Can A Shy Modest Female Share Her Honest Thoughts To Help Me Accurately Portray My Main Character

Short IQ test. Which figure is least like the others? Can you find the value which doesn’t appear to belong?

I would love to have had more questions like that in school. That can't possibly tell us anything about IQ, but that was a cute way to phrase and fashion an important question. Do you suppose the left is capable of being honest on this one? I'm afraid I have my doubts.

That was a really good summary, though, of two surprisingly comparable Administration's economic data. Does anyone have any explanation for why so many like to reminisce about Clinton's years in office through the 90's, while the left has still not given up on bashing Bush two-and-a-quarter years after Obama and the Democratic super-majority took total control? There have been few times in American history when one party dominated the legislative process so thoroughly, so the results should be easily recognizable and attributable to the responsible Party by anyone who's paid attention.

Picking the different numbers was simple, and honestly, Question 1 seemed as if it could be dealing with unemployment data ahead of reading the explanation. Question 2 was a little harder to recognize, because we're seldom shown government based real unemployment data, and I'm not sure I would have come up with the two almost identical rates just over 9 percent for Bush and Clinton. I was aware, unfortunately, of the current percentage, since there's been so much information released over the past year or so identifying Obama's devastating unemployment figures, including the U6 real unemployment rate.

Maybe that information will be news to someone who hasn't gotten it yet. Thanks for a worthy explanation to a fun sort of test that only falling off the table left leaning partisans could fail. And they'd be doing it purposely.

If you could represent yourself with a single object, what would that object be and why?

CarbonI am quite commonplace, much like the black substance you would associate with carbon. At the outset, I am average looking, and don't have anything special to offer that most others can't match or better (think coal). But with concerted effort and determination, I would become the backbone of the industrial revolution, and drastically enhance my value to society. And I wouldn't stop there. I would like to keep reinventing myself. I started off as the measly coal. Then, with some refining, I became denser charcoal. With more engineering and science to back me up, I found myself useful in every aspect of life, from the ever-breaking tip of a lead pencil, to the advanced nano-engineered forms such as graphene. I am currently at a stage where much of life's challenges are ahead of me, very much like charcoal in the early 1900s. With the right amount of enthusiasm, initiative and hard-work, I will be at the top of my game, hopefully where graphene and carbon-nanotubes will be in the future.However, if everything works in my favor, and I continue to better myself at every step, I could be a DIAMOND. But there is a reason why diamond is the rarest of carbon's forms. It takes years of struggle under the right set of circumstances to be the hardest material and most sought-after gem in the world. So becoming a diamond will always be my dream, and it will be nice for that dream to be realized. :)

How would you describe yourself as a person?

1. I am a kind-hearted caring person.2. Always ready to help my friends and family at any time.3. I’m quiet and shy person.4. Sometime Mischievous and Sometime Innocent.5. I’m very motivated and love doing what I do.6. Forgive the people easily.7. Easily get angry but when I lose my temper it shows a dark side of me which I am increasingly aware of. It’s obvious to me that after I lose my temper, I feel guilty and sad.8. I am humble and compassionate person. I enjoy sharing things and talking to people about a variety of things. I have a quick wit and love to laugh about everything under the sun. I can be quiet at first, but once you get to know me, I don’t shut up. I am fun loving, but serious when necessary.

How do I write an essay on describing myself?

If you are relying entirely on inspiration to write essays, you are shooting yourself in the foot. Inspiration is a whim. It is either there or not, depending on mood, what you ate, how you feel, and what you have to do today. You may not want to do what needs to be done and inspiration leaves you.Rely on perspiration. Learn to write. Just write. Pick a subject, any subject. There isn’t a perfect subject. I have yet to get this across to my perfectionist step-son, but I’ll try again here. There is no one perfect subject. If you are searching for the perfect idea, again, you are shooting yourself in the foot.Write. Learn to write as required of your deadlines. Do the writing early so you have time to edit and redraft, or rewrite. I never did less than three drafts unless it was on an exam. If you are relying on inspiration for exams? well… bullet… foot… you. Don’t do that.If you rely on music, friends, a bird singing outside your window? bullet… foot… you. Don’t do that. You won’t have those on exams.Sit yourself down and write. If you have two or more subjects to write about, pick one randomly or eenie meenie it. It doesn’t matter as long as you pick one.Then write. Learning to write as needed means working on writing as needed. Practice it. Just do it. Stop waiting for it.

Can somebody tell me every thing they know about libra girls?

I'm a Libra and so is my daughter. I'd say the biggest thing is a need for things to be fair. Throughout my life, the most upsetting events to me were when I was treated unfairly or when someone close to me was. I guess that's why the scales are Libra's symbol. I also think Libras sometimes have a hard time making decisions because they see both sides of the issue. I'm not sure what sign it is recommended that Libras marry, but I'm married to a Virgo, and I can't imagine a better marriage than mine. I hope this helps - Go Libras!!!!