This is another version of my answer -What do you think about the trend for teenage girls obtaining plastic surgery (breast reduction/augmentation, rhinoplasty)?Best,Michael Kulick MDBoard Certified Plastic SurgeonMember of ASPS, ASAPSClinical Editor of the Aesthetic Surgery JournalRecipient of the Klingbeil Award from ASAPS– Teaching Safe Techniques and Advanced Technologies

Is it possible to reverse a child’s sexual reassignment surgery?

With a polite nod to High Easton’s answer, I believe that you mean something other than GRS performed at birth—which is usually without the parents’ consent and certainly without the child’s consent. So if you want to become outraged at “child” transsexual surgery, then get mad at those (mostly male) OB-Gyn’s who take matters into their own hands and mutilate babies.HOWEVER, if you are postulating a scenario whereby a child who has undergone counseling almost every day for years, has taken hormone blockers for most of that period, and then switches to regular hormones at the age of 18 (all while under a doctor’s constant supervision), THEN undergoes the GCS, rest easy. The need to “reverse” it is nearly non-existent, despite what you may have heard from Paul McHugh and a few other phonies.Notice that the two terms are different? GRS means Genital Reassignment Surgery—which implies that the patient may not have had a choice in the matter because it was done when the patient was an infant—and GCS means Gender Confirmation Surgery, which is a whole ‘nother matter and certainly does mean that the patient was actively involved in the decision and is merely confirming something he or she already knew.Despite false “reports” to the contrary, less than .014% of ALL transgender surgeries are regretted by the patient. I hope you understand that number and what it means. Bluntly, if you think that “buyer’s remorse” is even a minor issue in transgender surgeries, you are sadly mistaken. I have met more than two hundred trans women—at various conventions and trans organization meetings—who have undergone GCS and not ONE regrets it, not for a bit, not for a second. That statistical sample alone is much larger than the sample McHugh uses—or any of his imitators. The data you might have seen comes from ONE study performed in the Netherlands and had a statistical sample of twenty. In addition, that sample was tainted by modification of the actual timeline. They included the depression felt by trans women before the surgery as a constant assigned to the sample group after the surgeries. Bad science in the service of cynical PR intended to sell books and glorify tarnished reputations

Is there an age requirement for eyebrow microblading?

Hello,Microblading is a procedure where natural looking hair strokes are instilled in the eyebrows using a nano blade. It is recommended for individuals who are unhappy and needs improvement in their eyebrows. Microblading can not be performed under 18 years of ages and also on pregnant and breast feeding mothers.If you want to know more about microblading here’s some of my articles about it base on my personal experience.All You Need To Know About Microblading | Iconic MNLMicroblading For Men | Iconic MNLHope this helps, thank you and have a great day.Regards,Sylver

I'm 13 and my grandparents are going to have me circumcised. I don't want to. What can I do?

OK, I have a really embarrassing and scary problem. My brother, sister and I live with my grandparents because my parents died in a car accident a couple years back. I am now 13; I have a 15-year-old sister, and a nine-year-old brother.

Last week I was in the tub and I was well, masturbating when my grandmother walked in and caught me. She ordered me out of the tub and made my sit in the living room floor in front of the whole family. She didn’t even let me get dressed. I was naked. My brother pointed out that I was hairy down there but my sister told him that happens to everyone in their teens but girls shave it off. Then my grandparents stared at her. Then my grandmother read from the Bible the story of Onan. She told me that what I had done was sinful. She said I needed paddeling. But my grandpa disagreed. I wish he would have just paddled me and got it over with. I'll have to continue with more details.

Was Donald Trump truthful when he said "No, I have not." to Anderson Cooper's question about whether he ever kissed or groped women without consent?

NO! - Donald Trump was not Truthful. Didn’t you see the polygraph needle jerk to the extreme right as he tried to answer that question. He was extremely evasive and looking for an answer that he knew would now be part of the official record. He lied and he lied badly. That will be his undoing!Predators have a game plan and Donald described his attack plan quite clearly Pop a few TicTacs in the mouth and ATTACK.I’ll call it the Tic-Tac-Grab the Crotch-Attack-Attack quick-gratification technique.  It will forever be sketched in my mind as a major marketing TRUMP BRAND technique. Can you picture a Big Casino with a woman being grabbed by her crotch by Donald Trump?Not only will his Access Hollyword co-workers step up now but a slew of other women who have been victimized by this predator.If you think Nancy O’dell was the only one - start counting the women and update your list daily. So far there are at least half a dozen women who have commented that they were sexually harassed by the Donald.How many other women will come forward now that the cat is out of the box? Add to those, all the copycats who now feel it’s ok to GRAB women by their crotches -Oh poor Donald, is sexually harassing women a thing your father would have approved of?Or is this something you learned from him - I’ll assume the former but only you know.Right?

Can a 14-year-old get liposuction?

I know that many people frown upon a 14-year-old to be thinking about this kind of stuff, but I would appreciate it if you would just answer my question.

If you've ever answered one of my previous questions, you'll know that I'm a semi-recovered anorexic. Basically, I've gained the weight (from 82 pounds to 102), I'm exercising, and I'm eating healthy. There is one problematic area that has been there ever since I was in 5th grade (I'm now going into 9th). It's actually the reason that I stopped eating in the first place. I'm desperate to get rid of it. I've tried the exercises, I'm eating the right foods, I've drunk the right amount of water for a year now and nothing has worked. If that one imperfection in me was corrected I'm positive that I could really enjoy my teenage years. I get so emotional over it that I've restricted myself to looser clothing in order to hide it. I want to be able to wear the clothes that I want. I love fashion and to have to stick to the same fashion rule every day puts a strain on my inner peace.

I have heard that with parental consent it's possible to have liposuction performed on a minor. I'm so desperate, and would appreciate answers that don't point out that I'm too young, or that I 'have time to grow'... I already know that. I've been told that before, but it just doesn't matter to me. So...

Straight answers, please. If you have any details or have had the procedure done before, I would appreciate a briefing on the subject.
And I'm also sorry for basically writing a story. :)