Can A Hooded Rat And A Dumbo Rat Live Together

Can dumbo rats and fancy rats live together?

Yes, they can. Of course, make sure they are the same sex, or spay the females. Spaying females is good anyway, for health reasons.

Honestly, there is no such thing as a 'fancy' rat; they are just standard ears. Dumbo rats are called that because of the larger ears.

I know you only asked the one question, but a bit more information couldn't hurt. ;)

Make sure you take your new rats to the vet once you get them, especially if you have/are getting them from a petstore (I suggest adoption, or 2nd best- a breeder). A vet will be able to make sure they are healthy and give meds if they are not.

For food, I recommend Oxbow regal rat ( as the main 'pellet', then a suebees mix:

And, of course, a variety of fresh veggies.

For cages, the best is a ferret nation. Second best is martins (they are cheaper, and you don't have to baby/female proof).

For bedding, make sure you never use Pine or Ceder, it is toxic to all animals. Carefresh is a good choice. My personal favorite is fleece. You put a layer of towels and than a layer of fleece. Once a week you shake out the poops and wash it. Very easy to clean and ratties love it!

If you have any more questions, feel free to message me.

Can dumbo rats and feeder rats live together?

Hi there :)
Well done for wanting to get a companion rat for her. Rats should always be kept in same sex pairs.
Feeder rats are basically just normal fancy rats that have been bred specifically as snake food. They are no different genetically from other rats, except for the fact that they are frequently albinos (pink-eyed whites).
Dumbos are also normal rats, just slightly smaller and with large ears set lower on the head. They are not another species of rats.
Both are rats and will get on just fine together. Feeder rats frequently make wonderful pets as they are really just fancy rats. Well done for savnig her. Just remember that, sadly, you can't save them all. :(
Good luck with your lovely new pets! Introduce them properly and you'll have no problems. :)

Can fancy rats and dumbo rats live together?

Me and my sis are getting rats, but she wants a Fancy rat and I want a Dumbo rat. They will be around 2-3 months when we get them. Can a fancy and a dumbo live together?

Is it alright to put a Fancy rat and a Dumbo rat together in the same cage?

Dumbo rats are exactly the same as top eared rats, but they have ears which are based lower on the head. Keeping them together is just as safe as keeping two fancy rats or two dumbo rats together. They don't judge by looks, are the same specie, can be bred together to produce fertile offspring, etc.

Just remember to get 2 new rats which are still very young. Oldie + oldie rat intros are not 100% guaranteed, and any babies you get will be very playful. (if the baby wants to play, it may just upset your current rat) In addition to that, when your current female eventually passes away, you may decide not to get more rats. If that's the case, you're going to have a lone rat who's going to live out the rest of it's life alone, whereas if you get 2 young rats then when your current rat passes, they still have each other. (hopefully) I know this is very morbid, and I hope you don't experience the pain of losing your rat for a long time, but I think it should be mentioned because it can happen.

How long do female dumbo rats live?

your darling dumbo rat may not be at the end of her life yet. depending on where you have bought them, all rats (even dumbo rats) can live up to four years! some unfortunately only live for 2, so the average lifespan is three years.

lets hope she doesn't kick the bucket bbefore she's four.

happy to help.

Will a guinea pig and a rat get along if they live in the cage ?

*rolling eyes* Let's tackle this in simple steps for you so you can comprehend it. Rats are rats. There is nothing that guarantees one rat will be calmer than another, other than how it's raised and handled, and if it's been socialized properly. Male rats, especially older ones, are probably calmer than any other rat. Females are more hyper. Younger rats are more hyper. Young female rats can bounce off walls and run around an entire room before you can blink your eye once.

Rats eat various things from lab blocks to table food, to crappy store bought food (*cough* Kaytee *cough* *cough*), to homemade diets. It's all up to the person taking care of the rats, and if they love their rats, whether they are pets, whether they are part of the family, or they don't, or they just want something to feed to another critter, like a snake.

A big no on caging the rat and guinea pig together. Not only are guinea pigs bigger, but their diets and lifestyles are different. Their housing is different and if you have a good and large enough guinea pig cage, the rat will be escaping from it in a heartbeat. The rat can bite the guinea pig. The guinea pig can bite the rat. The guinea pig can stomp on the rat, or do other things to kill it. The rat can do things to kill the guinea pig. While some rats and guinea pigs can and do get along, they are not KEPT IN THE SAME CAGE. Their time together is supervised every second they are together. It only takes seconds for one of them to get hurt.

Does this do it for you?

Are rats good pets?

They have their downsides, like any other kind of pet. The main downside is the little darlings don’t live nearly long enough!They tend to run up expensive vet bills because they are very fragile and, if you don’t do your research before getting rats, you might get a nasty shock when you suddenly need a vet by yesterday and you figured you’d be fine because there’s a vet round the corner, but turns out they only take cats and dogs and your nearest exotics vet is three hours away.If you get them young, they may have been identified as the wrong sex and you’ve got a girl that was kept with her brother. Now you have 15 rats rather than 2!If you get them as adults, it may be too late to litter-train them and they may never really bond with you as they would if you’d raised them from babies.The smell. Even if you keep them clean enough that they don’t stink per se, the odour is distinctive enough that it takes some getting used to. You may find that you invite friends or family over to meet your rats and they find the smell very unpleasant even if you’ve only just cleaned the cage.Related: people can be judgemental, misinformed, and don’t get that their reaction is every bit as insulting as if you’d said “Ewwwwww it’s a dog!”

How can I persuade my parents that getting pet rats is a good idea?

How can I persuade my parents that getting pet rats is a good idea?Our cat just died and we are looking for different pets. I suggested rats but my parents still associat them with dirtiness and disease. How can I persaude them that rats can be a good pet.Answer: Rat's make great pets, properly looked after they are clean, friendly, playful and not smelly but with many people genus Rattus has an insurmountable image problem. Possibly you'll be able to convince your parents and they will come to love all things rat, but if not you may want to consider an alternative.Degu are a South American rodent closely related to Chinchillas, they make great pets and actually have some advantages over rats.They look like oversized gerbils, complete with furry tails (many people have an irrational aversion to rat's tails), are diurnal, they live much longer than rats, are at least as friendly, playful and intelligent, and their diet is entirely vegetarian and must be free of sugar meaning that they don’t try and steal food of your plate like a free roaming rat will. They also take to human contact and handling really well. They're also quite vocal and make really cute little squeaks and chirps when happy.degu - Google SearchThey really need company though, so if you go this route, get two at least.