Can Any One Tell Me That Do Faries Exit In This World

Do Fairies Really Exist?

Yes, they exist in the world and in different dimension. However, for a normal person, it will be hard to see them. They come in many forms and if one's heart is not brave and pure, fear arises and panic button will cause fear in oneself. To those whose hearts are pure free from anger, hatred and envy and if they meditate well, they might encounter them in time to come. Many people don't believe in such things and they thoughts these beings are merely myths and legends and nothing else. Even the land, the air, the trees, the rivers or streams, moon, the sun, the stars, the wind have guardian spirits who take charge of each of them. Many years ago, I did encounter with the Wind Spirit or Devas (sanskrit) whom many friends of mine won't believe what I seen. The question was how did I encounter the Wind Spirit?? I was doing my meditation at the beach one late afternoon and the weather was pretty hot and humid. I was sitting on the sand meditating and not a single wind could be felt for nearly an hour or so. Sweats began oozing out from my body and forehead and even that I don't move at all but merely watching it flows down my face. A thought came to me during the meditation and said why don't you ask the Wind Spirit to bring some wind to cool your body. I took the advice and asked mentally if there is such a Wind Spirit around the beach; show me your ability to move some cool wind to drown the heat. In less than, a minute of my mental thoughts, I could feel the cool breeze blowing onto me and when I opened up my eyes, I could see a white apparition standing by my side smiling and then off it goes and one outstanding feature I noticed was there were wings on its ankles. It flew away like a flash and for the next hour or so, the wind keep blowing its cool air on the beach. So, don't think such beings don't exist. They do as far as I am concerned.

Is it true mermaids and fairies exist only in the astral world?

Actually, in my last astral travel I encountered one ferry and two mermaids, let me tell you how it happened. I got of my house and immediately starte to fly when i notice far away some entity who looke like a white spectral woman. I slowed down to see if it could cath up. Then when it get closer it starte to shrink to the point that it lay in my left hand. It was a ferry like creature, with pointy ears, big dark eyes, funny looking, that turned its face to mine for a few seconds and flew away. Later I stop in a courtyard, sat down and meet two other beings, a female and a male that greeted me with a firm handshake, the female immediately vanished. I told the male what happened, and he said "yes there are ferries, they play, knock, spit on your face and more. Then I stand up and walk by few beings of both genders, and when I least spected I looked at the distance and saw a beach with the most beautiful beings that I had seen in the astral plane. There were mermaids, two of them. I notice their's colorful tails. I remember one blue aqua and the other yellowish, however, when I tried to approach them I felt like a drain in my energy, very weird felling. Just like not suposed to interact with them. I immediately returned to my body.

" I thought, true love only existed, in fairy tales and two hearts, could never beat as one..." Who sang this?

umm....Disney is mythical for fairy tale love memories. If that's what you wnat in life, only submit to in thoughts all the Disney memories are stolen from different cultures and changed for funds making needs. Ever observed how Daddy consistently saves the undesirable determination maker in the tip? Believing in Fairy tale love basically instruments up the romantic poet and daydreamer to be continuously in turmoil as Prince Chaming would not and by no skill did exist.

No! Not even remotely close.FAIRYTALE: Prince meets princess. Sing a song. Princess acts coy, prince is gallant. They fall in love. Villain hurts princess. Prince rescues princess. Happily ever after.REAL LOVE STORIES: An imperfect man meets an imperfect woman have an imperfect story. They love, fight, argue, love, tease, debate, differ, have fun, get bored too sometimes, care,passion, love. They marry. They work hard. Steal time for each other. Spend time together. Appreciate the goods, accept the bad. Correct each other. Hang out with friends. Grow old together.The above is a good real fairytale to me.About expectations: man will at some point of time will mistakenly or knowingly will hurt you and so will you too. Just hug it out. Say im sorry and that you love him. Because don't you only hurt those whom you love and love you back? Of course you try not to...but it just happens. You can't be like he shouted on me, he doesn't love me. He loves you! Hence he can shout on you.Some people find happiness in a exquisite bag as gift.Some people find happiness in a dinner and game of backgammon at home.Some people find happiness to just talk to their man/woman.I suggest, let your man be. He loves you and will show in ways he feels best. Let him be free. Those will be best. Your happiness is linked to him. Not solely dependent on him. He has a life of his own, like you have yours. When you want something just ask...use your vocal cords, don't expect him to have psychic powers.

