Can Anyone Give Me Advise

Can anyone give me an advice about betas?
go here it will help in everything with betta spawning.
My BF decided to breed bettas once and used this site and he spawned some very beautiful fish, oh and he wasnt a seasoned fish keeper. So good luck with your spawning
this a good site too>>

Can anyone give me workout advice?

OK. I'll be honest as usual.Fuck what the bitch said.Now, you're fat. So you need 2 things. Cardio and weights. They are your new friends and they'll be your friends for life.You need to start weight training everyday. 6 days a week. Sunday sleep. And do cardio 3 times a week. High intensity interval training. 30 mins only. Try and do it at different times. Example. Morning weights, evening HIIT. Else do it after weight training. That's it for cardio.Now for weights. 2 opposing body parts each day. So Monday you do chest and biceps. Tuesday back and triceps. Wednesday shoulders and legs. For each body part. For example, for chest do 3-4 exercises. Try and keep your weight training under 1 hour. Max 1 hour. For Abs do 30 mins. 1 day upper and lower. 1 day sides (obliques). Third day rest. Example. Monday. Tuesday. Wednesday is off.Do this for a month. 21 days is for the habit to kick in. Once it does there is no stopping you. Cheers.PS : You can Google what exercises you should do for each body part. I've not seen your physique so I would not know. Also. Diet is important. Don't eat crap.Simple formula to follow : Carbs for energy before workout.Proteins after to build muscle. Eat a lot of vegetables and fruits. And have water.Best of luck.

I'm hating work can anyone give me some advice?


Can anyone give me advice on depression?

I’m so tired of feeling tired and hungry more because depression,not being able to stay focus in school ,not being able to think right.Im 16 years old and I’ve had a rough life in the past.Depression came to me when I was 12.Im a quiet girl and Have a few friends.Ive told them all how I felt yet nobody checks on me,I’ve told my family,they don’t check on me,I’ve talked to counselors and it doesn’t help me,they don’t even contact to make sure I’m okay.Yet here I am helping others with their depression but what about mine?people talk about me but not to me.I get left out all the time.Everyday I tell my self that it’ll get better but it’s not,I’m sick of feeling so horrible everyday for god sakes I just want it to end ,Suicide isn’t the answer but I seriously want to die,But I just can’t kill myself because I feel like I still have hope since I’m Not even to age 18 yet.I truly reach out,Nothing is working I don’t know if I can take this any longer.

Can anyone give me advice on being intimidiated?

I am a 17 male old I saw these group of boys on my street and I was in da car and I decided not to look at them because I thought they would talk about me even though I didnt hear them,and I wasan't anything like them or acted/look like them. It was seven of them, so I was sitting in da car and they walked by and that's why I turned my head and my mom said that my face expression gave off that I was being intimidiated by them? Can someone give me advice so I won't be ashamed or mess up in da future like this!!!

Can you give me advice?

This mere sheet of paper(report card) does not have the power to judge a student's capability.So I would advice every student that not to value your marks more than your capability.You are awesome and better than what report shows of you. And parents do not force your children to bring marks….teach them how to bring a smile and happiness in someone's face.Do u remember what did u get in maths in class 9? Your answer would simply be no!!It is just a paper where some numbers or grades are blotted in ink. It has nothing to do with your present and your coming final advice would be that dont jump and run after marks. Learn something new and see how marks run after you!!Also we should remember that educating the mind without educating your heart is no education at all. It is a famous line told by Aristotle.

Can anyone give me advice, on my First Ultrasound? Im in my first Trimester! Very Worried!!?

Hi Please Help!
Today I had my first scan , at the early pregnancy assesment centre, at my local hospital. I am being treated diffrent, as ive had eptopic pregnancy in the past. I am 4-5 weeks pregnant. I read the letter they asked me to give to my gp. Yes, I know im bad. Anyway it says the following.
Ultrasound View: Good
Gestational sack:presant
Yolk Sac: Absent
Embryo: Absent
Both Ovaries: NAD

Can anyone intupriate this for me?

Thanks x