Can A Person Get Strep Throat From Fried Rice At A Chinese Restraunt

Getting sick after eating Chinese food - is this Chinese Restaurant Syndrome?

Had Chinese food at a local Chinese take-out joint in my area. Had sesame chicken + fried rice, egg roll. This morning about 12 - 14 hours later I start throwing up. I didn't have a headache or anything, wasn't dizzy and didn't have a sore throat. Most of the vomit (ew) was more like stomach acid, but I know it came from the food I had last night that I mentioned. Does it sound like I have the Chinese Restaurant Syndrome? Your thoughts?

What are the best foods for a sore throat?

Drink plenty of water. Keeping a sore throat lubricated and moist eases swallowing and helps prevent dehydration.Eat soothing foods. Easy-to-swallow foods include broths, soups, applesauce, cooked cereal, mashed potatoes, soft fruits, yogurt and soft-cooked eggs. You can puree foods in a blender to make them easier to swallow. Cold foods, such as sherbet, frozen yogurt or frozen fruit pops also may be soothing. Avoid spicy foods or acidic foods such as orange juice.Gargle with warm salt water. For older children and adults, gargling several times a day can help relieve throat pain. Mix 1/4 teaspoon (1.42 grams) of table salt in 8 ounces (237 milliliters) of warm water. Be sure to tell your child to spit out the liquid after gargling.

I am currently taking Flagyl and ate fried rice with soy sauce (containing alcohol). Will it make me sick?

I had maybe five bites before realizing my mistake. I've avoided any alcohol products up until now so I am not sure how it affects me. I just dont know if the alcohol content of soy sauce on fried rice is substantial enough to effect it

Could I be allergic to Chinese food.?

Ok so I've been working at a Chinese restaurant for almost 7 years now. I always ate the food since I could eat it for free but never actually liked it. Maybe a year ago I started getting headaches what seemed like after I ate it so I did some research on it an found out that it has MSG in it and that can cause headaches. I quit eating it for awhile and my headaches stopped. Then I ate it one day for lunch and my stomach started hurting. I told the boss I was sick and went home. When I got home I threw it all up and was fine after that. Went awhile without eating it again. Then started eating hot and sour soup for a couple days. After a few days my stomach started hurting like I had took aspirins so I quit eating it again to see if my stomach would quit. It did. Now the other day I was fine, I went to the kitchen and ate a little bourbon chicken and rice. While I was eating it I kids started feeling sick on my stomach but nothing bad, it went away. But almost as soon as I ate it I started getting a itchy throat and stuffy nose. Now I'm having allergy/ cold symptoms. Could this be that I'm allergic to Chinese food or just a coincidence? Can it give you allergy/ cold symptoms?

Why does one feel more thirsty after eating oily food?

There are way too many different kinds of oils in food and not all oily foods make us thirsty after their consumption; example fish and some nuts are high in fatty acids/oils but they dont make us thirsty.. but its the salt or seasoning in them that does the job. As far as your question is, i believe it pertains to foods like french fries, biryani, fried chicken, chinese food esp noodles , meat etc etc and in that case the answer is:oily foods are hard to be digested as they require more activity by the digestive system to break all the oily complex/heavy oil molecules into simpler ones for absorption by the intestines. This is in addition to the digestion job it has to do for the real food (which was fried) . So the body adapts and derives more bile and other chemicals from liver, acids in stomach, more insulin and other hormones etc. causing pH imbalances in the digestive system which, triggers a need for dilution and pH balancing, which is helped by water… so the body instinctively triggers thirst. The pH imbalances would then be conferred onto blood eventually and since maintaining blood pH levels is an extremely important life process, the body demands more water to ease the filteration process done by the kidney. So more water needed, more thirst!Id also like to conclude by saying that fried food consumption is often driven by the craving for taste and hence most fried food have extra salt and seasonings in them to bump up the taste quotient. Frying helps the flavors to blend in well and bind to the food being fried. These additions wreck further havoc causing immedite and amplified thirst.

What food should I eat for sore throat?

I just ordered two Egg Roll, Chicken Fried Rice, Honey Garlic Ribs, Vegetable Chow Mein from asian resteraunt

Can I eat those? Which ones are best for sore throats?

The roof of my mouth...(serious question)?

Food allergies can be quite unpredictable. An allergy to a food can develop at any point in your life, even if it's a food you eat all the time. And allergic reactions to that food can also widely vary. I am allergic to fish, nuts, some cheeses, and all raw veggies and fruit (I'm allergic to a protein in them that is broken down during the cooking process). The allergic reaction can be anyphalactic(spelling?), or simply just a sensitivity to the food. In an anyphalactic reaction, your tongue and throat swell, causing shortness of breath and etc. This is the most dangerous type of reaction and can be life-threatening. A food sensitivity can cause a bunch of different symptoms like: upset stomach, itchiness and/or pain of the throat and/or tongue, and even a rash over various parts of your body.
It sounds somewhat like a food allergy to me, so be careful. Even if your reaction to that food was tolerable this time, it could be much worse the next time. I suggest speaking to an allergist to see about getting allergy testing done. The test involves the doctor making small scratches on your back and applying various allergens to the scratches to see what reaction takes place. That is the safest thing to do at this point. Good luck!!

Why is it everytime I eat Chinese food I feel sick?

It has like a million calories.

Is General Tso's chicken super spicy?

It's been mentioned that you can order it "mild" from your better Chinese places. I'd do that.

In general it's not supposed to be more spicy than sweet, but it does depend on the place serving it. If they also have "orange chicken" as a menu option, choose that instead--their General Tso's will be spicier than their plainer "orange chicken".

It shouldn't be so bad. Just _avoid_ the garnish on the side--some places will put purple skinny peppers on the side. AVOID those--they are some hot bastards. A whole 2-liter of soft drink won't get rid of that heat--I've been unfortunate enough to try.