Is there any water fairy exist?

yup of course.:

Today we usually associate fairies with gardens and flowers, however there is considerable folklore concerning water fairies. This fits with the fairy as a creature of nature and bounty - many communities used to (and still do) rely on the sea for a living. However the sea could also be treacherous and this is also reflected in the fairy folklore.

As with most fairies, those of the water are usually depicted as beautiful with long, flowing hair reminiscent of seaweed. However whilst all fairies tend to be mischievous, water fairies can be positively cruel. They have been known to lure ships into dangerous seas and innocent men to a watery end.

This would seem to be an extension of the Greek Siren tale. In earlier times seas were extremely dangerous and the life of a sailor or fisherman a lonely and hazardous one.

Water fairies are also often vain and enjoy looking at their reflection in the water. In some traditions they like to leave the water to visit local humans, sometimes to join in a party, at others to ensnare a new victim. It is said that they can be recognised by their clothing which will remain damp.

There are also frequent references to sea and river fairies in Celtic myth. As with so many of the Celtic fey, they were rarely the diminutive winged creatures we imagine as fairies today. Perhaps the most well known were the Welsh Gwragedd Annwn, the Lake Maidens. Unlike many of the water fairies these were generally benevolent to humans.

An interesting variety of water fairy is the Asrai. These are delicate creatures that can only exist in the water. If exposed to air - for example when caught in a fishing net - they turn into a pool of water and slip away. It's easy to imagine a fisherman seeing something glittering beneath the surface of the water, only to find nothing there when the net is pulled up.

Water fairies have also been associated with the changeling legend, stealing human children and taking them into the depths. This idea is perhaps echoed in Charles Kingsley's famous 1963 story "The Water Babies".

Water fairies are, of course, not the same as mermaids. Mermaids are corporeal creatures, half human and half fish, with none of the other-wordliness of fairies. However it's possible that both share a common folklore tradition somewhere along the line.

Fairies are not too different from humans whose bodies have died and whose spirits are now free on a kind of higher-frequency plane. There are many, many metaphysical energy planes above our material plane; I consider fairies to be intelligent beings who simply were created over there, rather than first living an embodied life over here as we do, and therefore live on the ‘other side’.Energy beings include the part of us (spirit, or energy body) that exists in the higher realm at the same time that our bodies exist as matter on the material level. Fairies, and humans in the energy state, are both immortal and invulnerable; we will exist forever and cannot be harmed, and the same goes for them. Hence a human in the material state (body) is an animal whose key emotion is fear, while a human in the energy state is a spirit with nothing to fear, therefore its key emotion is love.Fairies, most never having had a material state, are a different order of person from humans, and their key emotion is probably not love. :) From around the world, people usually equate fairies with the randomness of luck, suggesting they are curious, sometimes helpful, other times mischievous. I consider it worth cultivating the fairies in one’s vicinity!One may well wonder what the relationship is between fairies and angels, as two kinds of created creatures whose existence is nearly all lived on the other side. I look at it as though angels are aligned, and fairies are free agents. After all, on our side, there are popes, priests, imams, abbots, monks, and so on; but there are far, far more regular people who are not in the clergy! (Thinking of “fairy clergy” aligned closely with a particular god can be called angels, while the far more numerous free folk are fairies.)This analogy depends, of course, on allowing for the fact that angels are not amoral and mischievous like fairies can be. But then, an imam is probably better behaved than the average citizen of Morocco, Egypt, or Indonesia.So to answer your question - fairies live forever, so time is not an issue to them. Or, in the final analysis, to us either.