Can Anybody Explain All Of Mechanics In League Of Legends Eg. Trades Kiting Etc

Which champion do you think is best for carrying solo queue at the top lane in League of Legends?

At low elo - many paths exist1. The assassin - Talon, Katarina, Akali, etc.  Snowball yourself, then use the advantage to get your entire team ahead by ganking other lanes.    Pros - extremely easy to pull off. Causes tilt, which low elos are very prone to    Cons - You have no late-game potential. You can be shut down if even one of the guys on the enemy team has their act together.2. The split-pusher - Singed, Shaco, Fiora, etc. Take objectives and force the enemy team to stay permanently on the defensive.    Pros - really strong strategy for solo-queue    Cons - Your team will try and fight 4v5, then lose and flame you3. The 1v5 master - Riven, Jax, etc. Get so strong, so fed, and have such epic lifesteal, mobility, and shields/dodges that the enemy can't beat you no matter how hard they try.     Pros - epic when you pull it off. Forces early surrenders. Makes for amazing highlight reels    Cons - hard CC4. The teamfight enabler - Amumu, Sejuani, etc. Bring so much CC and tankiness that even a bronze ADC can follow-up correctly     Pros - trains you well for higher elos. Very strong potential. Lets you shut down a fed enemy player     Cons - even if a bronze ADC can followup, that doesn't mean they will5. The zone dominator - Azir, Lux, Ziggs, etc. Make it impossible for the enemy team to push your objectives, then seize any mistake to win a teamfight and break their gates.    Pros - very strong play potential. LCS players do this a lot    Cons - you're at low elo. You're not LCS. The odds are you don't have what it takes to try this strategyHigher Elos:     Carrying is no longer the word to use here. The nature of League of Legends and its balances mean that it's very difficult to carry a game by yourself at high elo. You can give your team an edge that they use to lift themselves up to victory, but you just don't have the potential to dominate the entire game by yourself.     Just pick a champion that you're really good with and that brings strength to your team.