Can A Person Get Hired As A Police Officer If He/she Has High Blood Pressure But It Id Controlled

Becoming a firefighter with possible high blood pressure?

Well there is a clear difference between high BP and white coat hypertension. I would go to your normal doctor and get them to find out which you have because that could affect whether u can pass the firefighters requirements.
They will prob get you to do a holter monitor test for 24hrs...very annoying but at least it will tell you whether urs is white coat or true hypertension.
As for generally lowering your BP, increase ur cardio, eat less sodium foods, loose the 10pounds if u can!

Can i treat high blood pressure by cutting myself alot?

HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA i legit lol'd at this when i read it. of course not. eat healthy foods like veggies and fruits and maybe take medication from ur doctor.