Can Anyone Explain Why People Are Willing To Allow Politicians To Jeopardize Their Safety

Can someone explain the premise of Saving Private Ryan?

1. The purpose of landing paratroopers behind enemy lines is to capture key strategic objectives ahead of the main advance such as bridges, roads and road crossings, towns, etc,. thus denying those same assets to the enemy. Also to disrupt enemy communications and cause general confusion and chaos in the enemy rear.

2. Trucks don't float and neither do soldiers carrying heavy kit. Or tanks for that matter. Bridges are necessary to allow the army to cross water obstacles like rivers. Otherwise they stop dead in their tracks. Think about it this way - you are driving in your car and you get to a river and there is no bridge. What do you do? Why they were ready to blow the bridge is right there in the script - the German's needed it too.

3. No one called an airstrike. That was most likely a "Rhubard" sortie of fighter-bombers working their way ahead of the advancing ground force and engaging targets of opportunity. Also keep in mind - its just a movie.

4. Wait for what backup? There was no expectation of backup. The objective was to hold the bridge. If the German's crossed the bridge re-taking it would be an order-of-magnitude more difficult and every second the German's held the bridge they would bring more men and equipment across, which would jeopardize the fragile foothold allied forces had in Normandy at the time.

And it was about 5 times more than 30 German's. Again, watch the movie - its in the script.

Ask a cop to see the radar gun when getting pulled over?

I got pulled over and was told that i was doing a 75/40 but when i looked at my speed i wasnt. When asked the cop to show me the radar gun they just kept putting excused that the radar erased and that it was against the law to show me the speed read. Does anyone know if there is a law out there somwhere giving us the right to see the radar gun?? what if the cop didnt write on the ticket how much your speed is. Do they have to write that on the ticket?? Anyone please help with advice!!!

Civil Liberties or National Security?

Our privacy should never be compromised in order to ensure National Security. If the government has cause to believe someone is jeopardizing NS then they should work with the ACLU or an organization like this to identify potential threats and insure that unidentified (as a threat) civilians are not illegally spied on. Or maybe congress needs to come up with a high security clearance oversight committee so as not to abuse American civil liberties.
I feel I have nothing to hide but at the same time I do not feel it is right to have "Big brother" checking my emails or listening to my calls as they please.

Yes you picked a hot button discussion and will check back just to see what others say as well.

My 14 year old daughter wants to go jogging alone?

absolutely not. and it sounds like you're gonna have to talk with your husband about communicating with your daughter. he's jeopardizing your role as a parent by undermining your authority that way. tell your daughter if she'd like to go jogging she will have to have yours or a friend's company

Is it safe to accept friend requests from people you don't know on Facebook?

It’s only safe if you think before you accept.There are several reasons they might want to connect with you but only one is worth looking at. Go to THEIR personal page and look to see if you have any mutual friends. ( friend of a friend)If they are, see what they have on their page. Is it a common interest with you? Do you share the same kinds of pictures? Do you share political views? Do they like cat pictures as much as you do? They might have seen comments or posts on your mutual friends page that led them to your name. You might even want to ask your mutual contact on FB if he/she knows them and try to get a little background before you accept the offer.Could be the start of a fun friendship !BUT : The other types that send requests are a little more suspect._ Cute girls from faraway lands … check their “friends” lists on their page. Nothing but older American rich guys? Feel free to “delete request” without hesitation. No info on them? Page all blanks unless you friend them first?_ Strangers that you have no apparent connection with? Why not send them a private message and ask them directly how they found you or why they want to connect. I have done that a dozen times and my expectations have been proven right. I have never received a reply from any of them.- Then you just click on “delete request”.Lots of scammers and FB junkies that are interested in HOW MANY friends they have are out there. They just want to add names to their list for whatever ego-driven purpose is behind it.What Facebook does is give you the option of accepting or rejecting any name that pops up on that list. Your choice!

Conservatives: Why do you assume the free market can regulate itself?

If the government did not have regulations of the free market we would all be poisoned to death or killed by faulty products made by greedy corporations.

You always say that if something was wrong with a product that people would stop buying it and the company would make a safer version of it.

What if the people are too ignorant and don't know they are being poisoned?
What if the only thing the producers care about id money and don't care if they kill people?
What if they are both too stupid to know there is something wrong?
if business operate on self interest why would they regulate themselves if it's bad for business?

Reporting a meth lab?

Your "friend" doesn't know what he/she is talking about.
Methamphetamine labs are extremely dangerous, hazardous to everybodys' health, and EXPLOSIVE!!! They represent a danger to every community and need to be shutdown as soon as possible everytime!

1) Call the local police/sheriff and tell them what you believe is going on. If for some reason the truth doesn't work, I'd use the idea of calling the fire department for a "smoke investigation" report. You don't want to make up just some weird story because you could actually be charged with making a false report. If possible, try to include a description of any people you have seen going in and out of the apartment as well as vehicle license plates and/or descriptions. Other supporting information includes: the number of visitors they receive daily/weekly, time when somebody is obviously home, what ages are in the apartment, any children - their ages, etc.

2) Call the property owner. If the owner doesn't lose the property - condemned by the city/county/state - once the people are caught, they could lose a lot of money while cleaning and remodeling it afterwards and get a bad reputation in the future that would hurt future leases.

3) If you report the problem to the landlord and they fail to act, you could actually counter any lease violation they claim against you for leaving so soon with the fact that they are allowing a hazardous condition to continue in the community, jeopardizing people health and welfare and tell them juries LOVE those stories.
See if that wakes them up a little! : @ )

4) Start looking for another place. You DO NOT want to be living there anymore; period!!

Take care and stay safe!