Can Any Youtubers Help Me Out

Who Are Some Funny Youtubers?

Can anyone tell me the names of some funny youtubers? And I don't mean NigaHiga (who btw isn't funny), kevjumba, fred, shimmycocopuffsss, makemebad35, etc. etc.
Preferably a youtuber who isn't quite big (seeing as how most of the big ones aren't exactly that great)
Similar to StillNotDavid?

Sacconejolys youtubers.. help me.?

Hi guys, I'm italian so sorry for my bad English.
Do you know the Sacconejolys (Ireland youtubers, now in england)?
Do you know how can I send something to them? I look at one of their video, they came to a place where the took many presents from their fans.. I also want to send them a present but I don't know where
Thanks you

Come on YouTubers streamers help your people for a change?

What with every YouTuber streamer get all butthurt because somebody wants a shoutout going to tell them that's rude don't you get donation from those guys they support your *** u cant help me out a little bit this guy named AlbertFNWesker bitched cuz somebody wanted to shout out don't think people help you with money to support your *** I hate fake *** YouTubers streamers they play games ask for money you can't give back it wasn't for your fans you wouldn't be there they say it's a job thoughts I was thinking get real job stop bugging money from people I think streamers like that are cancer to YouTube the sponsors I mean mods get nothing out of it that what I was told another YouTuber Shockwave shockplayz I've been watching his videos for a long time this fool said I was up to be a mod and I left the video came back now he says 3 people up to be mods now he changed his mind now I didn't give him my dime dude seriously make up your mind what he says who watched videos longer become mods some girl name Allison is a mod she left the channel she isn't coming back her mod status should be take away she quit on Channel there's tons of mods don't come on or not at all I don't know why there mods I've been watching it stream since May I want to stop watching his streams Shockwave is not a bad person stop putting mods on people and they don't care about you or your Channel AlbertFNWesker help your people out stop being stuck up just saying who agrees about this I'm not hating people

Finding a Youtubers secret channel?

My favorite youtuber, Matthias, has a secret channel. It is common knowledge that he has one. but not many have found it, and the ones that have- don't tell anyone. I've looked everywhere but can not find it. He also has 2 other channels Matt & Amanda and Team edge. If someone could help me find it, it would be greatly appreciated.


Can you list some Korean Youtubers out there?

Kim Dong Won:

Any YouTubers that someone could recommend?

Hi, first I'd just like to say thank you in advance for your answer. :)

So recently, I've been running out of YouTubers to watch and I'm not subscribed to a lot at the moment, so I was wondering if someone could recommend a few that I could go check out.

Just to give you a basic idea of what I like to watch, I enjoy comedy sketches and sometimes a bit of gaming on the side, and I also sometimes just like to watch people rant in front of a camera, if you catch my drift there. I don't really care if they're still currently making content, I'd just like to have a few videos to watch to keep me busy. Thanks again!